Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: xdferpc
I wonder. How can I do a trigger that deals damage to the player
when the player is in the trigger
Reply By: mathfag
entity browser --> trigger_hurt
Reply By: Abnormal202
If you need something more flexible than a trigger hurt (I always find the settings to be pretty lame and restricted) you can always just use a trig_multiple and a script like this:
function trig_damage_player()
trig_multiple = GetEnt("damage_player_trig","targetname");
players = GetPlayers();
foreach(player in players)
if(player IsTouching(trig_multiple))
player DoDamage( 40 , trig_multiple.origin );
This would do 40 damage to a player in the trig every 1 second.