Modme Forums

add price to door

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: KillJoyYT
how can I add a price to my door function? sorry im still a noob

function dissapearing_platform1()
    trig_1 = GetEnt("platform_trig_1", "targetname");

    model_1 = GetEnt("platform_model_1", "targetname");

brushmodel_1 = GetEnt("platform_brushmodel_1", "targetname");

    trig_1 SetHintString("Hold &&1 To Buy [Cost: 1000]");
    trig_1 SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");

        trig_1 waittill("trigger", player);
    player PlayLocalSound( "demo14" );
        trig_1 Delete();
        model_1 Delete();
        brushmodel_1 Delete();

ive seen mathfag post for adding points im sure you could just change to minus_to_player_score but don't you need to check first if the player has enough points for the door?

function cash_reg(player) //needs player in brackets
    trig_cash_reg = GetEnt("mee_cash_reg_trig", "targetname");
    model_cash_reg = GetEnt("mee_cash_reg", "targetname");

    trig_cash_reg SetHintString("");
    trig_cash_reg SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
        trig_cash_reg waittill("trigger", trig_cash_reg);
        thread Give_cash_pts();
/        PlaySoundAtPosition("zmb_cha_ching", trig_cash_reg.origin); 
    trig_cash_reg Delete(); //remove this to shoot multiple times
    PlayFXOnTag(fx_destroy, model_cash_reg, "tag_origin");
    model_cash_reg Delete();

function give_cash_pts()
players = GetPlayers();

    foreach(player in players)
    player zm_score::add_to_player_score(2000);  //you can add tgus after the while above to only give it to 1 player. (remove thread give_cash_pts)

any help is appreciated thank you


Reply By: ihmiskeho

function dissapearing_platform1()
    trig_1 = GetEnt("platform_trig_1", "targetname");
    model_1 = GetEnt("platform_model_1", "targetname");
	brushmodel_1 = GetEnt("platform_brushmodel_1", "targetname");

	cost = 1000;		//Change to whatever, added this to make it easier to change later 

    trig_1 SetHintString("Hold &&1 To Buy [Cost: "+cost+"]");
    trig_1 SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");

    	trig_1 waittill("trigger", player);
    	if( player.score >= cost && zm_utility::is_player_valid( player ) )
    		player PlayLocalSound( "demo14" );
    		player zm_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );

    		PlaySoundAtPosition("zmb_trap_deny", trig_1.origin);
			player zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "outofmoney" );		//Remove this if you don't have character quotes

    trig_1 Delete();
    model_1 Delete();
    brushmodel_1 Delete();
Untested but should work, let me know if it doesn't


Reply By: KillJoyYT
thank you man

I just tested it and this is what the linker is saying

Linker will now terminate.

Linker summary:

There were no errors or warnings.


^1ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_monopoly.gsc (133,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Unresolved external 'zm_score::minus_to_player_score'

is there a #using score script I need for my gsc?

#using scripts\zm\_zm_score;

thanks again man :-)


Reply By: ihmiskeho

thank you man I just tested it and this is what the linker is saying Linker will now terminate. ******************************************************************************** ================================================== Linker summary: There were no errors or warnings. ================================================== ^1} ^1^ ^1ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_monopoly.gsc (133,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Unresolved external 'zm_score::minus_to_player_score' is there a #using score script I need for my gsc? yeah #using scripts\zm\_zm_score; thanks again man :-)

Ah, completely forgot about that. Glad you got it working tho