Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Thread By: Azsry
Any previous CoD anims for Black Ops 3!
(MAYA 2016 BETA)
Now you too can have weird, out of place modern weapons in your futuristic game.
This rig will allow you to easily and (somewhat) painlessly convert anims from older games into BO3.
Included is the Maya ASCII file (2016 ONLY), accompanying images and two scripts to further automate the process.
Figure 2: Download contents
<li style="width:100%;">Bind your gun and align any attachments if necessary.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">Open and import your gun. Ensure that, at this stage, the root bone of the weapon is NOT tag_weapon.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">Make the root bone of your gun (e.g. j_gun) a child bone of t7:tag_weapon_right and zero out the transforms.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">Click on t7:Joints and click on Select > Hierarchy, then execute the 'renameRig.mel' script. All joints under t7:Joints should now have the _t7 suffix.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">Import a anim file like normal.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">Click on t7:Joints and click on Select > Hierarchy, then execute the 'removeNamespace.mel' script. All joints under t7:Joints should no longer have the _t7 suffix.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">Rename the root bone of your gun (e.g. j_gun) to tag_weapon in the viewmodel.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">Select t7:tag_torso and t7:tag_cambone, then click on Select > Hierarchy and export as normal.</li>
<li style="width:100%;">You may open the .xanim_export file in a text editor to confirm that the _t7 suffixes are absent. If they are still in the file, or you forgot to complete Step 6, you may replace all '_t7' strings with nothing.</li>
Video example after following steps
Figure 3: Intermediate Results
Q. How do I make an animated model?
A. Simply select t7:tag_view and click Select > Hierarchy, then select one of the meshes from the T7 arms. Export this selection as an xmodel to create an animated model.
Q. How do I do ADS animations?
A. If you porting to a Treyarch game, export ONLY t7:tag_view and t7:tag_torso. For IW games, export ONLY t7:tag_view and t7:tag_ads.
Q. Why do the anims sometimes not fit the gun properly?
A. Due to Treyarch changing the bone structure significantly, getting a 1:1 match in bone positioning was impossible to achieve. In addition, the rig uses Jessica's viewarms from Shadows of Evil simply due to her hands being the thinnest in the game. This will ensure that the anims will fit on all hands, despite being thicker than Jessica's hands.
None yet. Please report back with any issues that you encounter.
Azsry: Legacy Rig - T7 Rig Conversion Rig
DTZxPorter: Wraith
RollonMath42: Anim Testing
v 1.01
- Fixed MEL scripts breaking when no namespace exists.
- Updated usage instructions ordering
- Initial Release
(Maya 8.5+ ALPHA)
Reply By: Scobalula
This doesn't get any better, now the box mappers are ready for Black Ops 3 Sp00ks from Black Ops 2 and Black Ops 5.
Reply By: Exofile
Amazing work! The amount of assets we get to use in Bo3 is exponentially growing from day to day.
Reply By: DidUknowiPwn
Not sure where I went wrong
Reply By: Azsry
DidUknowiPwnNot sure where I went wrong
Reply By: DidUknowiPwn
AzsryDidUknowiPwnNot sure where I went wrong
Since the gun doesn't even line up with the T6 arms, did you name the root bone tag_weapon before importing? That will mess up because the old rigs animated that bone, so keep it as j_gun until after importing.
Also, because something like this is hard to debug from a picture, would you be able to send a screencap of what you did?
Reply By: natesmithzombies
I cant seem to get the maya file to open in 2012. Anyone else having this issue? I would really appreciate the help
Reply By: Hero115
natesmithzombiesI cant seem to get the maya file to open in 2012. Anyone else having this issue? I would really appreciate the help
Reply By: Azsry
Hero115natesmithzombiesI cant seem to get the maya file to open in 2012. Anyone else having this issue? I would really appreciate the help
Open maya and drag the file. Just opening the file will not work.
iirc, i read in the OP it's for Maya 2016 only. But Perhaps i could be wrong.
Reply By: natesmithzombies
AzsryHero115natesmithzombiesI cant seem to get the maya file to open in 2012. Anyone else having this issue? I would really appreciate the help
Open maya and drag the file. Just opening the file will not work.
iirc, i read in the OP it's for Maya 2016 only. But Perhaps i could be wrong.
Yeah, unfortunately I made the rig in 2016 due to my 2013 half-dying after installing 2016. A kind soul made a port for older Maya versions, but I cannot vouch for its compatibility.
Besides the ridiculous load time compared to older versions of Maya, I'd recommend upgrading to 2016 anyway. There are some nice/updated features and less crashes (for me, anyway).
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Rather than limiting this to maya 2016 ( which most don't have )
Why not export the scene as a fbx - which will be compatible with any maya ( just need to enable the plugin in the plugin manager )
Reply By: Jdcobra
I'm having an issue when I import anims from Black Ops 1. Whenever I import an anim, all the joints move but it looks like this in the first person view in maya
Reply By: ModToolsInYourAss
Can you do a conversion rig for black ops 3 dlc weapons ? I've tried everything to get the marshall, galil, ak74u anims. In Maya it looks ok but in-game wtf. (on pc I don't have other CoDs so it's complicated to do otherwise)
How come my scene looks like this ?
How come my scene looks like this ?