Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: maxman5050
how can i make my character not able to enter an area if he has a certain gun
Reply By: mathfag
function main():
thread no_gun_area();
Bottom of script:
function autoexec no_gun_area()
models_clips = GetEntArray("no_gun_barricade","targetname");
foreach(player in GetPlayers())
if(player chech_area_gun())
foreach(mod in models_clips)
mod SetVisibleToPlayer(player);
IPrintLn("show models");
foreach(mod in models_clips)
mod SetInvisibleToPlayer(player,1);
wait 0.05;
function chech_area_gun() //self = player
guns = array("pistol_standard", "pistol_burst");
foreach(gun in guns)
if(self HasWeapon(GetWeapon(gun), 1))
return 1;
return 0;
All script_models/brushmodels with the targetname no_gun_barricadewill show to a player when they posses a gun from the function check_area_gun() and hide if they don't