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Wraith help

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Models & Animation


Thread By: Dick_Nixon
I'm trying to export Electric Cherry, and neither the models, nor the images export. I've followed the suggested help on the Wraith Knowledge base, and nothing has worked. I've verified my game cache, I've run wraith in administrator, I've reinstalled both programs multiple times, and absolutely nothing is working. The only things I have selected are the .XMODEL_EXPORT and the "export images with models" options. does anyone know how to solve this?


Reply By: m1cke
Maybe ur anti virus is blocking it?


Reply By: Exofile
Have you checked the log? Does anything show up at all?


Reply By: Dick_Nixon
I know it's not my firewall, because I've been able to export from both BO1 and BO3. And I check the logs, and it states that they've been exported, it even makes a new exported files folder, but nothing happens.


Reply By: DTZxPorter

Dick_NixonI know it's not my firewall, because I've been able to export from both BO1 and BO3. And I check the logs, and it states that they've been exported, it even makes a new exported files folder, but nothing happens.

First, export the starting pistol from motd, make sure that works, then be sure to go up to the cherry machine to make sure it's loaded, RELOAD the game (in wraith) before exporting otherwise the cache won't refresh. If you haven't restarted your PC recently, do so. Finally, you also have to own the DLC on steam, (Can't use pirated DLC's).


Reply By: Dick_Nixon
I just tried to export the M1911, both using and not using wraith in administrator, and nothing exported except empty files.

EDIT : I do own the DLC legitimately.


Reply By: DTZxPorter
Try exporting the MA formats and or disabling image export, Just confirmed that me and others can export no problem.


Reply By: Dick_Nixon
I Exported both the m1911 and Electric cherry in .MA (with and without any image options on) and got the models successfully without image options on. How do I get the image files for them?


Reply By: DTZxPorter
Something is blocking your PC from allowing the image tool to work, I have no clue what it is or why it's happening. You are the only person with this issue unfortunately. The only other thing I can say is try installing (Both x86 and x64 versions), restarting, and trying to export images.


Reply By: Dick_Nixon
I'll be! installing that worked! you're a friggin legend, Porter!


Reply By: DTZxPorter

Dick_NixonI'll be! installing that worked! you're a friggin legend, Porter!

Welp, im surprised it even launched without them lol, glad it's fixed, marking as answered and locking topic.