Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Thread By: Kingslayer Kyle
My First Map:
Any ideas for updates would be great,
I know that it lacks in some areas, for example the ground is flat and there's no rubbish and stuff to give the map more of a feel but I've only just created it and wanted to see what people thought.
Thanks.. :)
Reply By: Exofile
In terms of Radiant: Black Edition I'd suggest going in and making themap less flat-surfaced. Add some pillars, trims and alike to walls, elevation on the ground to make it look more natural etc. Don't make areas too big and open, or training zombies is far too easy. There is a sweet spot between narrow and wide you'll want to find where it's just big and open enough for it to be playable while having fun, yet also keeping it challenging.