Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Thread By: Jake3050
I have a SoE style teleporter in my map and I was wondering is it possible to activate the zone where you teleport to from the teleporter? I was kind of shooting for a zone like how Buried has.
Reply By: Abnormal202
I have a SoE style teleporter in my map and I was wondering is it possible to activate the zone where you teleport to from the teleporter? I was kind of shooting for a zone like how Buried has.
Yes ice grenade did tutorial on this
function iceGrenade_autoZones()
//One thread below for each trigger
thread triggerZone("Your zone here");
function triggerZone(ztarg)
runit = GetEnt( ztarg, "targetname");
runit waittill("trigger", player);
level flag::set( ztarg );
youll obviously need to thread it through main funtcion sorry iom dunk
then creat a triggr tyhroijh radiant make it a multi ple withdejh target naenm yior zone uhkjc
tyhen fuck 1 sheeps to pass go