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background music

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion


Thread By: Fil he Modder
is it possible to have music playing in the background when playing a map? similar to kino der toten


Reply By: Wild
Pretty sure you can use THIS and use whatever music you'd like.


Reply By: mathfag
Use WILD's link and make the kvps 2d and looping and the sound alias 2d and looping


Reply By: Fil he Modder
by the way, would it be possible to use a trigger to activate a 3d sound on a script struct?


Reply By: Abnormal202

Fil he Modder
by the way, would it be possible to use a trigger to activate a 3d sound on a script struct?

You could use something like this:
function trigger_3d_sound()
	trigs = GetEntArray("sound_trigger","targetname");
	for(i=0;i<trigs.size;i++) {="" trigs[i]="" thread="" trigger_3d_sound_check();="" }="" }="" function="" trigger_3d_sound_check()="" {="" self="" waittill("trigger",player);="" struct="struct::Get(,"targetname");" struct="" playsound(="" struct.script_sound="" );="" self="" delete();=""></trigs.size;i++)>

where in radiant you give a trigger targetname: sound_trigger, and have it target a script_struct (select trigger, then struct and press W) where the sound will play. Then give the struct the KVP: script_sound : "your_alias_name".


Reply By: Fil he Modder

Fil he Modder by the way, would it be possible to use a trigger to activate a 3d sound on a script struct? You could use something like this: function trigger_3d_sound() { trigs = GetEntArray("sound_trigger","targetname"); for(i=0;i<trigs.size;i++) {="" trigs="" thread="" trigger_3d_sound_check();="" }="" }="" function="" trigger_3d_sound_check()="" {="" self="" waittill("trigger",player);="" struct="struct::Get(,"targetname");" struct="" playsound(="" struct.script_sound="" );="" self="" delete();="" }="" ="" ="" where="" in="" radiant="" you="" give="" a="" trigger="" targetname:="" sound_trigger,="" and="" have it="" target="" a="" script_struct="" (select="" trigger,="" then="" struct="" and="" press="" w)="" where="" the="" sound="" will="" play.="" then="" give="" the="" struct="" the="" kvp:="" script_sound="" :="" "your_alias_name".
=""></trigs.size;i++)> thanks so much man!!