Modme Forums

Stackable DoublePoints!

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: Danny
If this is a repost I'm sorry, I tried posting once but the website logged me out and it didn't seem to post it so I have to rewrite this entire post.

basically this is a rewrite of the way Double Points works in WaW zombies!

I was sitting yesterday bored as heck when I had the idea of stacking the timer for Double Points!

because normally it restarts and it is sort of a pest having to run for the blinking powerup at last second to spare every point!

here goes!

so to do this you must have a text editor (NotePad++ is my personal go-to) and _zombiemode_powerups.gsc

first step is to go to the very bottom of the script and paste

	if( !level.putimer["dptimeremaining"] == 0 )
		level.zombie_vars["zombie_point_scalar"] = 2;
		level.putimer["dptimeremaining"] -= 1;
	wait 1;

next go to the very top and look for // powerups and paste somewhere

level.putimer = [];
	level.putimer["dptimeremaining"] = 1;

next look for time_remaining_on_point_doubler_powerup() and find

// time it down!
	while ( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] >= 0)
		wait 0.1;
		level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] = level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] - 0.1;
		//self setvalue( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] );	


level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] = level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] - 0.1;

because it is no longer needed and will just complicate and ruin the way it works now

next find

point_doubler_on_hud( drop_item )
	self endon ("disconnect");

	// check to see if this is on or not
	if ( level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_on"] )
		// reset the time and keep going
		level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] = 30;

and delete

level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_time"] = 30;

then use the find and replace function in the text editor of your choice



then find double_points_powerup( drop_item ) and replace THE ENTIRE FUNCTION with

// double the points
double_points_powerup( drop_item )
	level notify ("powerup points scaled");
	level endon ("powerup points scaled");

	//	players = get_players();	
	//	array_thread(level,::point_doubler_on_hud, drop_item);

	level.putimer["dptimeremaining"] += 30;
	level thread point_doubler_on_hud( drop_item );

	level.zombie_vars["zombie_powerup_point_doubler_on"] = false;
	level.zombie_vars["zombie_point_scalar"] = 1;

then you should be done! go in game and try it out! feedback would be greatly appreciated! hope I helped. :)

hopefully I don't get logged out again LOL