Modme Forums

get rid of blue light on mystery box

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: KillJoyYT
was wondering if its possible to edit the mystery box prefab to remove the blue light it casts into the sky. or perhaps a function?

thank you!


Reply By: TrueGamerCalls
From magicbox.gsc

#precache( "fx", "zombie/fx_weapon_box_marker_zmb" );
#precache( "fx", "zombie/fx_weapon_box_marker_fl_zmb" );

level._effect["lght_marker"] = "zombie/fx_weapon_box_marker_zmb";										
level._effect["lght_marker_flare"] = "zombie/fx_weapon_box_marker_fl_zmb";							


Reply By: KillJoyYT
so I just comment them out?


Reply By: TrueGamerCalls

so I just comment them out?

I would copy the GSC to your scripts folder and add try that, dunno if it would work, but its worth a try.


Reply By: Harry Bo21

///////////// FUNCTION OVERRIDE LIST /////////////
//// If any of these functions are overriden, they will override functionality in this script
// level.custom_magic_box_timer_til_despawn == Custom box movement
// level.custom_magic_box_do_weapon_rise == Custom weapon rise
// level.custom_magic_box_weapon_wait == Custom weapon wait until being taken back into the box
// level.custom_pandora_show_func == Custom map marker
// level.custom_magic_box_fx == Custom FX when box opens and closes
// level.custom_treasure_chest_glowfx == Custom Chest FX
// level.custom_magicbox_float_height == (int) custom float height
// If custom_pandora_show_func is defined, then a custom magicbox_host_migration() must be made in the new gsc

directly taken from the very top of the mysterybox script - you should really read them in future

// under zm_usermaps::main(); in mapname GSC
level.custom_pandora_show_func = &no_marker;

// somewhere at the bottom of the script
function no_marker() {}


Reply By: KillJoyYT
ahh thank you guys!

the lights not disappearing completely... only after you buy the box once it then disappears


Reply By: KillJoyYT
ahh thank you guys!

the lights not disappearing completely... only after you buy the box once it then disappears

So have you find out how to make the beam disapear direcly from the beggining?