Modme Forums

Sticky script_models

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: mathfag
Is it possible to make a spawned script_model sticky via script so it's like a semtex so when it's launched with launch(); it sticks to the wall


Reply By: Harry Bo21

Is it possible to make a spawned script_model sticky via script so it's like a semtex so when it's launched with launch(); it sticks to the wall

the whole point of "launch" is it changes the object into a dynamic object

from the instant that functions called - its no longer a script model


Reply By: mathfag

Harry Bo21
mathfag Is it possible to make a spawned script_model sticky via script so it's like a semtex so when it's launched with launch(); it sticks to the wall the whole point of "launch" is it changes the object into a dynamic object from the instant that functions called - its no longer a script model

Whats your point