Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Thread By: Christians_Gaming
So want to have some of my ambient sounds to play, when I have the power on. Is that possible? It's because I have a flickering light ambient, and it doesn't make sense, if it's on when the power is of, then people will be confused! Help?
Sry for bad english ;(
Reply By: mathfag
Place script_structs with targetname-"cher_sound"
script_string-"sound alias"
If you want it to play a sound after power add script_noteworthy-"power"
And paste this to the bottom of your script. No threading necessary.
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Place script_structs with targetname-"cher_sound" script_string-"sound alias" If you want it to play a sound after power add script_noteworthy-"power" And paste this to the bottom of your script. No threading necessary. function autoexec sound() { level waittill("initial_blackscreen_passed"); structs = struct::get_array("cher_sound", "targetname"); foreach(str in structs) { if(!isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy != "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } level waittill("power_on"); foreach(str in structs) { if(isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy == "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } }
Reply By: Christians_Gaming
Place script_structs with targetname-"cher_sound" script_string-"sound alias" If you want it to play a sound after power add script_noteworthy-"power" And paste this to the bottom of your script. No threading necessary. function autoexec sound() { level waittill("initial_blackscreen_passed"); structs = struct::get_array("cher_sound", "targetname"); foreach(str in structs) { if(!isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy != "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } level waittill("power_on"); foreach(str in structs) { if(isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy == "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } }
Reply By: mathfag
mathfag Place script_structs with targetname-"cher_sound" script_string-"sound alias" If you want it to play a sound after power add script_noteworthy-"power" And paste this to the bottom of your script. No threading necessary. function autoexec sound() { level waittill("initial_blackscreen_passed"); structs = struct::get_array("cher_sound", "targetname"); foreach(str in structs) { if(!isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy != "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } level waittill("power_on"); foreach(str in structs) { if(isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy == "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } } Is it in gsc or? Sry I'm a beginner xD
Reply By: Christians_Gaming
Christians_Gaming mathfag Place script_structs with targetname-"cher_sound" script_string-"sound alias" If you want it to play a sound after power add script_noteworthy-"power" And paste this to the bottom of your script. No threading necessary. function autoexec sound() { level waittill("initial_blackscreen_passed"); structs = struct::get_array("cher_sound", "targetname"); foreach(str in structs) { if(!isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy != "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } level waittill("power_on"); foreach(str in structs) { if(isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy == "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } } Is it in gsc or? Sry I'm a beginner xD gsc. Everything is gsc unless it says otherwise
Reply By: mathfag
mathfag Christians_Gaming mathfag Place script_structs with targetname-"cher_sound" script_string-"sound alias" If you want it to play a sound after power add script_noteworthy-"power" And paste this to the bottom of your script. No threading necessary. function autoexec sound() { level waittill("initial_blackscreen_passed"); structs = struct::get_array("cher_sound", "targetname"); foreach(str in structs) { if(!isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy != "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } level waittill("power_on"); foreach(str in structs) { if(isdefined(str.script_noteworthy) && str.script_noteworthy == "power") { spot = Spawn("script_model",str.origin); spot PlayLoopSound(str.script_string,15); } } } Is it in gsc or? Sry I'm a beginner xD gsc. Everything is gsc unless it says otherwise It doesn't work m8 :(