Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: TCM
I have not seen this around so I thought I would post it as I was working on my map earlier testing and thought this would be cool to add, Thanks!
If it is posted somewhere else sorry I did not know.
First Open Your mapname.GSC file (Located in usermaps/MAPNAME/scripts/zm/MAPNAME.gsc
Right below that add this
Along with this
Then at the very bottom (Or wherever you like as long as the format is correct)
Place this
To change the perk limit change this line
Change 4 to the minimum you would like it to be and 15 to the max (Randomizes.)
For start points change
Change 0 to min and 2500 to max points
For weapons change
Change weaponname to your name of the weapon you want to use.
Reply By: Abnormal202
Would you mind putting your code in code tags?
helps the old eyes.
Reply By: TCM
Would you mind putting your code in code tags? helps the old eyes.
Reply By: TCM
Would you mind putting your code in code tags? helps the old eyes.
Reply By: Scobalula
Abnormal202 Would you mind putting your code in code tags? helps the old eyes. Does that look a bit better?
Reply By: TCM
TCM Abnormal202 Would you mind putting your code in code tags? helps the old eyes. Does that look a bit better? I edited it for you, in future just click the button Abnormal showed, it will bring up a dialogue to paste code into then just press OK.