Modme Forums

[Drag & Drop] Custom Camos 15: Nightmare115 and IceFire115 C

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: TheKillerey
I want to release now my new 2 Camos for you guys. Hopefully you enjoy it. And if you want your own custom camo pls let me know

If u are using my camos pls credit me!!!

Hopefully all rights for the forum post are correct

If you want to use this camo in a day map use: HDR = 10000 / 8 is for Night


// Mod edit, you forgot to close the download tag :P you use two [ download ] not [/download] at the end, fixed, please re-embed video


Reply By: Optomusprime22
What are the camos?


Reply By: LBGamingYT

Optomusprime22What are the camos?

Animated PaP camos. For some reason, they seem to only animate at night. Here's some previews of the camos since it's not there already.




Reply By: TheKillerey

Optomusprime22What are the camos?

Animated PaP camos. For some reason, they seem to only animate at night. Here's some previews of the camos since it's not there already.



Yeah thanks had no pics yet :) The camos will only work for night maps because treyarch coded it very badly


Reply By: ReKleSs

Optomusprime22What are the camos?

Animated PaP camos. For some reason, they seem to only animate at night. Here's some previews of the camos since it's not there already.



Yeah thanks had no pics yet :) The camos will only work for night maps because treyarch coded it very badly

How i add this cammos in to mi pap in mi map. I drag this files in to bo3 folder.

Thanks All credits for you


Reply By: TheKillerey

Optomusprime22What are the camos?

Animated PaP camos. For some reason, they seem to only animate at night. Here's some previews of the camos since it's not there already.



Yeah thanks had no pics yet :) The camos will only work for night maps because treyarch coded it very badly

How i add this cammos in to mi pap in mi map. I drag this files in to bo3 folder.

Thanks All credits for you

Create a weaponcamo in ape like this "camo_t7_custom_weapons_base121" you need a number on the end. Next change the base index of table to your number what you typed in the file name. for me 121. Use the material of a weapon that you want to replace and past it into "Base Material" and in replace your camo :) Now Copy the name of the weaponcamo and go to your custom weapon file (bulletweapon) (only packapunched!!!!) search for camo and paste the weaponcamo file in there and save and compile ^^ Works only for custom weapons. I try a way on how to change the pap camo to your camo but still getting errors xD Have fun


Reply By: Riku2988
Can u show us how to make a pap camo and how to make sure the gdt stays and doesn't disappear after saving and closing ape