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NSZ’s teleporter screws up zombie pathing

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion


Thread By: modric
I have an area far away from the rest of my map that you teleport to, like Gorod Krovi. When I get there, the zombies spawn in that zone fine, but dont path to their barriers properly at all. I think the script needs some sort of line to set the paths of the zombies so they actually chase players. Heres the script

function player_teleporter_init()
	player_tp = GetEntArray( "teleport_player", "targetname" );
	for( i = 0; i < player_tp.size; i++ )
		player_tp[i] thread player_teleport();

function player_teleport()
	destination = GetEnt(, "targetname" );
		self waittill( "trigger", player );
		player SetOrigin( destination.origin );
		player SetPlayerAngles( destination.angles );


Reply By: Abnormal202
are the zombies just standing in place? if that's the case it probably means the zombies cannot path to the info_player_start (that big red rectangle the comes with the spawn points). Zombies must always have a path to the info_player_start, even if you have to make one out of ai_clips.


Reply By: modric
No they dont, the area is completely seperate from the starting area. will they act normal with the ai clip thing stretching to the start room then?


Reply By: Abnormal202

No they dont, the area is completely seperate from the starting area. will they act normal with the ai clip thing stretching to the start room then?

they should. They just need a path to the info_player_start. If you don't want them to actually ever use that path, you might have to make a script that teleports them when they start walking on it.


Reply By: modric
Harry suggested I use
this line for my easter egg door script so zombies wouldnt freak out when i went beyond the door. would this be applicable here too?

entity connectPaths()


Reply By: mathfag

Harry suggested I use this line for my easter egg door script so zombies wouldnt freak out when i went beyond the door. would this be applicable here too? entity connectPaths()

Ingame open the console and type in /developer 1 and then /ai_shownavmesh 1
This will show all the navmesh (aka where the zombies can track you).
If there's no navmesh on the ai_clip you dragged, you need to redo some radiant work.

(idk what all the different colors mean)


Reply By: Harry Bo21
incorrect, you need to place the zombie "distraction points" around the map - if they cant path to you, they will path to them, if they still cant path to you for too long - a failsafe will force respawn them

read the giant scripts people


Reply By: modric

Harry Bo21
incorrect, you need to place the zombie "distraction points" around the map - if they cant path to you, they will path to them, if they still cant path to you for too long - a failsafe will force respawn them read the giant scripts people

Sorry I tried to find what you are talking about but could never find info about the distraction points. Is it a script struct?