Modme Forums

Disabling Thrust Jump System and Wall Run in BO3 Multiplayer

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion


Thread By: Long Cut
I have been looking around the files for a while now and I cannot figure out a way to disable the thruster system or wall running in BO3 mp. I am creating a mod for BO3 mp that is going to have boots on the ground gameplay and would like to remove both of these things from the mod. I am not a scripter by any means so I am not entirely sure what to do lol. If you know something that would be helpful, please let me know! thank you! :)


Reply By: Fil he Modder
try putting these in your function main()

SetDvar( "doublejump_enabled", 0 );
SetDvar( "playerEnergy_enabled", 0 );

ps, Jbird helped me find this crap. :)


Reply By: Long Cut
My mod does not have any scripts at all and I have nooo idea how to create one or else I would try that haha lol


Reply By: Fil he Modder
are you sure?


Reply By: Long Cut
Yeah I looked in the mods folder and there was only zone and zone source folders to begin with. I added a sound folder for the weapon sounds, but I don't see a script folder anywhere. I assume I could build one if done the right way, but I am wayyy too noob and don't know how to do this stuff haha.


Reply By: Fil he Modder
did you try the usermaps folder just in case?


Reply By: Long Cut
Yeah I have looked in there a couple different times. It puts mods in a completely different folder since it is not a map technically, even though a map is a mod as well. This is a multiplayer gameplay mod I am working on. But yeah, no script folder or files haha. Just zone and csv stuff for the most part then a few odds and ends. I'm sure it uses scripts from the share directory, but none that are generated by the modtools launcher when creating maps that I am aware of. Idk if you can set variables in zone files or not. I'll keep playing around with it, but if you know something that would help, then by all means please do haha.


Reply By: Fil he Modder
you see, i always thought that even mods have .gsc and .csc files. But i guess not. I have put them in my test map but just set them to 'true' and they work fine; they were taken from the core multiplayer scripts. try maybe getting the zone file to target like a duplicate of the core mp file and maybe then we'll see what happens.

ps. giving a tutorial on how to do this is going to be way too much to type, Sorry.


Reply By: Harry Bo21
You create the folders...

and you copy a script that is already loaded to your mod so you can override it - then hook from it as a point of entry

maps and mods are totally different. You can run a mod on top of a map


Reply By: Long Cut
@Fil he Modder, I have not seen any script files in there that the game generated for the mod itself. I made a folder for one based off of another script and this is what the script I attempted to make looks like lol:

#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\aat_shared;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared;
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\weapons\_weaponobjects;
#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;
#insert scripts\shared\version.gsh;
#using scripts\zm\gametypes\_weapons;

function main()
SetDvar( "doublejump_enabled", 0 );
SetDvar( "playerEnergy_enabled", 0 );

Also, when I go into game and try and enter the variables you suggested I script in place into the console, they do not appear in the console. I don't think those are recognized codes by bo3 so I don't think it will work in script either. There are "AllowDoubleJump" and "AllowWallRun" script functions (idk if that's the right term lol) that I found in the ScriptDocs App page under the modding tab on the site here; I just don't know how to use them lol.

Fil, add me on discord and we could voice chat about it haha. "Present, yet Absent.#2560"


@Harry Bo21, When I created the mod, it didn't seem to create any scripts with it. When I open up the different zone files inside the mod folder, none of the zone files have any scripts that are called besides the one I created for it lol. What sort of script could I load into the mod? I have no idea what to do with this stuff really haha. I'm learning though!

This is what the core_mod zone file inside of zone_source looks like:

#include "core_mod.class"

// you should keep these defaults cfg in core_mod and always include them in your mods this is to prevent the game from hitching when it needs to execute them
// note that if you make changes in the cfg, you need to build this fastfile for the game to get the latest



//Custom Weapons

The test1.gsc (shown above in first half of reply lol) and csc are files that I have created and included in the core_mod. They don't seem to do anything haha. I probably don't have it setup right lol. All the other mod zone files look similar but with less in them. There is another set of zone files inside zone_source >> loc, but they only reference script bundles.

Here is the core_mod zone file inside zone_source >> loc:



Reply By: Harry Bo21
they are recognized and i told you already - it doesnt GENERATE any scripts

you have to find one that is loaded already - and OVERRIDE it with your own

use _load.gsc / csc or something

they are not variables either - they are dvars


Reply By: Long Cut
First, I just want to say thank you for helping out you guys. It has been appreciated a lot and is a good learning experience. Secondly, I am not sure how to do that lol. I'll play around with it and see what I can figure out, but not sure if I will get anywhere haha. True yeah you're right it's not a variable.. It's a Developer Variable I believe haha


Reply By: Harry Bo21
ive told you already? copy the script to your mod folder and parse it in your zone?

then itll be using "yours" and not the preloaded one


Reply By: Long Cut
Ok, so, I copied the "_load.gsc" into my mod script folder and called for it in the zone file, but when I try and compile the mod, the launcher spits this out at me:

Linking "core_mod" (mods\test1 stable 2883506 v593):

^1ERROR: Could not open 'scripts/mp/_bb.gsc'


^1SCRIPT ERROR: No generated data for 'scripts/mp/_load.gsc'
ERR(83) scripts/mp/_load.gsc (53,22) : Compiler Internal Error : Compile error processing "using" file - file not found : scripts/mp/_bb.gsc

Linker will now terminate.

Linker summary:

There were 0 warnings and 1 error.

^1ERROR: Could not open 'scripts/mp/_bb.gsc'

Arguments passed to linker:
-language english -fs_game test1 -modsource core_mod

^1#using scripts\mp\_bb;
^1ERR(83) scripts/mp/_load.gsc (53,22) : Compiler Internal Error : Compile error processing "using" file - file not found : scripts/mp/_bb.gsc