Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Thread By: elricos
Hi, writing this is going to be a pain in the neck xdd, lets beggin.
1.0 Rico's Notes
- Inside of the .rar files you will have an instructions.txt for putting that gun into your mod/map. | also in the post you will see texts like " Ver. 1.1 " they are links to see imges of the port in-game ;D
- Some guns are in 1.0 - 1.3, 1.3 is the most stable version, if you download 1.0 version what requieres "Ricos_gun_hotfixes.rar" download it, drag n drop the gun then the hotfix (this in every weapon what need this)
- If you use my ports, you MUST add me into the credit list of your future map/mod by: El Ricos | Big thanks to: DTZxPorter, Azsry, HitmanVere, KommunityKOD, ElTitoPricus
- Here is a video tutorial for how to add the guns --> | IMPORTANT - IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A " stringtable gamedata weapons .csv file " dont create a new one like said in the .rar instructions, just edit that one you have ... the mod just need one, so if you put two... weapons cant show in the box or even dont pap :b
- For difrent camos go to: (bo3root/usermaps/URMOD/scripts/*) and edit the .gsc of your map, add the functions showed in the image
- In the instructions.txt inside of the .rar you MUST edit the files what say with Notepad++, Click Here
- eMoX from France release some weapon chalks / wallbuys for my guns ;D, so if you want put it in ur map go to this link Modme Post ID:1186
2.0 List of the ports | 26 In total | 21-07-17 |
-----| Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |(Required in some weapons) |-----Download
-----| MW2 Ports |-----
Intervention | Ver. 1.3 | Download
UMP45 | Ver. 1.3 | Download
-----| MW3 Ports |-----
AA-12 | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |
DownloadMP7 | Ver. 1.3 |
-----| BO1 Ports|-----
Nothing to see here xdd
-----| BO2 Ports|-----
M1927 | Ver. 1.3 |Download
Mauser C96 | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
-----| Ghosts Ports |-----
MTAR-X | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadHoney Badger | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadAK-12 | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadVector CRB | Ver. 1.3 |
-----| AW Ports |-----
Bal-27 | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
M1911 | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
M1 Irons | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
MK14 | Ver. 1.2 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |
HBRa3 | Ver. 1.2 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |
DownloadASM1 | Ver. 1.2 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |
-----| MW:R Ports |-----
M4A1 | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
G36C | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
AK-47 | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
MP5 | Ver. 1.1 | Requires Ricos Gun Hotfixes .rar |Download
XM-LAR | Ver. 1.3 | Download
Fang-45 | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadBOS14 | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadLynx CQ300 | Ver. 1.3 |
-----| Infinte Warfare Ports |-----
NV4 | Ver. 1.3 | Download
KBAR-32 | Ver. 1.3 | Download
R-VN | Ver. 1.3 | Download
Type-2 | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadTrencher | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadTF-141 | Ver. 1.3 |
DownloadM1 | Ver. 1.3 |
3.0 Updates| follow me on Twitter xdd @ricko0z i post sometimes previews of the ported guns ;D
If you feel generous Donate me to my paypal, Click Here :)
12/08/17 - I add the MWR Lynx CQ300 and IW M1
27/07/17 - I add the Vector CRB from Ghosts (:
21/07/17 - I add the TF-141 (intervention) from IW :D, thanks to xSanchez78 for the rig
20/07/17 - I update some guns to 1.3 the rest needs Ricos guns hotfixes.rar to get those weapons updated to 1.3 :B
-----| Update History |-----
30/06/17 - I add the Honey Badger and the AK-12 from Ghosts, also i update the MTAR-X
05/06/17 - I add the BOS14 from MW:R
07/05/17 - I add the Fang45 from MW:R, big thanks to Kbw211 to lend me the guns and record the sounds
04/05/17 - I add the Trencher from IW ;D
03/05/17 - I add the MP7 from MW3 and the Type2 from IW, soon i will update all guns to 1.3
07/04/17 - I Add the ASM1 from AW, i was stucked in flickboard textures but Noobforlunch help me ;D
30/03/17 - I add the Hbra3 from AW, i spent like 30 min searching the correct fire rate xdd, internet ones are difrent xd
27/03/17 - I add the AW MK14 requested ;D, this port is ver. 1.2 wich contains various fixes in weaponfile like jump/swim sprints anims and headshot damage fix
22/03/17 - I add the XM-LAR from MW:R ;D
17/03/17 - I add the R-VN from IW ;D
24/02/17 - I add the AA-12 from MW3, first Shotgun in this post n.n
22/02/17 - I add the MC96 from BO2 :D, Boomhilda looks and feel like the original from Origins ;D
18/02/17 - I add the KBAR-32 from Infinite Warfare :b
16/02/17 - I add the NV4 from Infinite Warfare
22/12/16 - I Add the MP5 from MW:R, wanna know all the port process ? Click Here
21/12/16 - I add the AK-47 from MW:R, i planned finish first the assaut rifles :p
20/12/16 - Wanna know how i port my weapons ? check this video ;D
19/12/16 - I add the G36C from MW:R, next will be the mp5
16/12/16 - i add the M4A1 from MW:R with the new reload/fire sounds ;D, next weapon will be the gc36 from mw:r
5/12/16 - i add the M1 Irons from AW ;D
4/11/16 - I add the m1911 from AW, pap version its like the boomhilda i dont know at the moment how to port dual wield xdd
1/11/16 - I add the Bal-27 :D and the MTAR-X, thanks to Zeroy for point the problem about the put away glitch n.n, next weapon could be a pistol or a rifle ;D
30/10/16 - I add the ump45 :D, next weapon is the bal-27 n.n
27/10/16 - I add this two ports n.n, the next will be the mw2 ump45 :D, i need decifre how to use red dots and things n.n
4.0 Request Pool & FAQ Section
By the momenti will stop the request pool, 2 main reasons ... |1. I have in mind preferences like IW and MW:R guns |2. I want people try to learn porting weapons, there out manny tutorials (i made also one) jbird and others youtubers have also too videos about it, if you doesnt know how to start send me a message on Discord | El Ricos#7444 | i´ll help you :B ... also join MODME Discord server, there you can also request tips from the community there :)
1. ¿ Did i need ask permission to use your guns ?
- No, you can use my ports, edit them, use them by reference you name it, but u MUST give the CREDITS if you share it or if you put them in your mod/map :)
2. ¿ Whats mean 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 versions in your ports ?
- Sometimes i have errors in my ports, so the newer version fix those errors, it depends what type of erros like weapon damage values, problems in the gdt or textures, problems in anims etc :b ... actual 1.3 version is the most stable, soon i'll update all guns to that version
3. ¿ Why i cant hear the weapon sounds ?
- Too manny reason why, the main one is you dont follow the instructions correctly, if you add guns in your mod/map u need add the "weapon" in some files, like your zone file map, user_aliases.csv and level_common_weapons.csv or zm_test_weapons.csv files, the other reason is what you MUST edit those files with Notepad ++, if you use/edit them with windows notepad you broke the file, because those files use other format
UPDATE 19/10/19 - Check this post for a quick fix ;D | Modme Post ID-1373, Click Here
5.0 Solution Center
- If you have broken user_aliases.csv file use this one Click Here
Reply By: Yasser143
Just letting u know, u forgot to make the xanims tag_weapons instead of j_gun, i think this is y u r having the issues u are having with the guns.
Reply By: Exofile
Looks good Rico!
I went ahead and fixed a few errors in the writing for you, hope you don't mind.
Me Gusta mucha, muy bien
Reply By: Ping998
This looks really good so far Rick!
Are you planning to update it often, or what guns are you working on currently?
Thanks for the post!
Reply By: Psh
Keeping me moist
Reply By: elricos
UMP45 added n.n |
Reply By: Haatis
Thank you dude i fucking love you!
Reply By: iBounce
Omg, please do the MTAR-X from ghosts. I am begging you...
Reply By: Blink-420
Fucking amazing, thank you so so much for this.
Reply By: MinePro14
there's no virus, right?
Reply By: ZeRoY
"Some guns are glitching when u put away the gun :,v | Status: Still Not fixed| pls help in this xdd"
Possibly you have the putaway or pullout anim as looping?
Reply By: DTZxPorter
MinePro14there's no virus, right?
Reply By: AzzazZx
My game crashes when I load my game with M1927. I think it's because of how to get it in the box as it seems that part of the walk through was left out in the readme.
Reply By: elricos
Bal-27 Added !
Reply By: Valid
Tried one of your ports and it worked. Good work! By any chance could you add the M1911 from black ops 2, 1, or world at war? Do whichever one you can do, because I know of some of the legal issues. Thanks!
Reply By: elricos
Im on fire today, MTAR-X added n.n
Reply By: LoGy
wow nice post mate any chance u could do the dsr from bo2
Reply By: Exofile
elricosIm on fire today, MTAR-X added n.n
Reply By: zokyt
Why me the gun:
ball 27, MTAR-X and M1927
Do not work ?
Reply By: elricos
zokytWhy me the gun:
ball 27, MTAR-X and M1927
Do not work ?
Reply By: Blink-420
Guns work great man, I appreciate your work! But my packapunch camo is no longer showing up on stock weapons after installing these. Any idea why or fix? These weapons have the giant pap camo but all stock/default black ops 3 weapons have no camo added after pack a punch
Reply By: Ping998
Would love to see an M1911, that would be essential for any great zombies map!
Reply By: zokyt
Help plz :
The weapons does not work
Reply By: Erthrock
WOW will definitely use these! saves a lot of time! also will help me see where i messed up when porting weapon sounds :)
Reply By: Erthrock
Is there a reason the sounds dont work on the guns such as the ump45?
Reply By: Optomusprime22
The sounds for the mtar are not working for me while the others are also can not pack and I did follow the instruction very closely
Reply By: elricos
All users with gun problems, check this video n.n
Also remember have this into your mod/map zone file
Reply By: greeNTheBoyz
Hey, I see you want either a pistol or a rifle. For the pistol you could bring back the Colt or Mauser. I've seen a lot of the Mauser because of Madgaz's map, but the Colt would be such a nice gun to return! If you don't want to do a pistol, you could even do something like the SMR or the M27 from Black Ops II. The SMR would be great as a wall weapon instead of the Sheiva, and the M27 could be a replacement of the ICR. These are some suggestions, but it's your weapons, so do as you please! These are so great by the way!
Reply By: Erthrock
fixed my sounds, for some reason you need to do the zm_test_weapons.csv for the box to make sounds work idk but sweet
Reply By: Erthrock
now that i got my commando working and was wanting to release it to the public i edited your intructions.txt to fit mine and was hoping thats ok?
Reply By: elricos
Erthrocknow that i got my commando working and was wanting to release it to the public i edited your intructions.txt to fit mine and was hoping thats ok?
Reply By: ProRevenge
These ports are awesome man :) Got the MTAR and M1911 in, Added BF1 firesound to the M1911, works a treat :D Keep it up!
Reply By: zokyt
Why the sound of the gun M1911 not working? :'(
Reply By: Haatis
Do ak-47 please
any game is ok but i prefer bo1 and mw2
Reply By: Blink-420
love the m1911! But like someone else said, the sounds arent working?
Reply By: RelayzYT
Erthrocknow that i got my commando working and was wanting to release it to the public i edited your intructions.txt to fit mine and was hoping thats ok?
Reply By: Valid
The M1911 port is working but only if I type in console, "/give aw_m1911 or /give aw_m1911_upgraded". I'm not getting it in the box and it won't let me pack a punch it. When I walk up to the pack a punch it doesn't even say "Hold F to Pack-A-Punch"
Reply By: Wild
ValidThe M1911 port is working but only if I type in console, "/give aw_m1911 or /give aw_m1911_upgraded". I'm not getting it in the box and it won't let me pack a punch it. When I walk up to the pack a punch it doesn't even say "Hold F to Pack-A-Punch"
Reply By: Optomusprime22
Could you make a ballista, a blundergat (not acid), a lsat, a m60, or a stoner please only one if you want but all would be great too lol.
Reply By: Red Planet
ValidThe M1911 port is working but only if I type in console, "/give aw_m1911 or /give aw_m1911_upgraded". I'm not getting it in the box and it won't let me pack a punch it. When I walk up to the pack a punch it doesn't even say "Hold F to Pack-A-Punch"
Reply By: iBounce
Haven't seen this update in a bit...
Reply By: ItalianMilkMan
Just a request, can you do the bo1 or bo2 m1911?
Reply By: hahaDuNOOB
if i put in the ump45 i start my map and it show up mod loaded and kick me in the main menü
Reply By: Ping998
Any hints to new weapons coming up soon rico?
Reply By: specialgamer
how do you change the pap camo for these?
Reply By: hahaDuNOOB
how i fix this?
Reply By: solarz_reflexx
how i can put m1911 to starting pistol? or is it even possible??
Reply By: Dcchill
solarz_reflexxhow i can put m1911 to starting pistol? or is it even possible??
Reply By: cjgfrosty
Can you do theSTG-44 from origins? I'm trying to make a ww2 weapon mod and I don't have bo2 and I can't port anims if I did
Reply By: solarz_reflexx
Dcchillsolarz_reflexxhow i can put m1911 to starting pistol? or is it even possible??
Here is a tutorial
Reply By: MrslothGaming
solarz_reflexxDcchillsolarz_reflexxhow i can put m1911 to starting pistol? or is it even possible??
Here is a tutorial
yea i tested it before but i got some errors
Reply By: solarz_reflexx
MrslothGamingsolarz_reflexxDcchillsolarz_reflexxhow i can put m1911 to starting pistol? or is it even possible??
Here is a tutorial
yea i tested it before but i got some errors
startingWeapon = "aw_m1911";
weapon = getWeapon(startingWeapon);
level.start_weapon = (weapon);
Reply By: elricos
I Add the M1 Irons ;D |
Reply By: CrossScissors
elricosI Add the M1 Irons ;D |
Reply By: Dcchill
M1 irons is sexy af!
You should try to make a G11
Reply By: KeksMafiosi
Good job, M1 Irons are f'ing sexy. Please AK12 or the Ripper from Ghosts next.
Reply By: Yasser143
Hey Rico, how do you add the pap camo on ported weapons? Having a bit of trouble doing that with my weapons.
Reply By: elricos
Yasser143Hey Rico, how do you add the pap camo on ported weapons? Having a bit of trouble doing that with my weapons.
Reply By: Yasser143
elricosYasser143Hey Rico, how do you add the pap camo on ported weapons? Having a bit of trouble doing that with my weapons.
Try my method, i use the texture: tg_camo for reemplaze the zone of the camo, then i apply the material in my gun way Maya 2016 :p, use my .gdt of the tg_camo and this thing Download
Reply By: iBounce
If you are taking requests: Honeybadger from Ghosts or Infinite Warfare. It's called the KBAR in infinite warfare.
Reply By: DamianoTBM
iBounceIf you are taking requests: Honeybadger from Ghosts or Infinite Warfare. It's called the KBAR in infinite warfare.
Reply By: solarz_reflexx
plz do pdw from bo2
Reply By: iBounce
DamianoTBMiBounceIf you are taking requests: Honeybadger from Ghosts or Infinite Warfare. It's called the KBAR in infinite warfare.
*NV4 :P
Reply By: Red Planet
Can't wait to see more ports from you!
A small sudgestion: can you try and fixing some anims on the already ported guns?
For example the bal-27 first raise is a little "floaty-ish" and the idle anim has the wrist twisted
Also the m-tar reload anim is a bit buggy on high FOVs and the put-away anims are a bit buggy at the end of the anim!
Reply By: elricos
I add the M4A1 from MW:R ;D Preview in-game | Click here |
Reply By: Yetune
Make the AN-94 plsssss
Reply By: snprym
Awesome work man! maybe origins ( bo2 ) mp40/stg44 next?
Reply By: cjgfrosty
If you do the Ripper can you use the one from infinite warfare? as it would look 3 years nicer
Reply By: Doublejake
Can you make AUG from Black Ops pls??
Reply By: Jdcobra
Question, how did you find the sounds for the Advanced Warfare guns?
Reply By: elricos
I add the g36c from mw:r :D
Reply By: elricos
JdcobraQuestion, how did you find the sounds for the Advanced Warfare guns?
Reply By: elricos
I add the AK-47 From MW:R :D
Reply By: elricos
I add the MP5 from MW:R :D |
Reply By: W33DKilla
Can you make a shotgun if possible :)
Reply By: Blink-420
elricosI add the MP5 from MW:R :D |
Reply By: iBounce
Blink-420elricosI add the MP5 from MW:R :D |
For some reason none of the sounds for the MWR guns are working for me. I'm sure I've installed it right... I dunno
Reply By: elricos
W33DKillaCan you make a shotgun if possible :)
Reply By: ZombieKid164
This is awesome! You should add the uzi and death machine from mob of the dead. Thanks!
Reply By: XxCAFxX
Please please please please do the gold deagle from MW and the python from BO
Reply By: MinePro14
Blink-420elricosI add the MP5 from MW:R :D |
For some reason none of the sounds for the MWR guns are working for me. I'm sure I've installed it right... I dunno
Reply By: Deanford
elricosHi, writing this is going to be a pain in the neck xdd, lets beggin.
1.0 Rico's Notes
- Ports are not at all perfect, but if i know how to fix the little details, they will be updated ;D ... the following ports which are in 1.0 have | *functional different camos, *non-pap and pap versions, *sounds and *worldmodel's |
- Inside of the .rar files you will have an instructions.txt for putting that gun into your mod/map.
- Some guns are in 1.0, use the 1.1 hotfix .gdt for a better weaponfile experience xdd ( just put that .gdt in " bo3root/source_data/ " and ur ready to go )
- Big thanks to: DTZxPorter, Azsry, HitmanVere, KommunityKOD, and me Ricos xdd ... pls if you use this ports add us to the credit list n.n
- Here is a video tutorial for how to add the guns --> | Also remember have this into your mod/map zone file
- I report problems with the weapons sounds, for fix this open user_aliases.csv with Microsoft Excel (sound lines must be already there :v) and save the file like this example when you exit click "dont save" again
- If you have broken user_aliases.csv file use this one Click Here
2.0 List of the ports
-----| MW2 Ports |-----
Intervention | Ver. 1.0 | Hotfix .gdt |Ver. 1.1| |Download
UMP45 | Ver. 1.0 | | Hotfix .gdt |Ver. 1.1| | Download
-----| MW3 Ports |-----
-----| BO1 Ports|-----
-----| BO2 Ports|-----
M1927 | Ver. 1.0 | Hotfix .gdt |Ver. 1.1| |Download
-----| Ghosts Ports |-----
MTAR-X | 1.1 |Download
-----| AW Ports |-----
Bal-27 | Ver. 1.1 |Download
M1911 | Ver. 1.1 |Download
M1 Irons | Ver. 1.1 |Download
-----| MW:R Ports |-----
M4A1 | Ver. 1.1 |Download
G36C | Ver. 1.1 |Download
AK-47 | Ver. 1.1 |Download
MP5 | Ver. 1.1|Download
-----| Infinte Warfare Ports |-----
3.0 Updates | follow me on Twitter xdd <span style="color:#33ccff">@ricko0z</span> i post sometimes previews of the ported guns ;D
22/12/16 - I Add the MP5 from MW:R, wanna know all the port process ? Click Here
21/12/16 - I add the AK-47 from MW:R, i planned finish first the assaut rifles :p
20/12/16 - Wanna know how i port my weapons ? check this video ;D
19/12/16 - I add the G36C from MW:R, next will be the mp5
16/12/16 - i add the M4A1 from MW:R with the new reload/fire sounds ;D, next weapon will be the gc36 from mw:r
5/12/16 - i add the M1 Irons from AW ;D
4/11/16 - I add the m1911 from AW, pap version its like the boomhilda i dont know at the moment how to port dual wield xdd
1/11/16 - I add the Bal-27 :D and the MTAR-X, thanks to Zeroy for point the problem about the put away glitch n.n, next weapon could be a pistol or a rifle ;D
30/10/16 - I add the ump45 :D, next weapon is the bal-27 n.n
27/10/16 - I add this two ports n.n, the next will be the mw2 ump45 :D, i need decifre how to use red dots and things n.n
4.0 Request Pool | Green names are for guns ported and red for guns for left
BO2 Mauser - BO2 STG-44 - AW Lever Action Rifle - BO1 G11 - Ghosts AK-12 - Ghosts Ripper - Ghosts Honey Badger - IW NV4 - BO2 PDW - BO2 AN-94 - BO2 MP40 - BO1 AUG -
Reply By: PentaFrost
Hi guys.
Thanks for the weapons elrico.
I just cant seem to get them in the box nor pack and punch them.
i have followed the instructions to the fullest.
Still no weapons show up in my box.
Anyone got time to help me at some point?
Reply By: ADDE
PentaFrostHi guys.
Thanks for the weapons elrico.
I just cant seem to get them in the box nor pack and punch them.
i have followed the instructions to the fullest.
Still no weapons show up in my box.
Anyone got time to help me at some point?
Reply By: Wild
PentaFrostHi guys.
Thanks for the weapons elrico.
I just cant seem to get them in the box nor pack and punch them.
i have followed the instructions to the fullest.
Still no weapons show up in my box.
Anyone got time to help me at some point?
Reply By: Psh
Ghosts LSAT and MW2 AA-12 get me damp
Reply By: PentaFrost
AGCPentaFrostHi guys.
Thanks for the weapons elrico.
I just cant seem to get them in the box nor pack and punch them.
i have followed the instructions to the fullest.
Still no weapons show up in my box.
Anyone got time to help me at some point?
I had the same problem with them not going in the box so instead I did this:
1) Copy the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv file from bo3root\share\raw\gamedata\weapons\zm\
2) Go to your map's folder: bo3root\usermaps\zm_yourmapname
3) Next I made a new folder in my map's folder with the name gamedata. In that I made a folder named weapons, then in that I made a folder named zm.
4) Paste the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv file we copied before in this folder. This is now where you'll put the stuff for adding weapons to the box, not where it says in the instructions.
5) Open your map's gsc, usually found at bo3root\usermaps\zm_yourmapname\scripts\zm\zm_yourmapname.gsc. At the very bottom underneath everything add this function:
function custom_add_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);
6) Make sure this line of text is at the bottom of your map's zone file underneath all the text for the weapons:
7) Finally, link and compile your map and all that fun stuff then all the weapons should go in the box.
I had the same problem and this is what fixed it for me :)
Reply By: Wild
PentaFrostAGCPentaFrostHi guys.
Thanks for the weapons elrico.
I just cant seem to get them in the box nor pack and punch them.
i have followed the instructions to the fullest.
Still no weapons show up in my box.
Anyone got time to help me at some point?
I had the same problem with them not going in the box so instead I did this:
1) Copy the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv file from bo3root\share\raw\gamedata\weapons\zm\
2) Go to your map's folder: bo3root\usermaps\zm_yourmapname
3) Next I made a new folder in my map's folder with the name gamedata. In that I made a folder named weapons, then in that I made a folder named zm.
4) Paste the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv file we copied before in this folder. This is now where you'll put the stuff for adding weapons to the box, not where it says in the instructions.
5) Open your map's gsc, usually found at bo3root\usermaps\zm_yourmapname\scripts\zm\zm_yourmapname.gsc. At the very bottom underneath everything add this function:
function custom_add_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);
6) Make sure this line of text is at the bottom of your map's zone file underneath all the text for the weapons:
7) Finally, link and compile your map and all that fun stuff then all the weapons should go in the box.
I had the same problem and this is what fixed it for me :)
Thanks m8.
First i found out i put the zm folder before the weapons folder. And then i did what you described afterwards. Now it works.
Thank you so much :D I tried so many different things for 3 hours straight. Was getting super frustrated XD.
Reply By: Gbergz
[SOLVED] It was just my bo3 acting weird. its working fine.
Hey rico, for some reason the M1Irons does not appear to have sounds.
I did everything you had in that notepad & in the video. All the other guns do have sounds though. Not this one
Any fix for this?
Reply By: Ping998
Exceptional work so far Rico! Good Job!
I would really love to see some more guns from MWR, they are so cool to see in custom maps! (would it be possible to port the MP44 or an LMG such as the M249 SAW?)
Thank you!
Reply By: Blink-420
I'd love to see more ghosts weapons, love em.
Reply By: CalvinLarson
elricosBal-27 Added !
Reply By: Hamwunk
CalvinLarsonelricosBal-27 Added !
I was wondering, how did you go about adding the der eisendrach pap camos to the bal 27 I want to add that camo to them aswell. Could you explain how you did that? Thanks
Reply By: Hamwunk
CalvinLarsonelricosBal-27 Added !
I was wondering, how did you go about adding the der eisendrach pap camos to the bal 27 I want to add that camo to them aswell. Could you explain how you did that? Thanks
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index = 75;
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index_number_variants = 6;
Reply By: CalvinLarson
HamwunkCalvinLarsonelricosBal-27 Added !
I was wondering, how did you go about adding the der eisendrach pap camos to the bal 27 I want to add that camo to them aswell. Could you explain how you did that? Thanks
Oh wait, sorry I messed up. That video is how to make a variant.What you do is go in YOURMAPNAME.gsc file and paste in
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index = 75;
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index_number_variants = 6;
under zm_usermap::main();
Reply By: Yasser143
Rico, I followed the steps u said about the audio problems, and I still have audio difficulties with the ak47 and the M1Irons.
Reply By: solarz_reflexx
almost every gun have sound but not: intervention,m1 irons
Reply By: Wild
solarz_reflexxalmost every gun have sound but not: intervention,m1 irons
Reply By: Hamwunk
solarz_reflexxalmost every gun have sound but not: intervention,m1 irons
That happened to me before with porting my own weapons as well. Not sure if this will work for you but it did for me.
I deleted the gdts in the source data folder but kept all the other files( sounds, models, anims) and deleted the sound lines for the weapons in the file useraliases.csv. Then I put the lines back in and the gdts in the source data back in one at a time and testing one after another, going one at a time, it then worked for me, maybe this will work for you im not sure but it did for me. It seems puting them all at once for me just corrupted it haha. hope fully this works for you as it did for me.
Reply By: solarz_reflexx
Hamwunksolarz_reflexxalmost every gun have sound but not: intervention,m1 ironsThat happened to me before with porting my own weapons as well. Not sure if this will work for you but it did for me.
I deleted the gdts in the source data folder but kept all the other files( sounds, models, anims) and deleted the sound lines for the weapons in the file useraliases.csv. Then I put the lines back in and the gdts in the source data back in one at a time and testing one after another, going one at a time, it then worked for me, maybe this will work for you im not sure but it did for me. It seems puting them all at once for me just corrupted it haha. hope fully this works for you as it did for me.
THX! i will test that today
Reply By: ASTR0x0M3GA
Great Stuff Man! Can't wait for more!
Could you possibly port the katana or axe from bo3?
Reply By: Ping998
Hey rico! Any progress updates so far for these assets?
Reply By: PowerD7
AGCValidThe M1911 port is working but only if I type in console, "/give aw_m1911 or /give aw_m1911_upgraded". I'm not getting it in the box and it won't let me pack a punch it. When I walk up to the pack a punch it doesn't even say "Hold F to Pack-A-Punch"It works fine for me.
The same thing happens to me
Reply By: XanderAndFriends
Hey, i tried to get to the m1911 and it said it could not be found and the same goes for the bal27 which i got a week ago so whats the problem?
Reply By: elricos
XanderAndFriendsHey, i tried to get to the m1911 and it said it could not be found and the same goes for the bal27 which i got a week ago so whats the problem?
The problem is you are not reading and following the instructions and notes correctly ... pls check good this post and the instructions inside the .rar file .... even in the post there is a video how to install it -.-
Reply By: Haatis
Release mauser and stg ASAP im just getting wet thinking about them!
Reply By: Abnormal202
elricosXanderAndFriendsHey, i tried to get to the m1911 and it said it could not be found and the same goes for the bal27 which i got a week ago so whats the problem?
The problem is you are not reading and following the instructions and notes correctly ... pls check good this post and the instructions inside the .rar file .... even in the post there is a video how to install it -.-
I think the problem is not with installing but rather the download link is broken. This is very frustrating as I have checked and whenever you click to download a gun you get:
except for the Intervention, M1297, mp5, and G36c.
I think the download links are broken.
Reply By: elricos
Abnormal202elricosXanderAndFriendsHey, i tried to get to the m1911 and it said it could not be found and the same goes for the bal27 which i got a week ago so whats the problem?
The problem is you are not reading and following the instructions and notes correctly ... pls check good this post and the instructions inside the .rar file .... even in the post there is a video how to install it -.-
I think the problem is not with installing but rather the download link is broken. This is very frustrating as I have checked and whenever you click to download a gun you get:
except for the Intervention, M1297, mp5, and G36c.
I think the download links are broken.
NOPE, the links work correclty ... update ur browser :v, donwload java and adobe flash player :b .... maybe your modme account is not as the usuals <--- just an idea
Reply By: DTZxPorter
Double confirmed, download links (sign in ones) work just fine.
Reply By: Wild
DTZxPorterDouble confirmed, download links (sign in ones) work just fine.
I get that problem too but my browser, flash and java are up to date and I tried clearing my cache and all that fun stuff and they still don't work. They have worked before but now they arn't for me?
Reply By: wolfetplayer
Some links not working for me either. Too bad.
Reply By: Wild
wolfetplayerSome links not working for me either. Too bad.
I figured out the problem. You are probably still using the link. Switch over to the URL. that fixed it for me!
Reply By: The Last Knight898
hey i just ported your m1911 into my map, it works perfectly but wont pack a punch, can u please help me out with this
Reply By: PowerD7
Thehey i just ported your m1911 into my map, it works perfectly but wont pack a punch, can u please help me out with this
1) Make a folder in Call of Duty Black Ops III/usermaps/mapname/ and call it "gamedata"
2) In this "gamedata" folder, make another new folder called "weapons"
3) In the "weapons" folder, again make another new folder and call it "zm"
4) Then go to Call of Duty Black Ops III/share/raw/gamedata/weapons/zm
5) Copy the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv
6) In the "zm" folder you made in Call of Duty Black Ops III/usermaps/mapname/gamedata/weapons, paste the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv
7) Make sure that you have this funtion in your Call of Duty Black Ops III/usermaps/mapname/scripts mapname.gsc
function custom_add_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);
And this at the bottom of your //Weapons in your in mapname/zone_source
8) Compile and link your map and you should be able to pack-a-punch th m1911
If this didn't work, or you get confused pm me and I can help
Reply By: hahaDuNOOB
the m1911 dont work for me someone know why if i go into my game and i give me the weapon its bugging
Reply By: greatbrendini
yo if you could do the acr from mw2 that would be legendary fam
Reply By: Starisko
BO2 M14 & olympia please :)
Reply By: Starisko
YEah i forget to say, the M1911 no-upgraded and upgraded has no sound i hope you fix that.. i installed it correctly i installed rpk from other guy sound work great but the erthrocs or something like that has published: "THOMPSON, AK74U, COMMANDO, HONEY" has no sound too :( i don't know how to fix that i installed the same way of RPK
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
I have almost all of these weapons in already and they work perfectly when i use the commands to give them to me. But there is one problem im having.
i cant get the any of the guns from the Mystery Box and it wont let me Pack-a-Punch them. i have to use the commands to give me the upgraded version.
please help.
Reply By: Starisko
NoahI have almost all of these weapons in already and they work perfectly when i use the commands to give them to me. But there is one problem im having.
i cant get the any of the guns from the Mystery Box and it wont let me Pack-a-Punch them. i have to use the commands to give me the upgraded version.
please help.
go to your and add this:
Reply By: elricos
16/02/17 | Update | I add the NV4 from IW
Reply By: Ducky
Requests, if you're taking them.
I've already used the M1 Irons and Deagle, they were fantastic, thanks!
Reply By: elricos
I add the KBAR-32 from IW :D | In-Game Preview
Please can u do the blunder gat next I know you may not be able to port the fx's for the acid gat but can u add them to ur to do list on the main post please????
Reply By: soul-toktzt
HATMANYOPlease can u do the blunder gat next I know you may not be able to port the fx's for the acid gat but can u add them to ur to do list on the main post please????
This ^ :D I've been waiting for blundergat because i don't have Black Ops 2.
Reply By: itznvy
NV4 Download Link doesn't work.
Reply By: DTZxPorter
itznvyNV4 Download Link doesn't work.
Reply By: D-2-K
Ricos thank you buddy you are a star
Reply By: h00dedsn1per
please do m1 garand
Reply By: elricos
I add the Mauser C96 from Origins :D, looks and feels like the original one ;D Preview in-game and a video test
Reply By: soul-toktzt
elricosI add the Mauser C96 from Origins :D, looks and feels like the original one ;D Preview in-game and a video test
You're really doing a great job :DThank you for this :)
Reply By: PaulMcWafflez
I just wanted to say: thank you for your generous labors for the comunity - I greatly appreciate your works and cannot wait to see what the future has in store. Thank you, Ricos!
Reply By: elricos
PaulMcWafflezI just wanted to say: thank you for your generous labors for the comunity - I greatly appreciate your works and cannot wait to see what the future has in store. Thank you, Ricos!
Ur welcome mate ;D
Reply By: itznvy
Hey Ricos! Any hint or Telling of what weapon you're doing next? I'd really like something not from bo2 since Harry Bo 21 released the origins pack...
Reply By: elricos
itznvyHey Ricos! Any hint or Telling of what weapon you're doing next? I'd really like something not from bo2 since Harry Bo 21 released the origins pack...
Im porting right now the AA-12 from MW3 :b
Reply By: itznvy
elricositznvyHey Ricos! Any hint or Telling of what weapon you're doing next? I'd really like something not from bo2 since Harry Bo 21 released the origins pack...
Im porting right now the AA-12 from MW3 :b
Okay Thank you for all your Hard Work!
Reply By: Wild
elricositznvyHey Ricos! Any hint or Telling of what weapon you're doing next? I'd really like something not from bo2 since Harry Bo 21 released the origins pack...
Im porting right now the AA-12 from MW3 :b
If you're doing MW3 now, could you maybe do the ACR from MW3?
Reply By: elricos
I add the AA-12 from MW3 requested by @psh , is the first shotgun port in this post :D Preview In-game
Reply By: Psh
elricosI add the AA-12 from MW3 requested by @psh , is the first shotgun port in this post :D Preview In-game
Not called Vibrator when pap'd plz fix and reupload :(
Reply By: Jdcobra
PshelricosI add the AA-12 from MW3 requested by @psh , is the first shotgun port in this post :D Preview In-game
Not called Vibrator when pap'd plz fix and reupload :(
Reply By: Wild
MW3's ACR and MP7 please. That would be awesome.
Reply By: novaPurple
these are truly amazing..... can you make the Aug from bo1? that would be amazing !!
Reply By: itznvy
PshelricosI add the AA-12 from MW3 requested by @psh , is the first shotgun port in this post :D Preview In-game
Not called Vibrator when pap'd plz fix and reupload :(
To change that all you gotta do is go in ape and search for the aa12 gdt, then you find the mw3_aa12_upgraded_zm weapon file, from there you can change the Display name (pap name)
Reply By: Jdcobra
itznvyPshelricosI add the AA-12 from MW3 requested by @psh , is the first shotgun port in this post :D Preview In-game
Not called Vibrator when pap'd plz fix and reupload :(
To change that all you gotta do is go in ape and search for the aa12 gdt, then you find the mw3_aa12_upgraded_zm weapon file, from there you can change the Display name (pap name)
Lol he knows fam it's a meme
Reply By: itznvy
JdcobraitznvyPshelricosI add the AA-12 from MW3 requested by @psh , is the first shotgun port in this post :D Preview In-game
Not called Vibrator when pap'd plz fix and reupload :(
To change that all you gotta do is go in ape and search for the aa12 gdt, then you find the mw3_aa12_upgraded_zm weapon file, from there you can change the Display name (pap name)
Lol he knows fam it's a meme
oh sorry my meme game sucks! lol
Reply By: soul-toktzt
What about the Stoner63 from Black ops 1? I don't think it was in zombies tho. So not sure if it's possible.
Reply By: Wild
soul-toktztWhat about the Stoner63 from Black ops 1? I don't think it was in zombies tho. So not sure if it's possible.
You can still port guns that were not in zombies. When you do it you have to make the PaP version anyway so it doesn't make a difference if it's from zombies or mp. Rico just ported the AA12 which was never in zombies lol. But yes he should port the stoner.
Reply By: itznvy
AGCsoul-toktztWhat about the Stoner63 from Black ops 1? I don't think it was in zombies tho. So not sure if it's possible.
You can still port guns that were not in zombies. When you do it you have to make the PaP version anyway so it doesn't make a difference if it's from zombies or mp. Rico just ported the AA12 which was never in zombies lol. But yes he should port the stoner.
I mean wow why not just port every weapon
Reply By: Jdcobra
itznvyAGCsoul-toktztWhat about the Stoner63 from Black ops 1? I don't think it was in zombies tho. So not sure if it's possible.
You can still port guns that were not in zombies. When you do it you have to make the PaP version anyway so it doesn't make a difference if it's from zombies or mp. Rico just ported the AA12 which was never in zombies lol. But yes he should port the stoner.
I mean wow why not just port every weapon
You pretty much can. I have a bunch that didn't even touch zombies ever like stuff from MW2/3 or MWR. Hell I'm trying out the Enfield with the Masterkey attachment now! (and also it's possible to port guns from other games or make custom ones)
Reply By: Frost Iceforge
Could you do the G3 from MWR? CoD4 viersion such a classic in WaW custom maps and would love to see high res one in BO3!
Reply By: sediam
how can I solve this? This happen in all the porters guns and I follow all the tutorial, help me please¡¡
Reply By: elricos
sediamhow can I solve this? This happen in all the porters guns and I follow all the tutorial, help me please¡¡
Thats happen only with that gun ? .... i think you edit something in the stock bo3 viewhands
Reply By: itznvy
Ricos my dude whats next?!
Reply By: sediam
elricossediamhow can I solve this? This happen in all the porters guns and I follow all the tutorial, help me please¡¡
Thats happen only with that gun ? .... i think you edit something in the stock bo3 viewhands
Creo que hablas español asique te lo comento en español que me resulta mas sencillo
hace unas semanas cogi un pack de armas de otra persona y depues de instalar todo me pasaba exactamente lo mismo que en la foto, formate el ordenador y volvi a instalar MOD TOOLS, pensando que asi se solucionaria, entoces instale 3 armas tuyas y me pasa lo mismo y no encuntro el error, ayudame pls
Reply By: Doja69
can i get you to port some melee weapons for me your work is awsome.
Reply By: sediam
hahaDuNOOBhow i fix this?![]()
did you solve it? I have the same problem
Reply By: elricos
sediamhahaDuNOOBhow i fix this?did you solve it? I have the same problem
I think u edit some in your stock viewhands rig ... most of the people work as normal :b
Reply By: Dmill_Snipes
can you add the ARX-160 from Ghost? i love the guns M8!
Reply By: sediam
elricossediamhahaDuNOOBhow i fix this?did you solve it? I have the same problem
I think u edit some in your stock viewhands rig ... most of the people work as normal :b
How can I solve it?, I reinstall the mod tools again and I continue with the problem
Reply By: elricos
sediamelricossediamhahaDuNOOBhow i fix this?did you solve it? I have the same problem
I think u edit some in your stock viewhands rig ... most of the people work as normal :b
How can I solve it?, I reinstall the mod tools again and I continue with the problem
No idea why ... do you have bo3 and modtools in english ?
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
Hey elricos, I dont have Microsoft excel. how do i fix the sounds without it?
Reply By: easyskanka
Rico suggestion for the next gun, could you work on getting the blundergatt out from black ops 2 mob of the dead? :D
Reply By: elricos
NoahHey elricos, I dont have Microsoft excel. how do i fix the sounds without it?
Using notepad ++ ... the link is in the post :b
Reply By: D-2-K
Hi elricos i was wondering if you could do me a huge favour and port thr browning and mg42 i miss those guns so much and im cr@p at porting weapons :p
Reply By: Frost Iceforge
For some reason, I will randomly slow down to like 10% movement speed when using the Mustang and Sally, then come back to normal. Any idea why this happens?
Reply By: elricos
FrostFor some reason, I will randomly slow down to like 10% movement speed when using the Mustang and Sally, then come back to normal. Any idea why this happens?
Lel i didnt already port the Mustang and Sally xddd ... the problem is in the .gdts you need edit the bulletweapon assets :b
Reply By: Frost Iceforge
elricosFrostFor some reason, I will randomly slow down to like 10% movement speed when using the Mustang and Sally, then come back to normal. Any idea why this happens?
Lel i didnt already port the Mustang and Sally xddd ... the problem is in the .gdts you need edit the bulletweapon assets :b
OH! XD I got that mustang and sally from someone else! Sorry!
Reply By: Scorpiolo
How would I go about applying a chosen PAP camo to these weapons, like the DE camos
Reply By: elricos
ScorpioloHow would I go about applying a chosen PAP camo to these weapons, like the DE camos
In the .gsc of your map/mod (bo3root/usermaps/URMOD/scripts/*) add this functions:
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index = 75;
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index_number_variants = 5;
should be like this example: PREVIEW
Reply By: Scorpiolo
elricosScorpioloHow would I go about applying a chosen PAP camo to these weapons, like the DE camos
In the .gsc of your map/mod (bo3root/usermaps/URMOD/scripts/*) add this functions:
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index = 75;
level.pack_a_punch_camo_index_number_variants = 5;
should be like this example: PREVIEW
I did this but it applied to the standard weapons not custom.
Reply By: Scorpiolo
Hi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
Reply By: itznvy
ScorpioloHi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
lol Erthrock made those. You can check out his post!
Reply By: Scorpiolo
itznvyScorpioloHi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
lol Erthrock made those. You can check out his post!
I saw but tbh they're not great ports
Reply By: soul-toktzt
ScorpioloitznvyScorpioloHi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
lol Erthrock made those. You can check out his post!
I saw but tbh they're not great ports
Well, i hate to say this, but they don't HAVE to release them you know? :p
Even if they're not great, it's still pretty awesome to have them :)
Unless you can do it better... if you can... i challenge you :D
Reply By: itznvy
soul-toktztScorpioloitznvyScorpioloHi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
lol Erthrock made those. You can check out his post!
I saw but tbh they're not great ports
Well, i hate to say this, but they don't HAVE to release them you know? :p
Even if they're not great, it's still pretty awesome to have them :)
Unless you can do it better... if you can... i challenge you :D
idk how to port weapons. i know some of the process but it didnt turn out well. I get stuck on the sounds
Reply By: soul-toktzt
itznvysoul-toktztScorpioloitznvyScorpioloHi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
lol Erthrock made those. You can check out his post!
I saw but tbh they're not great ports
Well, i hate to say this, but they don't HAVE to release them you know? :p
Even if they're not great, it's still pretty awesome to have them :)
Unless you can do it better... if you can... i challenge you :D
idk how to port weapons. i know some of the process but it didnt turn out well. I get stuck on the sounds
I didn't even get further than opening them in Maya xD Also i only have WaW, so there isn't really something worth porting.
+ if i could export The Bane from Borderlands 2.... ;) ;) Now i just use the sounds from the bane on an existing gun xD
Reply By: Scorpiolo
soul-toktztScorpioloitznvyScorpioloHi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
lol Erthrock made those. You can check out his post!
I saw but tbh they're not great ports
Well, i hate to say this, but they don't HAVE to release them you know? :p
Even if they're not great, it's still pretty awesome to have them :)
Unless you can do it better... if you can... i challenge you :D
I know they don't have to release them, but I also don't have to use them, this isn't about what I can do, terrible arguement. I just don't particuarly want to use bad ports in my map, so I asked Rico if he could do them.
Reply By: soul-toktzt
Scorpiolosoul-toktztScorpioloitznvyScorpioloHi, great weapons! Ports of commando, thompson, and honey badger would be so sick!
lol Erthrock made those. You can check out his post!
I saw but tbh they're not great ports
Well, i hate to say this, but they don't HAVE to release them you know? :p
Even if they're not great, it's still pretty awesome to have them :)
Unless you can do it better... if you can... i challenge you :D
I know they don't have to release them, but I also don't have to use them, this isn't about what I can do, terrible arguement. I just don't particuarly want to use bad ports in my map, so I asked Rico if he could do them.
You're right tho, i'm not really that good in map making so it's kinda normal i don't really need "perfect" ports. But in my opinion a not-perfect one is better than none.
Reply By: Scorpiolo
Has anyone got a chosen pap camo working with ricos weapons?
Reply By: elricos
ScorpioloHas anyone got a chosen pap camo working with ricos weapons?
PSH (maker of rust and gulag custom maps :b)
Reply By: Scorpiolo
elricosScorpioloHas anyone got a chosen pap camo working with ricos weapons?
PSH (maker of rust and gulag custom maps :b)
Would you mind testing it to make sure it works by default without any changes, I just get the giant camo on your weapons
Reply By: elricos
I add the R-VN from IW ;D | Preview, Click Here
Reply By: dkamasta
Awesome thnx. I ll credit you in my mod!
Reply By: Valid
The sounds and guns work, but im unable to pack-a-punch my MC96, although I can do /give mc96_upgraded in console to get it. Also the mc96 doesn't show up in the box. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong
Reply By: JayZM
The sounds and guns work, but im unable to pack-a-punch my MC96, although I can do /give mc96_upgraded in console to get it. Also the mc96 doesn't show up in the box. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong
Reply By: elricos
22/03/17 - I add the XM-LAR from MW:R ;D In-Game View ;D
Reply By: D-2-K
sweet dude you just dont stop lovin these guns m8 and thank you ;)
Reply By: elricos
I add the AW MK14 ;D In-game preview
Reply By: FiveSeven
very nice guns....thank you so much
Reply By: Frost Iceforge
Could you do the G3 from MWR?
Reply By: elricos
I add the HBRa3 from AW ;D | In-game preview
Reply By: Yen466
Can you please do the AUG from BO1 next? That gun is sooo bad ass!
Reply By: easyskanka
or the Double barrel Shotgun from WaW ;P that would be epic
Reply By: Mindmirror
Maybe the Winchester 1200 from MW:R? :)
Reply By: elricos
07/04/17 - I add the ASM1 from AW ;D |
Reply By: coxinator115
07/04/17 - I add the ASM1 from AW ;D |
Reply By: elricos
elricos 07/04/17 - I add the ASM1 from AW ;D | ricoo awesome that you have added the asm1 but there is no sound? ive tried putting the sound lines in another alias but there is still no sound can you help me fix it? because all the other weapons that you have ported are working fine for me so i dont really understand whats happening :D please help me greeting from the netherlands!!
Reply By: itznvy
07/04/17 - I add the ASM1 from AW ;D |
Reply By: dkamasta
I am from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
You can add me on steam if you want, I ll help you.
Reply By: coxinator115
coxinator, I am from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You can add me on steam if you want, I ll help you. dka_masta
Reply By: Akrime
Good Job, I love your ports! I'd loved it more, if you included the ASM1 Speakeasy model.
Reply By: LBGamingYT
I'm sorry if this issue has been brought up before, but I'm having this issue with the Mauser. I did everything in the instructions. Anything I might have done wrong?
Reply By: Nelonn
Elricos, how did you fix sprinting animation for nv4, and how do you correctly apply(export) sprinting animations from IW. I tried doing it myself, but no luck...
Reply By: Akrime
I'd love to see an ACR 6.8 and MP7 Port from MW3. Would be awesome.
Reply By: elricos
I add the Trencher from IW :D | View in-game |
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
Hey elricos, I have a request for a weapon port. You don't have to if you don't want to but do you think you can port the Gewehr 43 from WaW. That was my favorite zombies weapon of all time and would LOVE to see it in Black Ops 3.
Thanks for the weapons btw, I friggin love them lol
Reply By: Herocraftian
The gun textures, models and smooth animations are great rico I applaud you, although not to beg but could you port the M1 Garand from advanced warfare?
Reply By: elricos
The problem with AW is supply drop weapons, i need the guns get unlocked to record sounds, this because sounds are too hard to find in soundpacks with wraith because they dont have names ... i could port it, but i have in mind preferences, like IW and MW:R guns ... in that case i have tutorials how to port a gun... you can learn about it (not only by my videos) jbird and others youtubers teach about porting guns :b ... i can help you in all, just sendme a message in Discord
Reply By: Scorpiolo
The problem with AW is supply drop weapons, i need the guns get unlocked to record sounds, this because sounds are too hard to find in soundpacks with wraith because they dont have names ... i could port it, but i have in mind preferences, like IW and MW:R guns ... in that case i have tutorials how to port a gun... you can learn about it (not only by my videos) jbird and others youtubers teach about porting guns :b ... i can help you in all, just sendme a message in Discord
Reply By: elricos
elricos The problem with AW is supply drop weapons, i need the guns get unlocked to record sounds, this because sounds are too hard to find in soundpacks with wraith because they dont have names ... i could port it, but i have in mind preferences, like IW and MW:R guns ... in that case i have tutorials how to port a gun... you can learn about it (not only by my videos) jbird and others youtubers teach about porting guns :b ... i can help you in all, just sendme a message in Discord tbh the sounds from the aw version are terrible, youd be better off using the aw model with textures from another game
Reply By: NINJAMAN829
Could you port the new guns from MWR (Bos14, fang45 and the prokolot) pls dad? :p
Reply By: elricos
Could you port the new guns from MWR (Bos14, fang45 and the prokolot) pls dad? :p
Reply By: NINJAMAN829
NINJAMAN829 Could you port the new guns from MWR (Bos14, fang45 and the prokolot) pls dad? :p Fang45 is comming (lennymeme)
Reply By: elricos
Fang 45 from MW:R is up :D | Preview in-game |
Reply By: Scorpiolo
Awesome one man, can you do the desert Eagle from mwr next?
Reply By: master935
Can you export M93 Raffica Akimbo from MW2? xdd
Thanks for all your other weapon exports
Reply By: elricos
I add the BOS14 from MW:R In-Game View
Reply By: D-2-K
I add the BOS14 from MW:R In-Game View
Reply By: itznvy
Great work ricos, keep it up!
Reply By: elricos
Added Honey Badger from Ghosts :D | Preview In-Game |, Next gun will be the AK-12 :B ... also i update the MTAR-X to 1.3 ver
Reply By: D-2-K
cheers dude :) looks great
Reply By: Mindmirror
Added Honey Badger from Ghosts :D | Preview In-Game |, Next gun will be the AK-12 :B ... also i update the MTAR-X to 1.3 ver
Reply By: Psh
LSAT or riot
Reply By: D-2-K
Ricos ....... Honey, I'm Home lmao pack a punched the gun and died from the zombies coz i was laughing so hard :)
great job man cheers again
Reply By: elricos
I add the AK-12 from Ghosts Preview In-Game, next weapon could be an LMG or a Sniper from IW :B
Reply By: M5_Prodigy
I add the AK-12 from Ghosts Preview In-Game, next weapon could be an LMG or a Sniper from IW :B
Reply By: ItsJasonn
Hey there,
The M1 Irons don't seem to work. Whenever I try to use it as a starting weapon I am getting a weapon called "Attachments here". Also when I try to give it to myself using '/give m1irons_zm' nothing happens.
None of the weapons work for me actually. I am getting the same problem for each weapon that I described above
Reply By: itznvy
Hey there, The M1 Irons don't seem to work. Whenever I try to use it as a starting weapon I am getting a weapon called "Attachments here". Also when I try to give it to myself using '/give m1irons_zm' nothing happens. EDIT:None of the weapons work for me actually. I am getting the same problem for each weapon that I described above
Reply By: elricos
Hey there, The M1 Irons don't seem to work. Whenever I try to use it as a starting weapon I am getting a weapon called "Attachments here". Also when I try to give it to myself using '/give m1irons_zm' nothing happens. EDIT:None of the weapons work for me actually. I am getting the same problem for each weapon that I described above
Reply By: Blazerhalo
Amazing work! Do ya think you can do the Kendall 44?
Reply By: M5_Prodigy
Amazing work! Do ya think you can do the Kendall 44?
Reply By: Blazerhalo
Blazerhalo Amazing work! Do ya think you can do the Kendall 44? Someone already ported that and with s public release.
Reply By: M5_Prodigy
M5_Prodigy Blazerhalo Amazing work! Do ya think you can do the Kendall 44? Someone already ported that and with s public release. Oh really? Do you think you cloud send me a link?
Reply By: elricos
I update some weapons to 1.3 Version and the rest need Ricos Gun Hotfixes.rar to have the 1.3 Version
Reply By: elricos
I add the TF-141 from Infinite Warfare :D | Preview In-Game
Reply By: D-2-K
dude do you ever sleep :) love it again thank you very much man
Reply By: elricos
I add the Vector CRB from Ghosts :D | Preview In-game
Reply By: M5_Prodigy
I add the Vector CRB from Ghosts :D | Preview In-game
Reply By: elricos
Added the M1 from IW :D | Preview In-Game
Reply By: elricos
Added Lynx CQ300 from MWR :D | In-game preview
Reply By: D-2-K
Many thanks Ricos this is awesome ........ May i ask what camo index your using in the vids whats the number (is it 75 by any chance ??)
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
UMP45 added n.n |
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
Hey El Ricos, do you think you can port the usp .45 from mw2. Please and thanks. Also I love the ports man, they are amazing!!!
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
El ricos! Please port this gun!
LV8 Basilisk
Damage: 100-150
PaP: Vibria's Spinal Tail
PaP Damage: 200-250
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
El Ricos! Port This Gun!
LV8 Basilisk - Vibria's Spinal Tail
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
El Ricos! Call of Duty WW2 is upcoming of November. Ricos! In November, work on these guns.
Damage: 120-150
PaP: Sergeant Bergmann
PaP Damage: 200-210
Lewis Gun:
Damage: 120-200
PaP: Dragão Azul
PaP Damage: 200-300
Damage: 50-100
PaP: Gentle Way
PaP Damage: 100-120
M3 Grease Gun:
Damage: 100-170
PaP: Mammuth
PaP Damage: 170-190
Reply By: Scorpiolo
El Ricos! Call of Duty WW2 is upcoming of November. Ricos! In November, work on these guns. MG15: Damage: 120-150 PaP: Sergeant Bergmann PaP Damage: 200-210 Lewis Gun: Damage: 120-200 PaP: Dragão Azul PaP Damage: 200-300 Lee-Enfield: Damage: 50-100 PaP: Gentle Way PaP Damage: 100-120 M3 Grease Gun: Damage: 100-170 PaP: Mammuth PaP Damage: 170-190 DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS!
Reply By: Scobalula
El Ricos! Call of Duty WW2 is upcoming of November. Ricos! In November, work on these guns. MG15: Damage: 120-150 PaP: Sergeant Bergmann PaP Damage: 200-210 Lewis Gun: Damage: 120-200 PaP: Dragão Azul PaP Damage: 200-300 Lee-Enfield: Damage: 50-100 PaP: Gentle Way PaP Damage: 100-120 M3 Grease Gun: Damage: 100-170 PaP: Mammuth PaP Damage: 170-190 DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS!
Reply By: The Black Death
ii_Rckyousoul El Ricos! Call of Duty WW2 is upcoming of November. Ricos! In November, work on these guns. MG15: Damage: 120-150 PaP: Sergeant Bergmann PaP Damage: 200-210 Lewis Gun: Damage: 120-200 PaP: Dragão Azul PaP Damage: 200-300 Lee-Enfield: Damage: 50-100 PaP: Gentle Way PaP Damage: 100-120 M3 Grease Gun: Damage: 100-170 PaP: Mammuth PaP Damage: 170-190 DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS! Dude you are nagging Rico to port specific weapons wayyyyy too much, you need to stop. Let the guy port what he likes ffs
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
Ricos! Port the following weapons to Black Ops 3:
Pack a Punch: Zilant's Raion
Pack a Punch Damage: 100-1200 Splash damage + 75% Explosive
Extras: Fires grenades with much higher damage, smaller magazine size, slower rate of fire
Type 95
Damage: 55-20
Pack a Punch: Necrokinesis of the Grim Reaper
Pack a Punch Damage: 200-1000
Extras: Heartbeat Sensor, ELO
Damage: 25-20-18
Pack a Punch: Chac & Coatlicue
Pack a Punch Damage: 30-24-19
Extras: Unknown
Damage: 50-24
Pack a Punch: The Unblockable
Pack a Punch Damage: 90-200
Extras: ACOG Scope, Foregrip
Damage: 88
Pack a Punch: Reflective Immutability of Cain
Pack a Punch Damage: 111
Extras: Unknown
Damage: 40
Pack a Punch: Shun Matsu
Pack a Punch Damage: 100-90
Extras: Grip, Red Dot Sight
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<td> </td>
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<td> </td>
Reply By: Mindmirror
Ricos! Port the following weapons to Black Ops 3: P99 Damage:49-17 Pack a Punch: Zilant's Raion Pack a Punch Damage: 100-1200 Splash damage + 75% Explosive Extras: Fires grenades with much higher damage, smaller magazine size, slower rate of fire Type 95 Damage: 55-20 Pack a Punch: Necrokinesis of the Grim Reaper Pack a Punch Damage: 200-1000 Extras: Heartbeat Sensor, ELO SAC-3 Damage: 25-20-18 Pack a Punch: Chac & Coatlicue Pack a Punch Damage: 30-24-19 Extras: Unknown Maverick Damage: 50-24 Pack a Punch: The Unblockable Pack a Punch Damage: 90-200 Extras: ACOG Scope, Foregrip Maverick-A2 Damage: 88 Pack a Punch: Reflective Immutability of Cain Pack a Punch Damage: 111 Extras: Unknown L86 LSW Damage: 40 Pack a Punch: Shun Matsu Pack a Punch Damage: 100-90 Extras: Grip, Red Dot Sight
Reply By: TrueGamerCalls
Ricos! Port the following weapons to Black Ops 3: P99 Damage:49-17 Pack a Punch: Zilant's Raion Pack a Punch Damage: 100-1200 Splash damage + 75% Explosive Extras: Fires grenades with much higher damage, smaller magazine size, slower rate of fire Type 95 Damage: 55-20 Pack a Punch: Necrokinesis of the Grim Reaper Pack a Punch Damage: 200-1000 Extras: Heartbeat Sensor, ELO SAC-3 Damage: 25-20-18 Pack a Punch: Chac & Coatlicue Pack a Punch Damage: 30-24-19 Extras: Unknown Maverick Damage: 50-24 Pack a Punch: The Unblockable Pack a Punch Damage: 90-200 Extras: ACOG Scope, Foregrip Maverick-A2 Damage: 88 Pack a Punch: Reflective Immutability of Cain Pack a Punch Damage: 111 Extras: Unknown L86 LSW Damage: 40 Pack a Punch: Shun Matsu Pack a Punch Damage: 100-90 Extras: Grip, Red Dot Sight
Reply By: The Black Death
Ricos! Port the following weapons to Black Ops 3: P99 Damage:49-17 Pack a Punch: Zilant's Raion Pack a Punch Damage: 100-1200 Splash damage + 75% Explosive Extras: Fires grenades with much higher damage, smaller magazine size, slower rate of fire Type 95 Damage: 55-20 Pack a Punch: Necrokinesis of the Grim Reaper Pack a Punch Damage: 200-1000 Extras: Heartbeat Sensor, ELO SAC-3 Damage: 25-20-18 Pack a Punch: Chac & Coatlicue Pack a Punch Damage: 30-24-19 Extras: Unknown Maverick Damage: 50-24 Pack a Punch: The Unblockable Pack a Punch Damage: 90-200 Extras: ACOG Scope, Foregrip Maverick-A2 Damage: 88 Pack a Punch: Reflective Immutability of Cain Pack a Punch Damage: 111 Extras: Unknown L86 LSW Damage: 40 Pack a Punch: Shun Matsu Pack a Punch Damage: 100-90 Extras: Grip, Red Dot Sight
Reply By: Wild
Ricos! Port the following weapons to Black Ops 3: P99 Damage:49-17 Pack a Punch: Zilant's Raion Pack a Punch Damage: 100-1200 Splash damage + 75% Explosive Extras: Fires grenades with much higher damage, smaller magazine size, slower rate of fire Type 95 Damage: 55-20 Pack a Punch: Necrokinesis of the Grim Reaper Pack a Punch Damage: 200-1000 Extras: Heartbeat Sensor, ELO SAC-3 Damage: 25-20-18 Pack a Punch: Chac & Coatlicue Pack a Punch Damage: 30-24-19 Extras: Unknown Maverick Damage: 50-24 Pack a Punch: The Unblockable Pack a Punch Damage: 90-200 Extras: ACOG Scope, Foregrip Maverick-A2 Damage: 88 Pack a Punch: Reflective Immutability of Cain Pack a Punch Damage: 111 Extras: Unknown L86 LSW Damage: 40 Pack a Punch: Shun Matsu Pack a Punch Damage: 100-90 Extras: Grip, Red Dot Sight
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. So, don't worry!
Reply By: Wild
Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. So, don't worry!
Reply By: Wild
Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. So, don't worry!
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
ii_Rckyousoul Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. So, don't worry! Dude I count that in the last 13 days you've demanded 12 weapons. Learn to port yourself for fuck sake. I'm so sick of looking at every weapon port and seeing you demand weapons every day. Just do it yourself.
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
Dude! Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. And then all of the sudden, Tito Pricus & Jdcobra1's weapon ports are not here. So, we have to find Jdcobra1, a mod user who is responsible for Atlas 45, LSAT, PKP Pecheneg, Kamchatka 12, & AMR9 and went missing. They have some f*cking weapons from f*cking Custom Guns Mega Pack! Here are these weapons from Custom Guns Mega Pack that were not in Modme:
I believe that these weapons were from Tito Pricus & a man (I don't know who made Kendall 44 & EMC).
Reply By: Wild
Dude! Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. And then all of the sudden, Tito Pricus & Jdcobra1's weapon ports are not here. So, we have to find Jdcobra1, a mod user who is responsible for Atlas 45, LSAT, PKP Pecheneg, Kamchatka 12, & AMR9 and went missing. They have some f*cking weapons from f*cking Custom Guns Mega Pack! Here are these weapons from Custom Guns Mega Pack that were not in Modme: I believe that these weapons were from Tito Pricus & a man (I don't know who made Kendall 44 & EMC).
Reply By: Harry Bo21
lsat in that mod is mine...
Reply By: Harry Bo21
further more - thats not how damage values work as youve already been told
nor can we just "port" heartbeat sensors and shit
and thats definitely not how that works either
and ww2 coming out soon - means litearlly nothing
They have some f*cking weapons from f*cking Custom Guns Mega Pack!
and the fact they ported their own guns, and allowed them to be used in a mod "they" decided - does not mean they "must" release them - ever considered they might be private?
Reply By: Scorpiolo
Dude! Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. And then all of the sudden, Tito Pricus & Jdcobra1's weapon ports are not here. So, we have to find Jdcobra1, a mod user who is responsible for Atlas 45, LSAT, PKP Pecheneg, Kamchatka 12, & AMR9 and went missing. They have some f*cking weapons from f*cking Custom Guns Mega Pack! Here are these weapons from Custom Guns Mega Pack that were not in Modme: I believe that these weapons were from Tito Pricus & a man (I don't know who made Kendall 44 & EMC).
Reply By: Scorpiolo
Noah Gamerscore
Wild ii_Rckyousoul Call of Duty WW2 is coming on November. So, don't worry! Dude I count that in the last 13 days you've demanded 12 weapons. Learn to port yourself for fuck sake. I'm so sick of looking at every weapon port and seeing you demand weapons every day. Just do it yourself. Jesus he is so needy. 12 demanded ports in 2 weeks. That's pretty crazy lol
Reply By: itznvy
Would anyone agree that it would be nice to have a block post option for specific users? Like you can make it where certain people may not post on your topics.
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
El Ricos! I have ideas on Call of Duty World War 2. You do not need to port weapons on November!
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
Would anyone agree that it would be nice to have a block post option for specific users? Like you can make it where certain people may not post on your topics.
Reply By: ii R3cKYOuRSOul x
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
El Ricos! I have my idea in the future of my dreams. I will make a map named "Polytechnic of Aether". It's a polytechnic school based map which was founded by Captain John Price because he had his victorious over Makarov.
Polytechnic of Aether:
Date: August27, 2017
Location: Captain Price Polytechnic Elementary & High School, Hereford, England
Team: Primis (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, & Richtofen)
Console Asset: zm_polytechnic
Mission Briefing:
Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, & Richtofen had teleported to Dimension 2300, a dimension of World War 3. Then, the four met Captain Price in his school until one day, the Dark Aether will threaten the school, causing it to be corrupted and Price is missing. Only the power of the four can find him now!
Reply By: TrueGamerCalls
El Ricos! I have my idea in the future of my dreams. I will make a map named "Polytechnic of Aether". It's a polytechnic school based map which was founded by Captain John Price because he had his victorious over Makarov. Polytechnic of Aether: Date: August 27, 2017 Location: Captain Price Polytechnic Elementary & High School, Hereford, England Team: Primis (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, & Richtofen) Console Asset: zm_polytechnic Mission Briefing: Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, & Richtofen had teleported to Dimension 2300, a dimension of World War 3. Then, the four met Captain Price in his school until one day, the Dark Aether will threaten the school, causing it to be corrupted and Price is missing. Only the power of the four can find him now!
Reply By: Wild
El Ricos! I have my idea in the future of my dreams. I will make a map named "Polytechnic of Aether". It's a polytechnic school based map which was founded by Captain John Price because he had his victorious over Makarov. Polytechnic of Aether: Date: August 27, 2017 Location: Captain Price Polytechnic Elementary & High School, Hereford, England Team: Primis (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, & Richtofen) Console Asset: zm_polytechnic Mission Briefing: Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, & Richtofen had teleported to Dimension 2300, a dimension of World War 3. Then, the four met Captain Price in his school until one day, the Dark Aether will threaten the school, causing it to be corrupted and Price is missing. Only the power of the four can find him now!
Reply By: Mindmirror
I'm confused, there are two people with basically the same name. Who is who xd
Reply By: Wild
I'm confused, there are two people with basically the same name. Who is who xd This annoying guy here is just a noname. the other one is a weapon porter with the second name "Jia909".
Reply By: itznvy
Yeah pretty much one's good, nice, and legit and the other is annoying
Reply By: elricos
El Ricos! I have my idea in the future of my dreams. I will make a map named "Polytechnic of Aether". It's a polytechnic school based map which was founded by Captain John Price because he had his victorious over Makarov. Polytechnic of Aether: Date: August 27, 2017 Location: Captain Price Polytechnic Elementary & High School, Hereford, England Team: Primis (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, & Richtofen) Console Asset: zm_polytechnic Mission Briefing: Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, & Richtofen had teleported to Dimension 2300, a dimension of World War 3. Then, the four met Captain Price in his school until one day, the Dark Aether will threaten the school, causing it to be corrupted and Price is missing. Only the power of the four can find him now!
Reply By: ByPsicoYT
ii_Rckyousoul El Ricos! I have my idea in the future of my dreams. I will make a map named "Polytechnic of Aether". It's a polytechnic school based map which was founded by Captain John Price because he had his victorious over Makarov. Polytechnic of Aether: Date: August 27, 2017 Location: Captain Price Polytechnic Elementary & High School, Hereford, England Team: Primis (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, & Richtofen) Console Asset: zm_polytechnic Mission Briefing: Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, & Richtofen had teleported to Dimension 2300, a dimension of World War 3. Then, the four met Captain Price in his school until one day, the Dark Aether will threaten the school, causing it to be corrupted and Price is missing. Only the power of the four can find him now! lol, port your own weapons xd ... how I block you from my post ?, regards
Reply By: HeX_Reapers
I'm going to guess there's a language barrier or something lol.
Reply By: Harry Bo21
I'm going to guess there's a language barrier or something lol.
Reply By: ii_Rckyousoul
Itznvy! According to me, some of the weapons of El Ricos (Bal-27, HBRa3, MTAR-X, & UMP45) have ELO for the pack a punch. El Ricos! How did you put the ELO from MP to Bal-27, HBRa3, MTAR-X, & UMP45?
Reply By: snprym
El Ricos! Do u see the custom bossfights in custom zombie maps? Here are the evolution of most popular-mission bosses except the first custom boss in Zeroy's A Christmas Carol. Alatreon: First Appearance: Monster Hunter Series Appearances: Ah-Peku, Orbit Health: 50% (1st Phase), 56% (2nd Phase), 45% (3rd Phase) , & 25% (4th Phase) Attacks: Tornado, Meteors, Flamethrower, & Supernatural Powers Keeper: First Appearance: Black Ops 3 Appearances: Elevation, Teotihuacan Health: 100% Attacks: Scythe, Dark Powers John Taylor/Nemesis Taylor/Evil John Taylor: First Appearance: Black Ops 3 Appearances: Pillars of Creation Health: 50% (Using BO3 Weapons & Custom Weapons w/ 115) Attacks: Meteors, Supernatural Powers I think Zindea's bosses only!
Reply By: Exofile
Dude what are you even trying to tell?
Reply By: Wild
snprym Dude what are you even trying to tell? Alright, let's get the post back on track.
Reply By: Harry Bo21
or at the very least maybe a staff member pm him and advise him to stop, as hes annoying just about everyone here lol
Reply By: Wild
Harry Bo21
or at the very least maybe a staff member pm him and advise him to stop, as hes annoying just about everyone here lol
Reply By: Loffers4
This is amazing!!1 HOWEVER, the sounds don't seem to work for the weapons. Have any idea to fix this issue?
Reply By: Noah Gamerscore
This is amazing!!1 HOWEVER, the sounds don't seem to work for the weapons. Have any idea to fix this issue?
Reply By: RarestFTW
when will there be more ports