Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: KillJoyYT
function _INIT_ZCOUNTER()
ZombieCounterHuds = [];
ZombieCounterHuds["LastZombieText"] = "Kramer Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["ZombieText"] = "Kramer's Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["LastDogText"] = "Dog Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["DogText"] = "Dog's Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["DefaultColor"] = (255, 0, 0);
ZombieCounterHuds["HighlightColor"] = (255, 0, 0);
ZombieCounterHuds["FontScale"] = 2;
ZombieCounterHuds["DisplayType"] = 0; // 0 = Shows Total Zombies and Counts down, 1 = Shows Currently spawned zombie count
ZombieCounterHuds["counter"] = createNewHudElement("middle", "top", 2, 10, 1, 1.5);
ZombieCounterHuds["text"] = createNewHudElement("middle", "top", 2, 10, 1, 1.5);
ZombieCounterHuds["counter"] hudRGBA(ZombieCounterHuds["DefaultColor"], 0);
ZombieCounterHuds["text"] hudRGBA(ZombieCounterHuds["DefaultColor"], 0);
level thread _THINK_ZCOUNTER(ZombieCounterHuds);
function _THINK_ZCOUNTER(hudArray)
level endon("end_game");
level waittill("start_of_round");
level _ROUND_COUNTER(hudArray);
hudArray["counter"] SetValue(0);
hudArray["text"] thread hudMoveTo((2, 10, 0), 4);
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 0, 1);
hudArray["text"] SetText("End of round"); hudArray["text"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 0, 3);
function _ROUND_COUNTER(hudArray)
level endon("end_of_round");
lastCount = 0;
numberToString = "";
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1.0, 1);
hudArray["text"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1.0, 1);
hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["ZombieText"]);
if(level flag::get("dog_round"))
hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["DogText"]);
zm_count = (zombie_utility::get_current_zombie_count() + level.zombie_total);
if(hudArray["DisplayType"] == 1) zm_count = zombie_utility::get_current_zombie_count();
if(zm_count == 0) {wait(1); continue;}
hudArray["counter"] SetValue(zm_count);
if(lastCount != zm_count)
lastCount = zm_count;
numberToString = "" + zm_count;
hudArray["text"] thread hudMoveTo((10 + (4 * numberToString.Size), 10, 0), 4);
if(zm_count == 1 && !level flag::get("dog_round")) hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["LastZombieText"]);
else if(zm_count == 1 && level flag::get("dog_round")) hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["LastDogText"]);
hudArray["counter"].color = hudArray["HighlightColor"]; hudArray["counter"].fontscale = (hudArray["FontScale"] + 0.5);
hudArray["text"].color = hudArray["HighlightColor"]; hudArray["text"].fontscale = (hudArray["FontScale"] + 0.5);
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1, 0.5); hudArray["counter"] thread hudFontScale(hudArray["FontScale"], 0.5);
hudArray["text"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1, 0.5); hudArray["text"] thread hudFontScale(hudArray["FontScale"], 0.5);
function createNewHudElement(xAlign, yAlign, posX, posY, foreground, fontScale)
hud = newHudElem();
hud.horzAlign = xAlign; hud.alignX = xAlign;
hud.vertAlign = yAlign; hug.alignY = yAlign;
hud.x = posX; hud.y = posY;
hud.foreground = foreground;
hud.fontscale = fontScale;
return hud;
function hudRGBA(newColor, newAlpha, fadeTime)
self FadeOverTime(fadeTime);
self.color = newColor;
self.alpha = newAlpha;
function hudFontScale(newScale, fadeTime)
self ChangeFontScaleOverTime(fadeTime);
self.fontscale = newScale;
function hudMoveTo(posVector, fadeTime) // Just because MoveOverTime doesn't always work as wanted
initTime = GetTime();
hudX = self.x;
hudY = self.y;
hudVector = (hudX, hudY, 0);
while(hudVector != posVector)
time = GetTime();
hudVector = VectorLerp(hudVector, posVector, (time - initTime) / (fadeTime * 1000));
self.x = hudVector[0];
self.y = hudVector[1];
I think I've found where you need to edit but I'm not sure how to link the hud to my custom picture in texture assets
any help is appreciated as always thanks
Reply By: TrueGamerCalls
Please use the "Insert Code" button
Reply By: iAr7uRo
Reply By: KillJoyYT
yeah that's what I meant a custom picture on the screen when its counting down the zombie spawn count.
I've seen this done in maps like ski resort and evil xmas
already have a custom dpad hud :-)
Reply By: KillJoyYT
would this script be easier to implement a custom hud?
Go to Root>usermaps>zm_yourmapname(open the folder corresponding with your map)
Open zm_yourmapname.gsc
Find the following function
Code: [Select]
function main()
add the following line inside
Code: [Select]
so it should look like this
Code: [Select]
function main()
level._zombie_custom_add_weapons =&custom_add_weapons;
//Setup the levels Zombie Zone Volumes
level.zones = [];
level.zone_manager_init_func =&usermap_test_zone_init;
init_zones[0] = "start_zone";
level thread zm_zonemgr::manage_zones( init_zones );
//Zombie Counter
// Added to allow On spawned functionality
callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned );
// Change this to TRUE if you would like the Weapon Box to spawn in a random location other than _start
level.random_pandora_box_start = false;
Now go to the bottom of the file and copy and paste the following code
Code: [Select]
// Zombie Counter 1.0
function zombiesleft_hud()
//Rampage_619: Beta 1.0
//Rampage_619: play with the x value to move the hud left and right
// Rampage_619: increase the " Remaining.x" if the numbers start to overlay
// Rampage_619: play with the Y value to push the hud up and down
Remaining = create_simple_hud();
Remaining.horzAlign = "center";
Remaining.vertAlign = "middle";
Remaining.alignX = "middle";
Remaining.alignY = "middle";
Remaining.y = 230;
Remaining.x = 5;
Remaining.foreground = 1;
Remaining.fontscale = 2.0;
Remaining.alpha = 1;
Remaining.color = ( 0.423, 0.004, 0 );
ZombiesLeft = create_simple_hud();
ZombiesLeft.horzAlign = "center";
ZombiesLeft.vertAlign = "middle";
ZombiesLeft.alignX = "right";
ZombiesLeft.alignY = "middle";
ZombiesLeft.y = 230;
ZombiesLeft.x = -1;
ZombiesLeft.foreground = 1;
ZombiesLeft.fontscale = 2.0;
ZombiesLeft.alpha = 1;
ZombiesLeft.color = ( 0.423, 0.004, 0 );
ZombiesLeft SetText("Zombies Left: ");
//level.zombie_total = get_zombie_count_for_round( level.round_number, level.players.size );
//zw_total = zombie_utility::get_current_actor_count();
remainingZw = get_zw_count();
//= zw_total;
Remaining SetValue(remainingZw);
if(remainingZw == 0 )
Remaining.alpha = 0;
ZombiesLeft.alpha = 0;
remainingZw = get_zw_count();
//= zw_total;
Remaining SetValue(remainingZw);
if(remainingZw != 0 )
Remaining.alpha = 1;
ZombiesLeft.alpha = 1;
wait 0.05;
wait 0.5;
function get_zw_count()
enemies = [];
level.current_zw_array = [];
enemies = GetAiSpeciesArray( level.zombie_team, "all" );
for( i = 0; i < enemies.size; i++ )
if ( IS_TRUE( enemies[i].ignore_enemy_count ) )
ARRAY_ADD( level.current_zw_array, enemies[i] );
level.current_zw_count = level.current_zw_array.size;
return level.current_zw_count;
function create_simple_hud( client, team )
if ( IsDefined( team ) )
hud = NewTeamHudElem( team ); = team;
if( IsDefined( client ) )
hud = NewClientHudElem( client );
hud = NewHudElem();
hud.foreground = true;
hud.sort = 1;
hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
return hud;
Reply By: iAr7uRo
yeah that's what I meant a custom picture on the screen when its counting down the zombie spawn count. I've seen this done in maps like ski resort and evil xmas already have a custom hud :-)