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Nuketown Zombies Remake [W.I.P]

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion


Thread By: XxRaPiDK3LLERxX
<h1 style="text-align:center;">Nuketown Zombies Remake [W.I.P - 0.0.2]:</h1>

Originally made in Black Ops II

<h3 style="text-align:center;">Description:</h3>
This Nuketown is set after the events happened in Moon, where Richtofen, Dempsey, Takeo & Nikolai launched the rocket to earth. Nuketown's been destroyed... the zombies soldiers has risen and start to walk, overtaking Nuketown, CDA & CIA has been sent to investigate the remains...

<h3 style="text-align:center;">Currently Features:</h3>
-Mystery box
-Black Ops II, III & WAW Weapon Pack (Thanks to HarryBo21 for again sharing his weapon ports)
-Original Starting, Ending Round sounds

Future Plans:
-Involve CDA & CIA as playable characters
-Edit the Weapon Alias to remove BOIII, WAW weapons (Trying to keep the original weapons in the map)
-Remake the whole Nuketown (ATM I'm focusing at one area at a time), will be more graphically enhanced
-Side Easter Eggs (Some are planned)
-New Zombie Type (No spoilers)
-Make it close/nearly accurate to original Nuketown Zombies map
-Add a Weapon Refrigerator or Weapon Table to swap weapons between players
-Kill Counter on Nuketown sign + Clock sounds
-Ambient Sounds (HQ)
-Change UI to match BOII UI (LUA)
-Full Easter Egg (Not sure yet)
-Able to make perks and PAP fall between certain rounds (For instance between 4-7)
-Place all Original Wallbuys (When I mean "original" I mean as in put the correct wallbuy in their original/accurate location)
-Buildable Shield
-Buildable Wonder Weapons (I'll make sure they'll be hard to get across to :) )
-(If/Maybe) Difficulty Menu (Before match starts)
-Completely & successfully port foliage from Black Ops II to Black Ops III (Having difficulties at the moment)
-Use the original Skybox that this map had

<h3 style="text-align:center;">Next Update Should Have:</h3>
-More details & fxs added to it
-Kill Counter to the Nuketown Sign w/ Bell Chime
-Player-To-Player Weapon Trade
-Ported more models to use
-Gotten more parts of the starting area polished

<h3 style="text-align:center;">NEW! Discord Server (So I can announce more things easier, you can suggest things to me etc.): Discord Server</h3>

About this Wednesday I've decided to remake Nuketown (Even though I've said I was remastering it but it's not a remaster :P), the whole reason why I decided to make Nuketown is because it's personally one of my favourite maps, and that I used to play countless hours 4 players splitscreen, I thought that this will be fun to re-create Nuketown, and involve some new things to make the map more re-playable (As the map could get boring since there's practically nothing to do other then survive but playing online or locally is fun).
I've never remake any maps at all, since there's quite a lot of detailing to do, it'll be challenge, so I accepted that challenge.

I'll try to update the screenshots once a week!

<h2 style="text-align:center;">Credits:</h2>
DTZxPorter - For Wraith, Kronos
HarryBo21 - Mystery Boxes, PAP, Perk Pack, Weapon Pack, Soul Chest, Buildables, Staffs & Custom Perk
D3V Team - For L3akMod
Azsry - For Kronos
Wild - Round Sounds
M5-Prodigy - For helping me getting those annoying foliage to work and helping me to sort ember wood out
Frosty Iceforge - Attempting (And still is) to get Kill Counter to work
J-Bird632 - Traversal Prefabs & Some brilliant youtube tutorial
Treyarch & Activision - For Mod Tools & Assets
(Anyone missed in Credits hit me a PM)

<h3 style="text-align:center;">If you want collaborate with either mapping or scripting, let me know, either at Discord ([4K]xXxGaMiNGK3LLERxXx#0293)
or via PM.
<h3 style="text-align:center;"> </h3>
<h3 style="text-align:center;">If you want to test the map out for bugs or glitches, again let me know on Discord or PM me.</h3>

<h2>Gameplay Video: [0.0.2 Version]</h2>


<h2>Screenshots (I'll try updating once a week - 0.0.2):</h2>


Reply By: M5_Prodigy
I wonder how long such a small map will take,such a small map but so many features.


Reply By: XxRaPiDK3LLERxX

I wonder how long such a small map will take,such a small map but so many features.

It depends, the only concern I have is making the houses and those road bumps (Hopefully will look up at youtube tutorial to see if there's any way to do those properly).

My main concern is making the starting area, it'll take some time but I'll get there


Could you by any means upload the skybox texture file, I've been trying to find it for almost two weeks. If you could also upload the nuke texture (in case it isn't in the skybox) too it would be awsome, thanks!!

Harry Bo21:

Bro this thread has been dead for 2 years

And the nuke is a fx - not part of the skybox


Bro this thread has been dead for 2 years

And the nuke is a fx - not part of the skybox

Yeah, I know, I was just trying my luck, who knows, maybe someone here had the skybox. However, I did not know that the nuke is a fx, thanks a lot!!