Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: ihmiskeho
How does one change the jump height of a certain player?
Scrolling through scriptapifunctions I found this:
void SetJumpHeight(<height_in_inches>)</height_in_inches>
I also tried using this script but it only seems to work when the user is holding the jump button.
function AfterLifeJump()
//self = player in afterlife
self endon("afterlife_done");
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
if(self JumpButtonPressed() && self IsOnGround() )
self SetVelocity(self GetVelocity() + (0, 0, 1000));
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Reply By: Harry Bo21
afterlife can be done much easier - and will not have client lag ( your example will ) if you instead adjust the players gravity
void <player> SetPlayerGravity(<gravity>)
[MANDATORY] <gravity> The gravity to set
SUMMARY: Sets the gravity override value for the player.
EXAMPLE: player SetPlayerGravity( 600 )</gravity></gravity></player>
Reply By: ihmiskeho
Harry Bo21
afterlife can be done much easier - and will not have client lag ( your example will ) if you instead adjust the players gravity void <player> SetPlayerGravity(<gravity>) [MANDATORY] <gravity> The gravity to set CATEGORY: CLIENT/SERVER: Server SUMMARY: Sets the gravity override value for the player. EXAMPLE: player SetPlayerGravity( 600 )
function AfterLifeJump()
old_gravity = self GetPlayerGravity();
new_gravity = 200;
self SetPlayerGravity(new_gravity);
self waittill("afterlife_done");
self SetPlayerGravity(old_gravity);