Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: dimakristally
I have a trigger in my map with a custom KVP called 'teleport_cost'. How can I get the value of this KVP via GSC? I have tried the following and it has not worked, I was specifically told that the cost was undefined.
trigger = GetEnt("teleport_trigger", "targetname");
teleport_cost = trigger.teleport_cost;
while (1 < 2)
trigger waittill("trigger", player);
player zm_score::minus_to_player_score(teleport_cost);
// Do teleport stuff...
Edit: fixed minus_to_player_score call, wrote it incorrectly from memory.
Reply By: Dan9977
Not a fix but "<2" is not necessary "while(1)" does the job, and make it minus the teleport cost not just 1500.
Reply By: dimakristally
Not a fix but "<2" is not necessary "while(1)" does the job, and make it minus the teleport cost not just 1500.
Reply By: Abnormal202
I don't think that's actually possible. You'll need to put a cost in manually or define it in the beginning of the script.
Reply By: dimakristally
mathfag I don't think that's actually possible. You'll need to put a cost in manually or define it in the beginning of the script. No, that's definitely possible. I think the script should work, but just to be sure, can you send us a picture of your KVPs in radiant?
Reply By: Abnormal202
Abnormal202 mathfag I don't think that's actually possible. You'll need to put a cost in manually or define it in the beginning of the script. No, that's definitely possible. I think the script should work, but just to be sure, can you send us a picture of your KVPs in radiant? Not at home but the KVP is called 'cost' with a value of 7500. Everything is fine on the radiant side.
teleport_cost = trigger.cost;
teleport_cost = trigger.teleport_cost;