Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Models & Animation
Thread By: jasonhuangz2002
hi guys,
I recently started to make a custom map in BO3 and i ported some zombie models from advanced warfare following uptownpapi25's tutorial vid and then made custom zombie variants following uptownpapi25's tutorial vid (i made zombie variants from the models ported from advanced warfare and zombie variants from models that was included in the black ops 3).
I compiled and ran my map. zombie variants made from models that was included in the black ops 3 was fine (normal running animations). zombie variants from the models ported from advanced warfare has a wierd running animation where the body is bent at a 90 degress angle forward at the waist.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem or has ran into this problem as well?
Reply By: mathfag
I have never ported from AW but my guess is that the zombies have a different bone structure (you'll get the same issue if you try to play zombie animations on the player models in maya and I'm guessing in game). Basically you'll also need to port anims and make a animation map table .ai_am in bo3/share/raw/animtables/custom_zombie.ai_am. Then assign the table in the archetype in APE. The rest should be able to stay the same as long as the first section in the file stays the same.
should look like this (nsz brutus ai_am)
and of course add the anims in the zone file
Reply By: jasonhuangz2002
thanks mathfag
i looked everywhere is there a video tutorial on how to port anims and make a animation map table .ai_am in bo3/share/raw/animtables/custom_zombie.ai_am. and then assign the table in the archetype in APE?
if not would u mind walking me through it?
i have wraith, would i need maya for this?
Reply By: mathfag
thanks mathfag i looked everywhere is there a video tutorial on how to port anims and make a animation map table .ai_am in bo3/share/raw/animtables/custom_zombie.ai_am. and then assign the table in the archetype in APE? if not would u mind walking me through it? i have wraith, would i need maya for this? thanks
Reply By: eDeK
I have exported from bo2 a "spawn/get up zombie anim", in APE the anim works fine but in what line i need add the "ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta" inside my file ".ai_am"?
Or i need to do other thing...
Reply By: mathfag
I have exported from bo2 a "spawn/get up zombie anim", in APE the anim works fine but in what line i need add the "ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta" inside my file ".ai_am"? Or i need to do other thing...
Reply By: eDeK
I added the anim "ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta" in this line because you say dont care where:
I compile the map and the mod tools convert the anim, but the zombies dont use the anim to "Appear from the ground".
Im using:
Reply By: mathfag
I added the anim "ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta" in this line because you say dont care where: anim_zombie_barricade_ad_l,ai_zombie_base_walk_ad_win_trav_l_v1,ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta I compile the map and the mod tools convert the anim, but the zombies dont use the anim to "Appear from the ground". Im using: zm_genesis_zombie.ai_bt zm_genesis_zombie.ai_asm zm_genesis_zombie.ai_ast zm_genesis_zombie.ai_am
Reply By: eDeK
The anim:
My file "anim_zombie_ground_spawn.atr":
My zone file:
My "zm_genesis_zombie.ai_am":
What im forgetting or doing wrong?
Thanks for reply.
Reply By: mathfag
The anim: My file "anim_zombie_ground_spawn.atr": share\raw\animtrees anim_zombie_ground_spawn { ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta } My zone file: rawfile,animtrees/anim_zombie_ground_spawn.atr xanim,ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta My "zm_genesis_zombie.ai_am": In the botom of the file... anim_zombie_ground,ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta void,void My GSC: #precache("xanim", "ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta"); #using_animtree("anim_zombie_ground_spawn"); zm_spawner::do_zombie_rise( &dracula_spawn ); function dracula_spawn() { self endon("death"); self AnimScripted( "rise_anim", self.origin, self.angles, "ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_alta" ); self zombie_shared::DoNoteTracks( "rise_anim", &zombie_utility::handle_rise_notetracks, spot ); } What im forgetting or doing wrong? Thanks for reply.
Reply By: eDeK
Thanks Mathfag, works perfect dude!
How can i do the risers use 3 or more anims to appear, i tried with this function but the risers only can use 2 anims:
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Reply By: eDeK