Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: KillJoyYT
the script_flag for my enter_zone_1 isn't working on my trigger as a kvp.....
how would I implement the script_flag to already be in the script?
Reply By: Harry Bo21
the script_flag for my enter_zone_1 isn't working on my trigger as a kvp..... how would I implement the script_flag to already be in the script? function dissapearing_platform1() { trig_1 = GetEnt("platform_trig_1", "targetname"); model_1 = GetEnt("platform_model_1", "targetname"); brushmodel_1 = GetEnt("platform_brushmodel_1", "targetname"); trig_1 SetHintString("); trig_1 SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); while(1) { trig_1 waittill("trigger", player); player PlayLocalSound( "demo14" ); // Change this to any sound alias you want iprintlnbold( "Hello" ); trig_1 Delete(); model_1 MoveX(100,4); brushmodel_1 MoveX(100,4); break; } }
Reply By: KillJoyYT
thank you once again!