Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Abnormal202
So I was looking through the files of my new map, Afterbirth, to see what I could release to the public and I found my ambient music system. I beefed it up and added more options for the public, and so now I'm releasing it.
This system essentially creates a shuffled order of songs (2D sound aliases) and plays them for all players to hear. it comes with triggers that when pressed will stop/start the ambient music so players can turn it on/off at will. It also has the option to print the song's name in the top-left corner when it starts playing.
Note if you are looking to play non-2D aliases for things such as sound effects, you may want to try NSZ's Ambient Sounds Tutorial.
Personally I think adding the right music to a map can make a huge difference in the atmosphere and mood of the map, and help players really feel something when playing.
Instructions are included in the download but here they are here as well:
1. Open the usermaps/yourmapname folder in this download. paste the files into your real bo3root/usermaps/yourmapname
2. Open (located in Bo3root/usermaps/yourmapname/zone_source) and paste these lines at the bottom:
//Abnormal202 Ambient Music System
3. Open yourmapname.gsc (located in Bo3root/usermaps/yourmapname/scripts/zm) and paste this line in the #using section above function main() :
#using scripts\zm\ambient_music;
4. Open the ambient_music.gsh (located in Bo3root/usermaps/yourmapname/scripts/zm) and configure your options how you want
5. Open the ambient_music.gsc (located in Bo3root/usermaps/yourmapname/scripts/zm) to register songs and song nicknames
Registering a Song:
Add this line in the create_music_order() function, below the line songs = array();
ArrayInsert(songs, "put_song_alias_name_here", songs.size);
you can have as many of these as you like
Registering a Song Nickname:
Add these lines in the get_song_nickname( song ) function, below the line nickname = undefined;
if(song == "put_song_alias_name_here")
nickname = "Put Respective Song Nickname Here";
You can add as many of these as you like, but make sure every if statement after the first one is an else if() statement.
6. In Radiant add a trigger_use with targetname: ambient_music_switch where you want players to be able to switch on/off music. You can have as many of these as you like
7. Don't forget to credit me! Abnormal202
Reply By: KillJoyYT
epic bro :D
Reply By: Symbo
Thanks!!! Awesome work
Reply By: Bradliboy
hello, i love the mod but i have run into a problem. i have set up the songs perfectly and the "now playing:" shows the correct titles but no audio is heard! very frustrating after the alias work i did, any suggestions?
ive been testing for hours trying to fix it and have leanered that my alias files are messed up, even though i am using an edited version of a sound alias that worked in the past, i just changed the alias name and the file path.
and i also have an error about parsing in my zone file.
Reply By: mathfag
hello, i love the mod but i have run into a problem. i have set up the songs perfectly and the "now playing:" shows the correct titles but no audio is heard! very frustrating after the alias work i did, any suggestions? ive been testing for hours trying to fix it and have leanered that my alias files are messed up, even though i am using an edited version of a sound alias that worked in the past, i just changed the alias name and the file path. and i also have an error about parsing in my zone file.
Reply By: Bradliboy
Bradliboy hello, i love the mod but i have run into a problem. i have set up the songs perfectly and the "now playing:" shows the correct titles but no audio is heard! very frustrating after the alias work i did, any suggestions? ive been testing for hours trying to fix it and have leanered that my alias files are messed up, even though i am using an edited version of a sound alias that worked in the past, i just changed the alias name and the file path. and i also have an error about parsing in my zone file. fix the zone error and the problem will disappear