Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Kabe Using this script you can: Add continuous spawn dog from a certain round.
Choose a round. Indicate a minimum number of enemies to stop spawn dogs and change round. Indicates the minimum and maximum delay between dog spawns.
If you need to cancel the dog spawn, use: "level.dognon_stop = false" and activate it again with "level.dognon_stop = true" in any script without needing to call it. Enjoy the game;)
Credits Harry Bo21 Kabe!!
Reply By: Psh Huge
Reply By: MyNameIsNobody Thanks again! +
Reply By: TheRipppa this this not work with timed gameplay?..i just tested it, and the zombies stopped spawning and had nothing but dogs.. edit:, it works, just like after the 5 rounds like normal the zombies stop spawning, til dogs are killed, then continues on like new round started with zombies and dogs
Reply By: Kabe
TheRipppa this this not work with timed gameplay?..i just tested it, and the zombies stopped spawning and had nothing but dogs.. edit:, it works, just like after the 5 rounds like normal the zombies stop spawning, til dogs are killed, then continues on like new round started with zombies and dogs
the dogs work if " non_stop = true" if the zombies + other enemies is greater than 3 and if it does not exceed the level.zombie_ai_limit
Reply By: TCM if you use teleporting zombies as well it bugs the dogs out, I had to make it so when one is spawning the other is temporary disabled until the other isn't