Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Thread By: Dank sounds
please help me i launched mod tools today and i do not know what this errror is every time i compile
^1SCRIPT ERROR: No generated data for 'scripts/zm/zm_carcasual.gsc'
ERR(0) scripts/zm/zm_carcasual.gsc (62,27) in "main()" : syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_STRING, expecting TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN : { zm_mapname.szc add "Type"
Linker will now terminate.
Linker summary:
There were no errors or warnings.
^1{ zm_mapname.szc add "Type"
^1ERR(0) scripts/zm/zm_carcasual.gsc (62,27) in "main()" : syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_STRING, expecting TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN : { zm_mapname.szc add "Type"
Reply By: PentaFrost
It seems you have a { too much in your usermap.gsc file
Can you paste your entire code for the .gsc file? :)