Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: simplyzak09 Hi, How would I go about writing a script that requires the player to shoot 6 items while using the left gun of the Ray Gun Mark 3? and then place them down the same way by shooting the left gun onto a crafting table.
and is that even possible?
Reply By: Abnormal202
simplyzak09 Hi, How would I go about writing a script that requires the player to shoot 6 items while using the left gun of the Ray Gun Mark 3? and then place them down the same way by shooting the left gun onto a crafting table. and is that even possible?
I had an easter egg system that would do most of this for you already, so I added a feature where instead of pressing "x" to pick items up, you can shoot them with a specific gun, like you asked for above. See if it works
Reply By: mathfag *FIXED* Maybe this will work maybe not because i think the left ray gun is "special" Place "trigger_damages" around your map (as many as you want) and make models their target (if you want them to delete when shot. Make sure they're script_models.) and give the triggers the targetname "mark3_left". Also place a trigger damage on your crafting table and the models that you want to show. Make sure they're script_models with the targetname "craft_models". The trigger's targetname is "craft_trig".
Of course start the script with thread init_ray(); at the top of your mapname.gsc
Reply By: Harry Bo21
please check your code - its literally littered with mistakes, heres the first example
Reply By: mathfag
Harry Bo21 models = GetEnt("craft_models","targetname"); foreach(mod in model) please check your code - its literally littered with mistakes, heres the first example
4 is not littered :) +the launcher would complain
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Is there a place I could find more info on the damage arguments. ( "damage", n_amount, e_attacker, v_direction_vec, v_point, str_type, str_tag_name, str_model_name, str_part_pame, w_weapon, b_d_flags, str_inflictor, n_chargeLevel ); For instance to find out if e_attacker returns a player object or an entity object. If not then how I would get the player object from e_attacker.