Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: TCM
I was just randomly going through the points file I see where the case statements are talking about taking points for down,death etc, I was just wondering how would I go about taking say 1/4 of a players points for going down.
Reply By: Abnormal202
I was just randomly going through the points file I see where the case statements are talking about taking points for down,death etc, I was just wondering how would I go about taking say 1/4 of a players points for going down.
Reply By: Harry Bo21
TCM I was just randomly going through the points file I see where the case statements are talking about taking points for down,death etc, I was just wondering how would I go about taking say 1/4 of a players points for going down. function take_away_extra_points_after_death() { players = GetPlayers(); foreach(player in players) { player thread wait_for_death(); } } function wait_for_death() { self waittill("death"); points_to_take = (self.points / 4); self zm_score::minus_to_player_score( points_to_take ); self wait_for_death(); } try something like this
Reply By: Abnormal202
Harry Bo21
Abnormal202 TCM I was just randomly going through the points file I see where the case statements are talking about taking points for down,death etc, I was just wondering how would I go about taking say 1/4 of a players points for going down. function take_away_extra_points_after_death() { players = GetPlayers(); foreach(player in players) { player thread wait_for_death(); } } function wait_for_death() { self waittill("death"); points_to_take = (self.points / 4); self zm_score::minus_to_player_score( points_to_take ); self wait_for_death(); } try something like this int(self.points / 4)
Reply By: TCM
Thank you guys for the reply <3
Reply By: TCM
TCM I was just randomly going through the points file I see where the case statements are talking about taking points for down,death etc, I was just wondering how would I go about taking say 1/4 of a players points for going down. function take_away_extra_points_after_death() { players = GetPlayers(); foreach(player in players) { player thread wait_for_death(); } } function wait_for_death() { self waittill("death"); points_to_take = (self.points / 4); self zm_score::minus_to_player_score( points_to_take ); self wait_for_death(); } try something like this
Reply By: Harry Bo21
this is a silly way of doing this however, as you already lose points when you down, so this will make you just lose 1/4 "on top" of what youre already losing - and doesnt use the "callbacks" system, so will not even run on players that hotjoined mid game or were simply slow connecting
if you had 50,000 youd end up losing like 28,000 or something ridiculous
what you should "actually" do is modify the "designed to be modified" stats
these are from _zm.gsc
copy paste these to your mapname gsc underneath
and change to whatever
^ remember to include this
some people just refuse to read the existing code to find these things that already exist you see ( ohhh they claim to, yet they literally always miss these, and miss the callbacks - like on laststand, on death and on spawned... )