Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: eDeK
How i can move many brushmodels in an loop with the same targetname and the same movement?
muro_uno MoveZ(230,5);
wait 45;
muro_uno MoveZ(-230,5);
wait 5;
Reply By: mathfag
brushes = GetEntArray([name],"targetname"); //ARRAY
foreach(brush in brushes)
brush MoveTo(<point>,<time>,[acceleration time],[deceleration time]); //might want to use moveZ or MoveX or whatever because this makes them all go to the same spot
IPrintLnBold("moved brush");
Reply By: eDeK
brushes = GetEntArray([name],"targetname"); //ARRAY foreach(brush in brushes) { brush MoveTo(<point>,<time>,[acceleration time],[deceleration time]); //might want to use moveZ or MoveX or whatever because this makes them all go to the same spot IPrintLnBold("moved brush"); }
function walls()
brushes = GetEntArray("murouno","targetname");
foreach(brush in brushes)
brush MoveZ(230,5);
wait 45;
brush MoveZ(-230,5);
wait 10;
Reply By: Abnormal202
mathfag brushes = GetEntArray([name],"targetname"); //ARRAY foreach(brush in brushes) { brush MoveTo(<point>,<time>,[acceleration time],[deceleration time]); //might want to use moveZ or MoveX or whatever because this makes them all go to the same spot IPrintLnBold("moved brush"); } Im trying it but only 1 brushmodel move perfect, the second brushmodel dont move, i dont know what im doing wrong. function walls() { brushes = GetEntArray("murouno","targetname"); foreach(brush in brushes) { while(1) { brush MoveZ(230,5); wait 45; brush MoveZ(-230,5); wait 10; } } }
function walls()
brushes = GetEntArray("murouno","targetname");
foreach(brush in brushes)
brush MoveZ(230,5);
wait 45;
foreach(brush in brushes)
brush MoveZ(-230,5);
wait 10;
Reply By: eDeK
Exact, now work perfect, thanks for the help guys.