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[Drag ‘n’ Drop] World at War Pack-a-Punch Camo(Maps/Weapons)

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: Collie
Hi all, today I present to you the original World at War Pack-a-Punch camo for public use. You can apply the material to your custom weapons, or make it the Pack-a-Punch camo for your map, it's up to you (Although I don't think it's set up for map use - I'm not a map maker so I am unsure as to how that is done).

Just drag-and-drop the contents of "Silver Etchings (WaW)" into your main installation folder and fire it up in APE. The GDT is called "collie_camo_silver_etchings" if you want to search for it. To use it on a custom PaP weapon, just use the material override box located in the model file for your weapon. Fill it out with either "camo_silver_etching" or "camo_silver_etching_metal_bumps" depending on where you want the two materials to appear on your weapon.

If you use it please give credit to me for it and to Tom Crowley ( for his XModel Exports tool.


A couple of comparison images:

More images here.


Reply By: Yetune :C


Reply By: Optomusprime22
The download link appears to be broken. If you could provide a fix that would be awesome!!! Really want to use on my map.


Reply By: Yetune

Optomusprime22The download link appears to be broken. If you could provide a fix that would be awesome!!! Really want to use on my map.


Reply By: Exofile
The download has now been fixed.


Reply By: Collie
Thank you Exofile, I knew the link was broken but it seemed to be broken on your side, so there wasn't much I could do.


Reply By: DTZxPorter

CollieThank you Exofile, I knew the link was broken but it seemed to be broken on your side, so there wasn't much I could do.

Clear your cache to fix the editor bug, also the paper icon on the right hand side of editor allows you to edit the source of your post.


Reply By: Collie
Apologies Porter, I know how to edit my posts, but since I couldn't see anything wrong with what I was inputting I assumed that it wasn't an error on my end. Thanks for making me aware of how to fix the issue for future posts.


Reply By: rossdaboss
what is the pap camo index number for this camo?


Reply By: Harry Bo21
Like many, he hasn’t used camo tables. He’s just provided you the material

id suggest using my camo table stuff then add this to the extra table I provided for custom camos and include it in your zone



Reply By: AUsernameLz443

Harry Bo21
Like many, he hasn’t used camo tables. He’s just provided you the material id suggest using my camo table stuff then add this to the extra table I provided for custom camos and include it in your zone material,mc/materialname

IF we could...


Reply By: D-2-K

Harry Bo21 Like many, he hasn’t used camo tables. He’s just provided you the material id suggest using my camo table stuff then add this to the extra table I provided for custom camos and include it in your zone material,mc/materialname IF we could...

But you can


Reply By: Scobalula

Harry Bo21 Like many, he hasn’t used camo tables. He’s just provided you the material id suggest using my camo table stuff then add this to the extra table I provided for custom camos and include it in your zone material,mc/materialname IF we could...

Please stop reviving old posts.