Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: xdferpc
I want to move a trigger_hurt or a trigger_multiple that will hurt the player
I tried with trigger_use to move a tigger_hurt
but it does not move.
-Here the script used :
function triggermove()
trig1= GetEnt("trig1", "targetname");//trigger_use
trig2= GetEnt("trighurt", "targetname");//trigger_hurt
trig1 waittill("trigger",player);
trig1 SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
trig2 MoveX(80,1);
wait 1;
I don´t kow if this fine
- image link Radiant
thanks for the help ;)
Reply By: Symbo
I would spawn a model at the origin of the trigger, link the trigger to it, then move the model.
model = util::spawn_model( "tag_origin", trigger2.origin, trigger2.angles );
trigger2 enablelinkto();
trigger2 linkto(model);
i think this is the using you need
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;
Reply By: xdferpc
Hello. I would spawn a model at the origin of the trigger, link the trigger to it, then move the model. model = util::spawn_model( "tag_origin", trigger2.origin, trigger2.angles ); trigger2 enablelinkto(); trigger2 linkto(model); i think this is the using you need #using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;