Modme Forums

How can i make a zombie boss?

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: XxDarkFireStormzZ
I want to add the napalm zombie from shangri-la on my map. I tried to edit the Nate's brutus but it's so hard. Does anyone know how to do it easly?


Reply By: Wild
There isn't really an easy way to do it unfortunately. You have to rip the models and animation from either BO1 Shangri la or the BO3 version, set them and the fx up and then script it all. I also don't think editing NSZ's script would help because you'd be deleting and re writing massive parts of the script anyway. I would use it as a reference for things like spawning the zombie and all that but yeah, there's not an "easy" way of doing it :/


Reply By: Skelemberg
go to harry's bo21 tut :)


Reply By: D-2-K
Click on Forum at the top of the page then search in "Creations" look in "public assets" you will find a sh##t tone of released assets from a shed tone of folk

this for example is the link to Harrybo21's Napalm Zombie he has provided us with a file named _hb21_zm_ai_napalm.gsh that goes into your mapname scripts folder this allows you to edit how many spawn per round and at what round they start spawning as well as a shed tone of other settings you can play about with to your liking

he also released the Shrieker zombie which can be found here and also has a shed tone of settings you can play about with in the _hb21_zm_ai_sonic.gsh file

and you can also check out the Wiki Page located here for loads of downloads hints tips scripting advice the list goes on
hope all this helps