Modme Forums

.xanims files exporting as .file files

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Models & Animation


Thread By: godzilla666420
could someone tell me how i can do this with wraith it says in settings that it exports xanims but i exports them as a .file


Reply By: DTZxPorter

could someone tell me how i can do this with wraith it says in settings that it exports xanims but i exports them as a .file

You are mistaking .xanim for .xanim_export (It's not, it's different). The 'XANIM' format is for WAW/BO1 modtools. If you want to port, you need to use SEAnims w/ maya or blender.


Reply By: godzilla666420
but the thing is i dont want to rip seanims it just more work for my ai project. do you think you could update wrath to rip xanim_exports


Reply By: DTZxPorter

but the thing is i dont want to rip seanims it just more work for my ai project. do you think you could update wrath to rip xanim_exports

It doesn't rip them because it's not possible. You must use Maya / Blender.


Reply By: godzilla666420
aww thats dumb