Modme Forums

How to properly set up looping fire sounds for BO3 guns

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Asset Importing


Thread By: Collie
Hi all, I'm going to briefly go over how to get those pesky looping fire sounds right for BO3 weapons.

It's actually quite simple, but there are three columns you need to fill out in the alias for the fire sound. These columns are labeled, "FileSpec", "FileSpecSustain", and "FileSpecRelease". The first one is one that's used for every sound, and just points to the location of the sound that will be triggered by the alias. The second column is the sound that will loop when the sound played in the first column finishes. The Third column is the sound that will play when the looping sound specified in the second column is finished looping. The file names should make it pretty obvious where each sound goes.

So, if we want to do the AK-74u's sounds, here's what it will look like:

ak74_fire_lfe_plr,,,collie\smg\ak74u\lfe\wpn_smg_ak74u_lfe.wav,collie\smg\ak74u\lfe\wpn_smg_ak74u_loop_lfe.wav,collie\smg\ak74u\lfe\wpn_smg_ak74u_lfe.wav,,,,,,,grp_wpn_lfe,snp_wpn_3p_decay,wpn_cmn_shot_3p,,,76,77,50,1800,,rcurve2,rcurve2,rcurve2,rcurve2,3,oldest,,,-200,200,20,90,0.25,1,,3d,lfe,,nonlooping,pitch,,,,,,,no,,left_shot ,2000,,,,,,,,,,,yes,no,,,,yes,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Make sure that the alias IS NOT set to loop. The game will do this automatically, and setting it yourself will just cause issues.

In APE, you will need to place the sound alias name in the "Loop Fire" box under sound.

And, that's it. I'm not too good at tutorials, so if there's anything you don't understand, please feel free to leave a comment.