Modme Forums

Fly Trap Easter Egg

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: rossdaboss
Hi i'm new to scripting and i was wondering how would i script something similar to the fly trap easter egg from der riese?


Reply By: Abnormal202
You can use my Easter Egg system if you want:

Of course if you want to script it yourself, there are a lot of resources for that, some of which you can find on my example scripts page:

If you have any scripting questions I can help answer them too


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
Sorry for invading this post, Abnormal202 have you ever thought about doing Youtube scripting videos that would be cool if you or someone else could do them. Would be a big help to the new guys like myself to learn. Again sorry for invading this post :)


Reply By: Harry Bo21

Sorry for invading this post, Abnormal202 have you ever thought about doing Youtube scripting videos that would be cool if you or someone else could do them. Would be a big help to the new guys like myself to learn. Again sorry for invading this post :)

coding isn't something you can learn or explain in a video

the best we could do is give examples - but you wouldn't understand the context so would just end up copying the example, and not know how to move forward

it would be like a video on how to build a car - at the end - you'd be able to build the same car i did, but not make your own cars

the best way to learn, is to "do" and "read" treyarchs scripts that were included in the mod tools, maybe copy them to your map and make small changes so you can learn in bite size chunks, join forum discussions on coding and read sources on the internet about things common between all forms of coding ( eg arrays and loops are generally similar over all languages ). Keep in mind those of us scripters who release things, give you the entire script we wrote, and "most" of us take no issue with you using this work to learn from, i infact encourage it ( i just don't like if you straight up copy paste my work then don't even bother to credit lol )

javascript is fundamentally very very similar to GSC ( its what i used before i came to call of duty ) so if you need a idea of what to look up, perhaps loops or arrays in javascript, how to make and use a function, what a function is, what a variable is and how to use them, read the script API that is in the docs folder in the mod tools and read the examples they give under each function etc etc

beyond that, really your only gonna begin to grasp it by directly speaking with people who know or doing entire courses on coding. Symbo is testament to this, I am usually in pretty constant contact with him to answer his script questions, but we have been doing this for a long time now, it wasnt a short ordeal, it takes a long time and revisiting things you dont understand over and over until you do

I do intend to add some basic information to the wiki on GSC, CSC and LUA stuff, but itll only give you the "blocks" to use, it would still be up to you to use these blocks, to make things more complex


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
Thanks, Harry I will check those out, I have been working on a couple scripts to see if I can figure it out. So I will definitely look the Java thing up. The wiki thing would be awesome thanks... my friend :)


Reply By: Harry Bo21
note "javascript" not "java"

not being pedantic, they are two different things ;)


Reply By: Abnormal202

Sorry for invading this post, Abnormal202 have you ever thought about doing Youtube scripting videos that would be cool if you or someone else could do them. Would be a big help to the new guys like myself to learn. Again sorry for invading this post :)

I have considered making videos in the past, but unfortunately I don't own any sort of video editing software. Not to mention those would take a lot of time to make, and I'd have to find a good amount of free time for that.

Also like Harry said, I learned mostly from looking at other scripts and asking people questions than I did watching videos. I do think that videos however can be useful in the very beginning of scripting when you have clue what is going on and need a thorough explanation and demonstration to understand. But you can also find a lot of that stuff written down online as well, such as here:


Reply By: Harry Bo21
i really dont think anyone is gonna understand what a loop is or what it does from a video explination

you could show them how to make one - yes

they still wont know what it really is or what its really doing


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
I have read the Nate Smith page and I also looked at the ModMe post you have up 202, I also watched a few videos on YouTube. But I see what your saying Harry the syntax is hard if they don't explain it the right way. But I will definitely have questions lol thanks again Gentlemen :)


Reply By: rossdaboss

You can use my Easter Egg system if you want: Of course if you want to script it yourself, there are a lot of resources for that, some of which you can find on my example scripts page: If you have any scripting questions I can help answer them too

Thanks for your help I'll try it sometime this weekend!