Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Asset Importing
Thread By: The Black Death
At first I thought I had to make a meleeweapon asset, but that lacked SO much that it couldn't possibly be that. So, now I've made a bulletweapon asset, and filled in the anims and set it to melee weapon type and such, but although it did convert the anims, when I /gave the weapon name in-game, nothing happened. How can I get my melee weapon working?
ps. How do I get the inspect/showcase anim working?
Reply By: The Black Death
TheAt first I thought I had to make a meleeweapon asset, but that lacked SO much that it couldn't possibly be that. So, now I've made a bulletweapon asset, and filled in the anims and set it to melee weapon type and such, but although it did convert the anims, when I /gave the weapon name in-game, nothing happened. How can I get my melee weapon working?
ps. How do I get the inspect/showcase anim working?
Never mind, I made a dumb mistake, and also I now know the showcase is scripted. Can mark as solved.