Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Noah Gamerscore
So I'm creating a L4D2 map in Bo3 and right now its quite dark and hard to see. I was going to fix it but then I realized that in L4D2 there was a flashlight you can use while holding your weapon. I know its possible because I've played a map on the workshop that has a usable flashlight that can be turned on and off. If anyone can help me out with this, I would be so grateful! Thanks again in advance.
Reply By: dreamzyy
Heres the source of the flashlight I used on lostplace :)
Including FX, scripts and sounds.
- removed 1 line of code that i forgot to delete
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
Heres the source of the flashlight I used on lostplace :) Including FX, scripts and sounds.
Reply By: iAr7uRo
Heres the source of the flashlight I used on lostplace :) Including FX, scripts and sounds.
Reply By: mathfag
dreamzyy Heres the source of the flashlight I used on lostplace :) Including FX, scripts and sounds. Thanks for the released. I also want to use the flashlight on my map, but I miss this error when I run my map.Why this happens or what I need to add to make it work.I put all the scripts in the place that they go correctly, I do not know what is wrong or what happens. Imagen error help :(
Reply By: Harry Bo21
he did not add the #using line for the script....
Reply By: iAr7uRo
Harry Bo21
no.... he did not add the #using line for the script....
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
Harry Bo21 no.... he did not add the #using line for the script.... This is all the .gsc content I put in the correct order, but you say that #using is missing, I have no idea how to call that function,nor is it in the script that I just attached. // dont replace anything in your .csc, only add stuff :) function main() { //// CLIENTFIELDS //// ############################################################################## clientfield::register( "toplayer", "flashlight_fx_view", VERSION_SHIP, 1, "int" ); clientfield::register( "allplayers", "flashlight_fx_world", VERSION_SHIP, 1, "int" ); //-> Add callback after zm_usermap::main(); callback::on_connect ( &on_player_connect ); } function on_player_connect() { self thread flashlight_init(); } function flashlight_init() { self.flashlight_enabled = true; self clientfield::set_to_player( "flashlight_fx_view", 1 ); // Flashlight is enabled on spawn self clientfield::set( "flashlight_fx_world", 1 ); // Flashlight is enabled on spawn self thread flashlight_watch_usebutton(); // This is the line where I mark error when running the game self thread flashlight_watch_orgelweap(); // This is the line where I mark error when running the game } function flashlight_watch_usebutton() { self endon( "kill_flashlight" ); while( 1 ) { if( self UseButtonPressed() ) { catch_next = false; for( i = 0; i <= 0.5; i += 0.05 ) { if( catch_next && self UseButtonPressed() ) { if( !self.flashlight_enabled ) { self flashlight_state( "ON" ); wait 1; break; } else { self flashlight_state( "OFF" ); wait 1; break; } } else if( !( self UseButtonPressed() ) ) catch_next = true; wait 0.05; } } wait 0.05; } } function flashlight_state( state ) { if( !isdefined( state ) ) break; if( state == "ON" ) { self clientfield::set_to_player( "flashlight_fx_view", 1 ); self clientfield::set( "flashlight_fx_world", 1 ); self.flashlight_enabled = true; break; } if( state == "OFF" ) { self clientfield::set_to_player( "flashlight_fx_view", 0 ); self clientfield::set( "flashlight_fx_world", 0 ); self.flashlight_enabled = false; break; } } This is all stuff .csc and same i put in correct order. // dont replace anything in your .csc, only add stuff :) #precache ("client_fx", "custom/flashlight/flashlight_loop"); #precache ("client_fx", "custom/flashlight/flashlight_loop_world"); #precache ("client_fx", "custom/flashlight/flashlight_loop_view_moths"); function main() { //// LEVEL EFFECTS //// ############################################################################## level._effect[ "flashlight_fx_loop_view" ] = "custom/flashlight/flashlight_loop"; level._effect[ "flashlight_fx_loop_view_moths" ] = "custom/flashlight/flashlight_loop_view_moths"; level._effect[ "flashlight_fx_loop_world" ] = "custom/flashlight/flashlight_loop_world"; //// CLIENTFIELDS //// ############################################################################## clientfield::register( "toplayer", "flashlight_fx_view", VERSION_SHIP, 1, "int", &flashlight_fx_view, !CF_HOST_ONLY, !CF_CALLBACK_ZERO_ON_NEW_ENT ); clientfield::register( "allplayers", "flashlight_fx_world", VERSION_SHIP, 1, "int", &flashlight_fx_world, !CF_HOST_ONLY, !CF_CALLBACK_ZERO_ON_NEW_ENT ); } //// FLASHLIGHT //// ############################################################################## function flashlight_fx_view( localClientNum, oldVal, newVal, bNewEnt, bInitialSnap, fieldName, bWasTimeJump ) // self == player { if ( newVal ) { if ( isdefined( self.fx_flashlight_view ) ) KillFx( localClientNum, self.fx_flashlight_view ); if ( isdefined( self.fx_flashlight_moth ) ) KillFx( localClientNum, self.fx_flashlight_moth ); flash_fx_view = level._effect[ "flashlight_fx_loop_view" ]; self.fx_flashlight_view = PlayViewmodelFx( localclientnum, flash_fx_view, "tag_flash" ); flash_fx_moth = level._effect[ "flashlight_fx_loop_view_moths" ]; self.fx_flashlight_moth = PlayFxOnTag( localClientNum, flash_fx_moth, self, "j_spine4" ); playsound( localClientNum, "1_flashlight_click", self.origin ); } else { if ( isdefined( self.fx_flashlight_view ) ) { KillFx( localClientNum, self.fx_flashlight_view ); self.fx_flashlight_view = undefined; playsound( localClientNum, "1_flashlight_click", self.origin ); } if ( isdefined( self.fx_flashlight_moth ) ) { KillFx( localClientNum, self.fx_flashlight_moth ); self.fx_flashlight_moth = undefined; } } } function flashlight_fx_world( localClientNum, oldVal, newVal, bNewEnt, bInitialSnap, fieldName, bWasTimeJump ) // self == player { if ( newVal ) { curr_player = GetLocalPlayer( localClientNum ); if ( isdefined( self.fx_flashlight_world ) ) KillFx( localClientNum, self.fx_flashlight_world ); if( curr_player != self ) { flash_fx_world = level._effect[ "flashlight_fx_loop_world" ]; self.fx_flashlight_world = PlayFxOnTag( localClientNum, flash_fx_world, self, "tag_flash" ); } } else { if ( isdefined( self.fx_flashlight_world ) ) { KillFx( localClientNum, self.fx_flashlight_world ); self.fx_flashlight_world = undefined; } } }
Reply By: dreamzyy
just remove:
like you said, the function does not exist within my posted script. I forgot to remove that line there :p
Reply By: iAr7uRo
just remove: self thread flashlight_watch_orgelweap(); like you said, the function does not exist within my posted script. I forgot to remove that line there :p
Reply By: MyNameIsNobody2
Can somebody please post this as properly installed on a new maps .csc and .gsc files (as in the entire content of both files)? I have seriously spent like 3 hours trying to get this working, on 2 different occasions, and I think it is due to me being extremely dumb and repeatedly putting stuff in the wrong spot. Please someone save my hairs from all being pulled out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Reply By: eatdatpussy445
How do I get this to work on my MR6?