Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: KillJoyYT
I'm not sure how to move a trig_hurt in my script I thought this would work but when I load in game only the model moves :(
function shoot_trig_damage_2()
trig_damage_2 = GetEnt("trig_damage_2", "targetname");
trig_hurt_2 = GetEnt("trig_hurt_2", "targetname");
model_damage_2 = GetEnt("model_damage_2", "targetname");
trig_damage_2 SetHintString("Locked");
trig_damage_2 SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
trig_damage_2 waittill("damage");
trig_hurt_2 MoveX(90,4);
trig_damage_2 Delete();
model_damage_2 MoveX(90,4);
Reply By: Harry Bo21
I'm not sure how to move a trig_hurt in my script I thought this would work but when I load in game only the model moves :( function shoot_trig_damage_2() { trig_damage_2 = GetEnt("trig_damage_2", "targetname"); trig_hurt_2 = GetEnt("trig_hurt_2", "targetname"); model_damage_2 = GetEnt("model_damage_2", "targetname"); trig_damage_2 SetHintString("Locked"); trig_damage_2 SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); { trig_damage_2 waittill("damage"); trig_hurt_2 MoveX(90,4); trig_damage_2 Delete(); model_damage_2 MoveX(90,4); } } am I doing something wrong? thank you
entity enableLinkTo();
entity linkTo( other_entity );
Reply By: KillJoyYT
sorry I didn't have the brackets in the first time and kept getting errors trying to link
so I tried something like this but I'm still confused as to where and how I name the entities. also do I have to link the trig hurt to the model in radiant?
function shoot_trig_damage_2()
trig_damage_2 = GetEnt("trig_damage_2", "targetname");
trig_hurt_2 = GetEnt("trig_hurt_2", "targetname");
model_damage_2 = GetEnt("model_damage_2", "targetname");
trig_damage_2 SetHintString("Locked");
trig_damage_2 SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
Model_damage_2 enableLinkTo();
Model_damage_2 linkTo( trig_hurt_2 );
trig_damage_2 waittill("damage");
trig_damage_2 Delete();
model_damage_2 MoveX(90,4);
also tried putting enablelinkto after the waittill
Reply By: Harry Bo21
function shoot_trig_damage_2()
trig_hurt_2 = getEnt( "trig_hurt_2", "targetname" );
trig_hurt_2 enableLinkTo();
trig_damage_2 = getEnt( "trig_damage_2", "targetname" );
trig_damage_2 setHintString( "Locked" );
trig_damage_2 setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
model_damage_2 = getEnt( "model_damage_2", "targetname" );
model_damage_2 enableLinkTo(); // dont think you need this
trig_hurt_2 linkTo( model_damage_2 );
trig_damage_2 waittill( "damage" );
trig_damage_2 delete();
model_damage_2 moveX( 90,4 );
// 1. Format your code properly or its impossible to read properly
// 2. Several mistypes in here eg - Model_damage_2 vs model_damage_2 ( capital M )
// 3. Your moving the model, so you link the trigger "to" the model
Reply By: KillJoyYT
i can see clearer now the rain is gone
thank you very much sir!