Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Abnormal202
so I'm trying to create an easter egg in which players can turn on a generator for 30 seconds. While its on, player's have to defend it as zombies attack both the generator and players. Basically like the groph pods in Gorod Krovi. I've tried a lot of different things, from Points of Interest, to level.attackables stuff, to setting zombies targeting differently but I'm just not getting it to work. All I want are zombies to be able to attack and deal damage to a script_model for a time period. If anyone's got any ideas or wants to take a shot at this I'd really appreciate it.
Reply By: Symbo
I tried to do something similar rencently but didn t spend a lot a of time on it. You can create an attakable asset in ape and there is an attackable script.
Hope it helps. By the way If you find how to do it can you share or dm me?
Reply By: mathfag
You could check how many zombies are withing a radius of the model every second and somehow calculate damage out of that.
As for making the zombies go to the model you can spam setgoal(); every 0.05 seconds or use
zombie.v_zombie_custom_goal_pos = model.origin;
Reply By: Symbo
Well to attract zombie it's easy: create a point of interrest. look at
zm_utility::create_zombie_point_of_interest( 2536, 100, 0 );
like for the monkeys, but they dont "attack"
Reply By: mathfag
Well to attract zombie it's easy: create a point of interrest. look at zm_utility::create_zombie_point_of_interest( 2536, 100, 0 ); like for the monkeys, but they dont "attack"
zombie ASMRequestSubstate( "melee@zombie" );