Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Thread By: NoScopeNinja25
I ported the Intervention from MW2 and got every thing except the scope overlay to work. I have been searching the internet for a tutorial to get the overlay to work but the only thing I have found is a brief explanation of what to do. All it says to do is create an image asset in ape and put the name of the image for the shader in the ADS Overlay settings. I did that but it doesn't work, to test that my image was working I tested this on somebody else's sniper port and it worked. I don't know what else to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Image asset settings:
bulletweapon file ADS Overlay Settings:
In game:<img title="source:" src="" alt="tOzpTOD.gif">
<h2>Update: Fixed</h2>
The Zoom In Frac and the Zoom Out Frac were set to zero. After I changed these values and recompiled my map the overlay started working.
<img title="source:" src="" alt="xbgYPX9.gif">
Reply By: itznvy
The same thing happened to me when i ported it, check the ads settings, the ads overlay looks fine.
Also you should probably check hold breath to steady since its a sniper lol
Reply By: NoScopeNinja25
I tried messing around with the ads settings and the ads options a little. I still can't get it to work.
These are my settings:
Reply By: NoScopeNinja25
I finally figured out what was causing the problem. It was because the Zoom In Frac and the Zoom Out Frac were set to zero. After I changed these values and recompiled my map the overlay started working.