Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Thread By: Dedrix
So basically when I load up my map after compiling it crashes about 20 seconds into launching the game.
It's similar to the crash if you were to have a "false" wallbuy, therefore I've tried removing; the box, wallbuys,
pap, perk machines, zones, teleports, brutus spawns & scripting, ect. and yet it continues to crash .
(Could this be related to a script I possibly have overlooked?)
I'm starting to get pretty annoyed with this one so if anyone has any ideas as to what might be going on I'd really appreciate it,
Reply By: peterparker
This is where I start:
On the Mod Tools Launcher, select your (compiled) map you are about to run, and then click the Dvars button. In the window that pops up, go to the 'logfile' Dvar and change it's Value to '1' and click OK to save the value change. Right-click on your map and chose "run map" as you normally would.
After the map fails to launch, check your BO3 Root folder for a file called "console_mp.log". Open that with your preferred text editor.
Please note:
1) You must open 'Dvars' and click 'OK' every time you go to run the map in order to get the log file, and I believe it will over-write the file when it runs. Personally, I move it to the desktop for safety till I track down any errors that need attention.
2) Don't panic at the amount of "redundant" and "could not find" errors. Slowly sort through to find anything that resembles the edits you made. I may be able to help walk you through some troubleshooting steps from there if you can't find the path.
Did that help?
Reply By: Dedrix
I'm not exactly sure what to looking for here?
Would the stuff at the bottom be what the problem is?
Error: Could not find weapon "sten_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_ak74u_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_ak74u_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_fastburst_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_m14_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_m14_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_fastburst_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "lmg_rpk_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "lmg_rpk_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "sniper_chargeshot_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "sniper_chargeshot_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_standard_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_burst_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_fullauto_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_m1911_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_m1911_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_dw_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "knife_loadout_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "skull_gun_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "skull_gun_upgraded_zm".
Not logging game server log.
Error: Could not find weapon "zombie_cymbal_monkey_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "zombie_weapon_octobomb_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "thompson_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "special_crossbow_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_zm".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_ads_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doubletap_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_extraprimaryweapon_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_fastreload_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_juggernaut_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_marathon_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_quickrevive_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_widows_wine_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_minigun".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_revive_on".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc3/stalingrad/fx_cymbal_monkey_radial_pulse".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc5/zmhd/fx_zombie_quad_gas_nova6".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc5/zmhd/fx_zombie_quad_trail".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_flesh_hit".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_bloodsplat".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_bloodspurt".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_eye_single".
Error: Could not find fx "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/bullet/fx_flesh_gib_fatal_01".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot_optim".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_burst_lg_z270_os".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_flesh_hit_knife_lg_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_spark_chest_zombie_optim".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_bmode_attack_grapple_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find material "minimap_icon_mystery_box".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot_strip".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_player_life".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tanzit_upgrade".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tranzit_electrap_explo".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break_lite".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_neck_spurt".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_jugg_on".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_on".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_snow_falling".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_water_billowing".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_snow_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_water_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_falling".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_ui_flagbase_pmc".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_dust".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_lights".
Error: Could not find fx "killstreaks/fx_heli_chaff".
Error: Could not find fx "lensflares/fx_lensflare_sniper_glint".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_appear".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_orb".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_vanish".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_rejack_light".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive_demat".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst_ground".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "animals/fx_bio_direwolf_eyes".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor_face".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_body_light".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_knee_sparks".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_sparks".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step_steam".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_head_light".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_light_dmg".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_wpn_flamethrower".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_wpn_115_muz".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_lrg".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_md".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_sm".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_chest_mouth_drool_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow_rage".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_reinflate".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_spore_exp".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_lft".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_rgt".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_torso".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_robot_stage3_evb".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_warlord_death".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_body_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_eye_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_loot_taunt_e_reaper_main_03".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_loot_taunt_outrider_talon_lights".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_ability_screen_blur_overdrive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume_air".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_exhaust_jetpack_warlord_juke".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_blackjack_beam_source".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_blackjack_beam_target".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_head_shot_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_purple_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_intro_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_tell_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_travel_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_chest_burst".
Error: Could not find tagfx "ability_hero_heat_wave_player_impact".
Error: Could not find tagfx "gadget_flashback_3p_off".
Error: Could not find fx ",weapon/fx_muz_lg_mg_1p".
Error: Could not find fx ",weapon/fx_muz_lg_mg_3p".
Error: Could not find fx ",weapon/fx_shellejects_minigun".
Error: Could not find weapon "ball_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ball".
Error: Could not find weapon "gadget_resurrect_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "gadget_resurrect".
Error: Could not find weapon "dragon_gauntlet_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "dragon_gauntlet".
Error: Could not find weapon "proximity_grenade_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "proximity_grenade".
Error: Could not find weapon "syrette_zod_beast_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_upgraded".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly".
Reply By: Dedrix
Just tried making a new map with the same geometry and fresh scripts and I now have this error at the bottom;
SOUND load state for zm_hornburg.en changed from 0 to 1
ERROR: sound read failed
Com_ERROR: ERROR: sound bank - name: zm_hornburg.en, zone: zm_hornburg, game lang: english, sound lang: en failed to load
Reply By: peterparker
Lets stick with the original problem, if we can. Do you still have the map that was failing
to load? If so, run it with the launcher and logfile enabled and post it to pastebin or under
a spoiler tag as above, as they can get very long. Then we can take a look together.
I'm not exactly sure what to looking for here?
Reply By: Dedrix
Alrighty here's the log;
- updated
Reply By: peterparker
I'm afraid I can't be much more help. The log tells us that the load ends with asset
"pb_pistol_dw_endgame_1stplace_idle" hanging. You might check to see if that leads
anywhere, but you may end up chasing a phantom.
Perhaps try a new map from template, just to make sure the core stuff is ok. Again,
this is a longshot. It could be virtually anything.
If anyone else has any ideas, now is the time...
Reply By: Dedrix
So I've just tried making a brand new map with 0 custom stuff and it still crashes all the same. Yikes
Also I have already tried "verifying my game integrity" and it changes nothing.
Please tell me I don't have to reinstall the game/mod tools!
Reply By: D-2-K
So I've just tried making a brand new map with 0 custom stuff and it still crashes all the same. Yikes Also I have already tried "verifying my game integrity" and it changes nothing. Please tell me I don't have to reinstall the game/mod tools!
Reply By: Dedrix
Uh update...
Like a dumbass I was only verifying the game rather than the modtools, mainly because I thought it would be doing both.
...and the game launched!! However my main map was still broken so I caved and just decided to delete a small majority of the map and it works again.
Thanks for the help guys
Reply By: D-2-K
Uh update... Like a dumbass I was only verifying the game rather than the modtools, mainly because I thought it would be doing both. ...and the game launched!! However my main map was still broken so I caved and just decided to delete a small majority of the map and it works again. Thanks for the help guys