Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Harry Bo21
function your_function_name()
e_model = getEnt( "YOUR_KVP_VALUE", "script_noteworthy" );
e_model setCanDamage( 1 );
while ( 1 )
e_model waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, dir, point, mod, model, tag, part, weapon, flags, inflictor, chargeLevel );
if ( == "weapon_name" ) // Optional if you want a certain weapon only to count
// Your code to run when this model is damaged
playFx( "fx_path\fx_name", e_model.origin ); // If you want a fx to play on the model when it is damaged
e_model delete(); // If you want the model to delete when shot
Reply By: mathfag
Don't forget to precache
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Don't forget to precache
Reply By: mathfag
You wrote "fx_path\fx_name" not level._effect["fx_path\fx_name"] therefore precache. :)
Reply By: Abnormal202
You wrote "fx_path\fx_name" not level._effect["fx_path\fx_name"] therefore precache. :)
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Detect damage on a model ( NO TRIGGERS )
Detect damage on a model
how to play a fx when a model is shot
i merely advised where to play a fx and how to delete the model - as OPTIONAL extra snippits of info, and the way to do it, not a full tutorial on playing fx
at least my code WORKS so do one
Reply By: eDeK
Nice script, by the way, how i can change the "e_model" is a "zombie" and only count the "melee weapons"?
How i can detect the player is knifing a zombie?
function your_function_name()
zombies = level.zombie_team;
while ( 1 )
zombies waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, dir, point, mod, model, tag, part, weapon, flags, inflictor, chargeLevel );
if ( == "MOD_MELEE" ) // Optional if you want a certain weapon only to count
//my code
Reply By: ihmiskeho
Nice script, by the way, how i can change the "e_model" is a "zombie" and only count the "melee weapons"? How i can detect the player is knifing a zombie? function your_function_name() { zombies = level.zombie_team; while ( 1 ) { zombies waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, dir, point, mod, model, tag, part, weapon, flags, inflictor, chargeLevel ); if ( == "MOD_MELEE" ) // Optional if you want a certain weapon only to count break; } } //my code }
if ( mod == "MOD_MELEE" )
if ( mod == "MOD_MELEE" && IsPlayer(attacker) )
Reply By: eDeK
Im doing a Powerup, this function is "when the player knife the zombie", but not work, i dont know how detect "the player is knifing a zombie".
function knife_me()
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" );
zombies = level.zombie_team;
zombies waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, dir, point, mod, model, tag, part, weapon, flags, inflictor, chargeLevel );
if ( mod == "MOD_MELEE" && IsPlayer(attacker) )
self fire_works_summon( self );
Reply By: tom5300
Im doing a Powerup, this function is "when the player knife the zombie", but not work, i dont know how detect "the player is knifing a zombie". function knife_me() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" ); zombies = level.zombie_team; zombies waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, dir, point, mod, model, tag, part, weapon, flags, inflictor, chargeLevel ); { if ( mod == "MOD_MELEE" && IsPlayer(attacker) ) { self fire_works_summon( self ); } } WAIT_SERVER_FRAME; } Thanks for reply/help.
function knife_me()
zombies = GetAiTeamArray( level.zombie_team );
foreach(zombie in zombies)
zombie thread wait_for_knife();
function wait_for_knife()
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" );
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, dir, point, mod, model, tag, part, weapon, flags, inflictor, chargeLevel );
if ( mod == "MOD_MELEE" && IsPlayer(attacker) )
self fire_works_summon( self );
Reply By: eDeK
Thanks for reply Tom but dont work it.
I need like <span style="color:#ffffff;">ihmiskeho</span> say "the damager is actually a player".
Is something like that:
if(isdefined(attacker) && != && !isdefined(attacker.playername))
if ( mod == "MOD_MELEE" && IsPlayer(attacker) )
self fire_works_summon( self );
Reply By: mathfag
zm_spawner::register_zombie_damage_callback( &knife_dmg ); //in function main
//when a AI is damaged, this will run
//self = AI
function knife_dmg(str_mod, str_hit_location, v_hit_origin, e_player, n_amount, w_weapon, direction_vec, tagName, modelName, partName, dFlags, inflictor, chargeLevel)
if(str_mod == "MOD_MELEE")
self thread fire_works_summon();
function fire_works_summon()
//use this new function or you may run into problems
Reply By: eDeK
Works fine Mathfag, thanks for reply dude, the problem is when i grab the powerup the "Knifing effect (fireworks)" dont stop, still active after the powerup is over.
function __init__()
zm_powerups::register_powerup( "pyrotechnic", &grab_pyrotechnic );
if( ToLower( GetDvarString( "g_gametype" ) ) != "pyrotechnic" )
zm_powerups::add_zombie_powerup( "pyrotechnic", "pyrotechnic_powerup_model", "", &zm_powerups::func_should_always_drop, POWERUP_ONLY_AFFECTS_GRABBER, !POWERUP_ANY_TEAM, !POWERUP_ZOMBIE_GRABBABLE );
function grab_pyrotechnic( player )
player PlayLocalSound("vox_pyrotechnic");
skip = player add_powerup_hud( "pyrotechnic_material_hud", N_POWERUP_DEFAULT_TIME );
zm_spawner::register_zombie_damage_callback( &knife_dmg );
if( skip )
if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) )
player thread do_pyrotechnic();
function do_pyrotechnic()
self.pyrotechnic_active = true;
self notify( "pyrotechnic_done" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" );
self thread knife_dmg();
function knife_dmg(str_mod, str_hit_location, v_hit_origin, e_player, n_amount, w_weapon, direction_vec, tagName, modelName, partName, dFlags, inflictor, chargeLevel)
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" );
if(str_mod == "MOD_MELEE")
self thread fire_works_summon( e_player, w_weapon );
Reply By: mathfag
Put this in __init__. It should only be activated once.
zm_spawner::register_zombie_damage_callback( &knife_dmg );
self thread knife_dmg();
self.pyrotechnic_active = true;
level.pyrotechnic_active = true;
Replace function knife_dmg() with
function knife_dmg(str_mod, str_hit_location, v_hit_origin, e_player, n_amount, w_weapon, direction_vec, tagName, modelName, partName, dFlags, inflictor, chargeLevel)
if(level.pyrotechnic_active == 0)
return 0;
if(str_mod == "MOD_MELEE")
self thread fire_works_summon( e_player, w_weapon );
Make sure
Reply By: eDeK
I do all you say.
When i spawn in the game (I shoot the zombies, i cant do points and the "Knife effect is active").
After this, i grab the powerup (I shoot the zombies, i can do points but the "Knife effect is no active" even after powerup is over.").
Very weird all, i gonna still testing but at the moment i have this.
function __init__()
zm_powerups::register_powerup( "pyrotechnic", &grab_pyrotechnic );
if( ToLower( GetDvarString( "g_gametype" ) ) != "pyrotechnic" )
zm_powerups::add_zombie_powerup( "pyrotechnic", "pyrotechnic_powerup_model", "", &zm_powerups::func_should_always_drop, POWERUP_ONLY_AFFECTS_GRABBER, !POWERUP_ANY_TEAM, !POWERUP_ZOMBIE_GRABBABLE );
zm_spawner::register_zombie_damage_callback( &knife_dmg );
function grab_pyrotechnic( player )
player PlayLocalSound("vox_pyrotechnic");
skip = player add_powerup_hud( "pyrotechnic_material_hud", N_POWERUP_DEFAULT_TIME );
if( skip )
if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) )
player thread do_pyrotechnic();
function do_pyrotechnic()
level.pyrotechnic_active = true;
self notify( "pyrotechnic_done" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" );
function knife_dmg(str_mod, str_hit_location, v_hit_origin, e_player, n_amount, w_weapon, direction_vec, tagName, modelName, partName, dFlags, inflictor, chargeLevel)
if(level.pyrotechnic_active == 0)
return 0;
if(str_mod == "MOD_MELEE")
self thread fire_works_summon( e_player, w_weapon );
function wait_til_timeout( player, hud )//player = self;
while( hud.time > 0 )
player notify( "pyrotechnic_done" );
player remove_powerup_hud( "pyrotechnic_material_hud" );
player.pyrotechnic_active = undefined;
function add_powerup_hud( powerup, timer )
if ( !isDefined( self.powerup_hud ) )
self.powerup_hud = [];
if( isDefined( self.powerup_hud[powerup] ) )
self.powerup_hud[powerup].time = timer;
return true; // tells to skip because powerup is already active
self endon( "disconnect" );
hud = NewClientHudElem( self );
hud.powerup = powerup;
hud.foreground = true;
hud.hidewheninmenu = true;
hud.alignX = "center";
hud.alignY = "bottom";
hud.horzAlign = "center";
hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
hud.x = hud.x;
hud.y = hud.y - 50;
hud.alpha = 1;
hud SetShader( powerup , 64, 64 );
hud scaleOverTime( .5, 32, 32 );
hud.time = timer;
hud thread harrybo21_blink_powerup_hud();
thread wait_til_timeout( self, hud );
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] = hud;
a_keys = GetArrayKeys( self.powerup_hud );
for ( i = 0; i < a_keys.size; i++ )
self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ] thread move_hud( .5, 0 - ( 24 * ( self.powerup_hud.size ) ) + ( i * 37.5 ) + 25, self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ].y );
//return false; // powerup is not already active
level.pyrotechnic_active = false;
function move_hud( time, x, y )
self moveOverTime( time );
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
function harrybo21_blink_powerup_hud()
self endon( "delete" );
self endon( "stop_fade" );
while( isDefined( self ) )
if ( self.time >= 20 )
self.alpha = 1;
wait .1;
fade_time = 1;
if ( self.time < 10 )
fade_time = .5;
if ( self.time < 5 )
fade_time = .25;
self fadeOverTime( fade_time );
self.alpha = !self.alpha;
wait( fade_time );
function remove_powerup_hud( powerup )
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] destroy();
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] notify( "stop_fade" );
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] fadeOverTime( .2 );
self.alpha = 0;
wait .2;
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] delete();
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] = undefined;
self.powerup_hud = array::remove_index( self.powerup_hud, self.powerup_hud[ powerup ], true );
a_keys = GetArrayKeys( self.powerup_hud );
for ( i = 0; i < a_keys.size; i++ )
self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ] thread move_hud( .5, 0 - ( 24 * ( self.powerup_hud.size ) ) + ( i * 37.5 ) + 25, self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ].y );
// Checks to see if fire works is running
// self == zombie
function fire_works_zombie_validation()
if( IS_TRUE( self.barricade_enter ) )
return false;
if ( IS_TRUE( self.is_traversing ) )
return false;
if( !IS_TRUE( self.completed_emerging_into_playable_area ) && !IsDefined( self.first_node ) )
return false;
if ( IS_TRUE( self.is_leaping ) )
return false;
return true;
// Summons the player's current gun to pop up and fire in a circle for a period of time
// immune_result_direct == target is immune to death gib
// immune_result_indirect == target is immune to death gib on hit from the magic bullet
// self == target zombie
function fire_works_summon( e_player, w_weapon )
w_summoned_weapon = e_player GetCurrentWeapon();
v_target_zombie_origin = self.origin;
// Checks if self is immune_result_direct == true. If so, do not kill self
if ( !IS_TRUE( level.aat[ ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_NAME ].immune_result_direct[ self.archetype ] ) )
self thread zombie_death_gib( e_player, w_weapon, e_player );
// Spawns base model
v_firing_pos = v_target_zombie_origin + ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_ZOMBIE_GUN_HEIGHT;
v_start_yaw = VectorToAngles( v_firing_pos - v_target_zombie_origin );
v_start_yaw = (0, v_start_yaw[1], 0);
mdl_weapon = zm_utility::spawn_weapon_model( w_summoned_weapon, undefined, v_target_zombie_origin, v_start_yaw );
// Stat tracking definitions
mdl_weapon.owner = e_player;
mdl_weapon.b_aat_fire_works_weapon = true;
mdl_weapon.allow_zombie_to_target_ai = true; // lets the zombie damage callbacks pass through damage from this
// Fires FX
mdl_weapon thread clientfield::set( ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_NAME, 1 );
// Moves weapon upwards to firing position
mdl_weapon MoveTo( v_firing_pos, ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_SUMMON_TIME );
mdl_weapon waittill( "movedone" );
// Starts firing
for ( i = 0; i < ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_FIRING_NUM_FRAMES; i++ )
zombie = mdl_weapon zm_aat_fire_works_get_target();
if ( !IsDefined( zombie ) )
//if no target available, just pick a random yaw
v_curr_yaw = (0, RandomIntRange( 0, 360 ), 0);
v_target_pos = mdl_weapon.origin + VectorScale( AnglesToForward( v_curr_yaw ), 40 );
v_target_pos = zombie GetCentroid();
mdl_weapon.angles = VectorToAngles( v_target_pos - mdl_weapon.origin );
v_flash_pos = mdl_weapon GetTagOrigin( "tag_flash" );
mdl_weapon DontInterpolate();
// MagicBullet shots are credited to the model rather than player, as MagicBullet causes recoil on player
MagicBullet( w_summoned_weapon, v_flash_pos, v_target_pos, mdl_weapon );
mdl_weapon MoveTo( v_target_zombie_origin, ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_SUMMON_TIME );
mdl_weapon waittill( "movedone" );
mdl_weapon clientfield::set( ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_NAME, 0 );
util::wait_network_frame(); // Waits for FX to complete
util::wait_network_frame(); // extra waits for theater playback
util::wait_network_frame(); // extra waits for theater playback
mdl_weapon Delete();
wait .25; // Delay for final projectile-based gun shots to finish firing
// Death callback for zombies killed by summoned Fire Works weapon
function zm_aat_fire_works_get_target()
a_ai_zombies = array::randomize( GetAiTeamArray( "axis" ) );
los_checks = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < a_ai_zombies.size; i++ )
zombie = a_ai_zombies[i];
test_origin = zombie getcentroid();
if ( DistanceSquared( self.origin, test_origin ) > ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_RANGE_SQ )
if ( los_checks < ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_MAX_LOS_CHECKS && !zombie DamageConeTrace( self.origin ) )
return zombie;
if ( a_ai_zombies.size )
// just return the first one, so that we at least change direction
return a_ai_zombies[0];
return undefined;
// self is a zombie
function zm_aat_fire_works_zombie_damage_response( str_mod, str_hit_location, v_hit_origin, e_attacker, n_amount, w_weapon, direction_vec, tagName, modelName, partName, dFlags, inflictor, chargeLevel )
if ( IS_TRUE( level.aat[ ZM_AAT_FIRE_WORKS_NAME ].immune_result_indirect[ self.archetype ] ) )
return false;
if ( IS_TRUE( e_attacker.b_aat_fire_works_weapon ) )
self thread zombie_death_gib( e_attacker, w_weapon, e_attacker.owner );
return true;
return false;
// Death callback for zombies killed by summoned Fire Works weapon
function zm_aat_fire_works_death_callback( attacker )
if ( isdefined( attacker ) )
if ( IS_TRUE( attacker.b_aat_fire_works_weapon ) )
// Checks if player has disconnected
if ( isdefined( attacker.owner ) )
e_attacking_player = attacker.owner;
// TODO set up stat tracking
// Gibs and Kills zombie
// self == affected zombie
// e_attacker == the script_model of the gun (needs to do the damage, so the player doesn't receive kickback)
// w_weapon == the weapon to apply damage using
// e_owner == the owner of the gun (for awarding challenge stat progress)
function zombie_death_gib( e_attacker, w_weapon, e_owner )
gibserverutils::gibhead( self );
if ( math::cointoss() )
gibserverutils::gibleftarm( self );
gibserverutils::gibrightarm( self );
gibserverutils::giblegs( self );
self DoDamage(, self.origin, e_attacker, w_weapon, "torso_upper" );
if ( IsDefined( e_owner ) && IsPlayer( e_owner ) )
e_owner zm_stats::increment_challenge_stat( "ZOMBIE_HUNTER_FIRE_WORKS" );
Reply By: mathfag
in grab_pyrotechnic change
if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) )
if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) && player.pyrotechnic_active == 1 )
just incase.
The problem is that you set
level.pyrotechnic_active = false;
immediately after setting it to true. Actually you did it before but im guessing since the cpu has to process a bunch of code it gets set after.
level.pyrotechnic_active = false;
to the end of
function wait_til_timeout
Reply By: eDeK
in grab_pyrotechnic change if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) ) to if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) && player.pyrotechnic_active == 1 ) just incase. The problem is that you set level.pyrotechnic_active = false; immediately after setting it to true. Actually you did it before but im guessing since the cpu has to process a bunch of code it gets set after. anyway Move level.pyrotechnic_active = false; to the end of function wait_til_timeout
function __init__()
zm_powerups::register_powerup( "pyrotechnic", &grab_pyrotechnic );
if( ToLower( GetDvarString( "g_gametype" ) ) != "pyrotechnic" )
zm_powerups::add_zombie_powerup( "pyrotechnic", "pyrotechnic_powerup_model", "", &zm_powerups::func_should_always_drop, POWERUP_ONLY_AFFECTS_GRABBER, !POWERUP_ANY_TEAM, !POWERUP_ZOMBIE_GRABBABLE );
zm_spawner::register_zombie_damage_callback( &knife_dmg );
function grab_pyrotechnic( player )
player PlayLocalSound("vox_pyrotechnic");
skip = player add_powerup_hud( "pyrotechnic_material_hud", N_POWERUP_DEFAULT_TIME );
if( skip )
if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) && player.pyrotechnic_active == 1 )
player thread do_pyrotechnic();
function do_pyrotechnic()
level.pyrotechnic_active = true;
self notify( "pyrotechnic_done" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" );
function knife_dmg(str_mod, str_hit_location, v_hit_origin, e_player, n_amount, w_weapon, direction_vec, tagName, modelName, partName, dFlags, inflictor, chargeLevel)
if(level.pyrotechnic_active == 0)
return 0;
if(str_mod == "MOD_MELEE")
self thread fire_works_summon( e_player, w_weapon );
function wait_til_timeout( player, hud )//player = self;
while( hud.time > 0 )
player notify( "pyrotechnic_done" );
player remove_powerup_hud( "pyrotechnic_material_hud" );
player.pyrotechnic_active = undefined;
level.pyrotechnic_active = false;
function add_powerup_hud( powerup, timer )
if ( !isDefined( self.powerup_hud ) )
self.powerup_hud = [];
if( isDefined( self.powerup_hud[powerup] ) )
self.powerup_hud[powerup].time = timer;
return true; // tells to skip because powerup is already active
self endon( "disconnect" );
hud = NewClientHudElem( self );
hud.powerup = powerup;
hud.foreground = true;
hud.hidewheninmenu = true;
hud.alignX = "center";
hud.alignY = "bottom";
hud.horzAlign = "center";
hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
hud.x = hud.x;
hud.y = hud.y - 50;
hud.alpha = 1;
hud SetShader( powerup , 64, 64 );
hud scaleOverTime( .5, 32, 32 );
hud.time = timer;
hud thread harrybo21_blink_powerup_hud();
thread wait_til_timeout( self, hud );
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] = hud;
a_keys = GetArrayKeys( self.powerup_hud );
for ( i = 0; i < a_keys.size; i++ )
self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ] thread move_hud( .5, 0 - ( 24 * ( self.powerup_hud.size ) ) + ( i * 37.5 ) + 25, self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ].y );
return false; // powerup is not already active
function move_hud( time, x, y )
self moveOverTime( time );
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
function harrybo21_blink_powerup_hud()
self endon( "delete" );
self endon( "stop_fade" );
while( isDefined( self ) )
if ( self.time >= 20 )
self.alpha = 1;
wait .1;
fade_time = 1;
if ( self.time < 10 )
fade_time = .5;
if ( self.time < 5 )
fade_time = .25;
self fadeOverTime( fade_time );
self.alpha = !self.alpha;
wait( fade_time );
function remove_powerup_hud( powerup )
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] destroy();
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] notify( "stop_fade" );
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] fadeOverTime( .2 );
self.alpha = 0;
wait .2;
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] delete();
self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] = undefined;
self.powerup_hud = array::remove_index( self.powerup_hud, self.powerup_hud[ powerup ], true );
a_keys = GetArrayKeys( self.powerup_hud );
for ( i = 0; i < a_keys.size; i++ )
self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ] thread move_hud( .5, 0 - ( 24 * ( self.powerup_hud.size ) ) + ( i * 37.5 ) + 25, self.powerup_hud[ a_keys[i] ].y );
Reply By: mathfag
eDeKin function __init__ add
mathfag in grab_pyrotechnic change if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) ) to if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) && player.pyrotechnic_active == 1 ) just incase. The problem is that you set level.pyrotechnic_active = false; immediately after setting it to true. Actually you did it before but im guessing since the cpu has to process a bunch of code it gets set after. anyway Move level.pyrotechnic_active = false; to the end of function wait_til_timeout I dont have words to describe my gratitude with you, seriously, thanks. When i spawn in the game the "Knife effect" is active, i grab the powerup for the first time, the "Knife effect" still active, when the powerup is over, the "Knife effect" is over. (Everything goes back to normal) I grab the powerup for the second time, the powerup is working perfect all the time. //POWERUP function __init__() { zm_powerups::register_powerup( "pyrotechnic", &grab_pyrotechnic ); if( ToLower( GetDvarString( "g_gametype" ) ) != "pyrotechnic" ) { zm_powerups::add_zombie_powerup( "pyrotechnic", "pyrotechnic_powerup_model", "", &zm_powerups::func_should_always_drop, POWERUP_ONLY_AFFECTS_GRABBER, !POWERUP_ANY_TEAM, !POWERUP_ZOMBIE_GRABBABLE ); zm_spawner::register_zombie_damage_callback( &knife_dmg ); } } function grab_pyrotechnic( player ) { player PlayLocalSound("vox_pyrotechnic"); skip = player add_powerup_hud( "pyrotechnic_material_hud", N_POWERUP_DEFAULT_TIME ); if( skip ) return; if( isdefined(player.pyrotechnic_active) && player.pyrotechnic_active == 1 ) return; player thread do_pyrotechnic(); } function do_pyrotechnic() { level.pyrotechnic_active = true; self notify( "pyrotechnic_done" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self endon( "pyrotechnic_done" ); } function knife_dmg(str_mod, str_hit_location, v_hit_origin, e_player, n_amount, w_weapon, direction_vec, tagName, modelName, partName, dFlags, inflictor, chargeLevel) { if(level.pyrotechnic_active == 0) return 0; if(str_mod == "MOD_MELEE") { self thread fire_works_summon( e_player, w_weapon ); } WAIT_SERVER_FRAME; } //HUD function wait_til_timeout( player, hud )//player = self; { while( hud.time > 0 ) { wait(1); hud.time--; } player notify( "pyrotechnic_done" ); player remove_powerup_hud( "pyrotechnic_material_hud" ); player.pyrotechnic_active = undefined; level.pyrotechnic_active = false; } function add_powerup_hud( powerup, timer ) { if ( !isDefined( self.powerup_hud ) ) self.powerup_hud = []; if( isDefined( self.powerup_hud[powerup] ) ) { self.powerup_hud[powerup].time = timer; return true; // tells to skip because powerup is already active } self endon( "disconnect" ); hud = NewClientHudElem( self ); hud.powerup = powerup; hud.foreground = true; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "center"; hud.alignY = "bottom"; hud.horzAlign = "center"; hud.vertAlign = "bottom"; hud.x = hud.x; hud.y = hud.y - 50; hud.alpha = 1; hud SetShader( powerup , 64, 64 ); hud scaleOverTime( .5, 32, 32 ); hud.time = timer; hud thread harrybo21_blink_powerup_hud(); thread wait_til_timeout( self, hud ); self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] = hud; a_keys = GetArrayKeys( self.powerup_hud ); for ( i = 0; i < a_keys.size; i++ ) self.powerup_hud[ a_keys] thread move_hud( .5, 0 - ( 24 * ( self.powerup_hud.size ) ) + ( i * 37.5 ) + 25, self.powerup_hud[ a_keys].y ); return false; // powerup is not already active } function move_hud( time, x, y ) { self moveOverTime( time ); self.x = x; self.y = y; } function harrybo21_blink_powerup_hud() { self endon( "delete" ); self endon( "stop_fade" ); while( isDefined( self ) ) { if ( self.time >= 20 ) { self.alpha = 1; wait .1; continue; } fade_time = 1; if ( self.time < 10 ) fade_time = .5; if ( self.time < 5 ) fade_time = .25; self fadeOverTime( fade_time ); self.alpha = !self.alpha; wait( fade_time ); } } function remove_powerup_hud( powerup ) { self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] destroy(); self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] notify( "stop_fade" ); self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] fadeOverTime( .2 ); self.alpha = 0; wait .2; self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] delete(); self.powerup_hud[ powerup ] = undefined; self.powerup_hud = array::remove_index( self.powerup_hud, self.powerup_hud[ powerup ], true ); a_keys = GetArrayKeys( self.powerup_hud ); for ( i = 0; i < a_keys.size; i++ ) self.powerup_hud[ a_keys] thread move_hud( .5, 0 - ( 24 * ( self.powerup_hud.size ) ) + ( i * 37.5 ) + 25, self.powerup_hud[ a_keys].y ); }
level.pyrotechnic_active = 0;
if(level.pyrotechnic_active == 0)
if( ToLower( GetDvarString( "g_gametype" ) ) != "pyrotechnic" )
Reply By: eDeK
Yeah, the line is:
if( ToLower( GetDvarString( "g_gametype" ) ) != "zcleansed" )