Modme Forums

Help hud text

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: xdferpc
I wanted the hud text to be changed in a certain round
It does not work for me, it does not change

function private Zombie_Counter()
	level flag::wait_till( "initial_blackscreen_passed" );
	hud = ZombieCounter("Night: 1");
	if( level.round_number == 5 )
         hud SetText("Day : 2");   

function private ZombieCounter(text)
	hud = NewHudElem( );
   	hud.horzAlign = "center";
   	hud.vertAlign = "top";
   	hud.alignX = "center";
   	hud.alignY = "top";
   	hud.y = 10;
   	hud.foreground = 1;
   	hud.fontscale = 3;
   	hud.alpha = 1;
   	hud.color = ( 0.57, 0.05, 0.94 );
   	hud SetText(text);
	return hud;
but nevertheless this works for me and I tried everything and I do not know what to do
function private Zombie_Counter()
	level flag::wait_till( "initial_blackscreen_passed" );
	hud = ZombieCounter("Night: 1");
	wait 10;
	hud SetText("Day : 2");
	wait 5;
	hud SetText("Night: 2");
function private ZombieCounter(text)
	hud = NewHudElem( );
   	hud.horzAlign = "center";
   	hud.vertAlign = "top";
   	hud.alignX = "center";
   	hud.alignY = "top";
   	hud.y = 10;
   	hud.foreground = 1;
   	hud.fontscale = 3;
   	hud.alpha = 1;
   	hud.color = ( 0.57, 0.05, 0.94 );
   	hud SetText(text);
	return hud;


Reply By: mathfag
You never put a check for when the round changes.

	level waittill( "between_round_over" );
	if( level.round_number == 5 )
         hud SetText("Day : 2");   


Reply By: xdferpc
xD thanks,finally it works