Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Deanford
The title says it all really... I need a script that when yo pick up multiple items it says you have picked it up (maybe adds a HUD Icon? if that has been figured out yet?) and then enables/activates an fx to show/loop?
Thanks peeps! <3
Reply By: mathfag
The title says it all really... I need a script that when yo pick up multiple items it says you have picked it up (maybe adds a HUD Icon? if that has been figured out yet?) and then enables/activates an fx to show/loop? Thanks peeps! <3
Reply By: Deanford
Deanford The title says it all really... I need a script that when yo pick up multiple items it says you have picked it up (maybe adds a HUD Icon? if that has been figured out yet?) and then enables/activates an fx to show/loop? Thanks peeps! <3 FOR THE HUD Put this where ever you need it to execute thread item_hud( "material name", 20, 120, 40, 40, 3 ); Put this at the bottom of the script icon will spawn from bottom right, so if you put x=200 and y=100 it will spawn 200px from the right and 100px from the bottom function creat_simple_image_hud( image, align_x, align_y, height, width, fade_time ) { hud = NewHudElem(); hud.foreground = true; hud.sort = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "left"; hud.alignY = "bottom"; hud.horzAlign = "left"; hud.vertAlign = "bottom"; hud.x = align_x; hud.y = hud.y - align_y; hud SetShader(image,width,height); hud.alpha = 1; wait( 8 ); hud FadeOverTime( fade_time ); hud.alpha = 0; wait( fade_time ); hud Destroy(); } Make sure you precache the material and add it in the zone file #precache ("material", "material name"); material,material_name image,material_image AS FOR THE TEXT you can do iprintinbold("text"); or you can copy the hud above and replace setshader(image,width,height) with settext(text) and in the thread part (at the top) replace the material with text