Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Thread By: Timhardylb
Hello I keep getting these errors whenever I try to add custom weapons from anywhere. I was wondering if anyone could help. Also my map crashes when i run it. that might be due to the wallbuys but I am not sure.
Thanks in advance
"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound\snd_convert.exe" pc usermaps\zm_third_tries_the_charm usermaps\zm_third_tries_the_charm zone_source usermaps\zm_third_tries_the_charm english zm_third_tries_the_charm
ERROR: d:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\share\raw\sound\aliases\user_aliases.csv
ERROR: '//custom weapons' Line Number: 0
ERROR: Parse error in column 'Name'. Value '//custom weapons' is not valid. 'Name' cannot contain a space.
ERROR: '//custom weapons' Line Number: 0
ERROR: Parse error in column 'VolumeGroup'. Value 'VolumeGroup' is not valid. //custom weapons had empty field VolumeGroup.
ERROR: '//custom weapons' Line Number: 0
ERROR: Parse error in column 'DuckGroup'. Value 'DuckGroup' is not valid. //custom weapons had empty field DuckGroup.
^1ERROR: unable to load file 'sound/zone//'
^1ERROR: sound aliases failed to load
done: 0m3.36s
Reply By: Harry Bo21
is not a comment in a csv
Reply By: Timhardylb
Harry Bo21
// is not a comment in a csv # is