Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Thread By: Harry Bo21
Harry Bo21's Custom Triggers with different hints to different players V2.0.0
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================================================================= Usage =============================================================================
# First add this line to the top of the script you wish to use the triggers in
#include maps\_zombiemode_custom_triggers;
# To create a trigger :
trigger = harrybo21_custom_trigger_spawn_trigger_use( origin, radius, spawn_flags );
# To create a trigger "script_model"
trigger = harrybo21_custom_trigger_spawn_trigger_use_model( model, origin, angles, radius, spawn_flags );
# To use a trigger placed in radiant - this can be anything, from structs, script models, origins etc
trigger = getEnt( "NAME", "targetname" ); // Or script_noteworthy, script_string etc
trigger harrybo21_custom_trigger_make_trigger_object( radius );
# To change the hintstring for all players
trigger harrybo21_custom_trigger_set_hintstring_for_all( "NEW HINT STRING" );
# To change the hintstring for a particular player
trigger harrybo21_custom_trigger_set_hintstring_to_player( "NEW HINT STRING", player );
# To enable the trigger
trigger harrybo21_custom_trigger_enable();
# To disable the trigger
trigger harrybo21_custom_trigger_disable();
# To delete the trigger
trigger harrybo21_custom_trigger_delete();
================================================================= Further notes =============================================================================
# As trigger radius uses the notify "trigger" to detect on use, "touched" for if a player comes to it, and "moved_away" if they step out of its radius
example :
while( 1 )
self waittill( "trigger", player );
while( 1 )
self waittill( "touched", player );
while( 1 )
self waittill( "moved_away", player );
The main advantages to this are :
# showing different hints to different players
# Could customize triggers to make noises or do other fancy stuff
# Will not hit hintstring limit as uses a hud elem not the default hints
# Reduce ent count significantly
# Have control of "touching", "using" or "moving away" of the trigger
The disadvantages are :
# if my trigger is near a regular trigger you'll see both hints at once
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whelp, im a sad boy