Modme Forums

[Drag & Drop] AGC’s Black Ops 2 Shader Pack [BO3]

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: Wild
<h5 style="text-align:center;">*This post is inactive. The shaders work fine but this post will no longer be updated. I will be creating a new post for my shaders soon. The post will include these BO2 shaders and custom shaders created by me!*</h5>

AGC's Black Ops 2 Shader Pack!

Now Includes Shaders For NateSmithZombie's Custom Power Ups!

Now Works With Harry BO21's Perks! (Second Download Link)

These go great with my Origins HUD! - CLICK HERE

NSZ's Custom Power Ups:

- Fast Feet -

- Time Warp -

- Bottomless Clip -

- Zombie Money -

- Random Weapon -

- Empty Perk Bottle -

- Zombie Blood -

*Nate's power ups are not required for this shader pack, just an addon*

<h4 style="text-align:left;"></h4>
<h2 style="text-align:left;">Harry BO21's Perks:</h2>

- Perks:

Previews of the shaders:

1st Image: Ingame preview of some of the perks.

2nd Image: Preview of every perk shader.

3rd Image: Preview of every power up shader.

4th Image: Preview of every one of NSZ's power up shaders (Made into BO2 style by myself, AGC).

5th Image: Shows the "before and after" images of the low resolution images that have been made to look higher resolution.


- I decided to go ahead and rip the shaders from Black Ops 2 and use them inside my map. I then made a custom BO2 styled deathmachine shader and then made BO2 stye shaders for NSZ's custom power ups. Download them now to use in your map!


- Instructions are included in the download.

- I provided the GDT files needed so if you are following a video tutorial on adding custom shaders you can skip everything that involves APE.

- Includes every perk from Black Ops 2!

- Now includes a custom BO2 Widow's Wine shader made by fusorf. This pack also includes every power up shader from BO2, including a custom made BO2 styled Deathmachine shader!

- Now includes custom made BO2 style shaders for NateSmithZombie's custom power ups, including his new Zombie Blood power up!

- Now includes support for when you are using Harry's perks!

- Now includes higher looking resolution images for the shaders that are only originally 32x32px!

- If you use these shaders in your map you MUST give credit following the "Credits.txt" included in the download.

- Most shaders in this pack are property of treyarch.

Extra Info:

- I am not sure yet if I will do shaders from Black Ops 1 or any other Call of Duty.

- I might create my own custom shaders in the future and create many shader pack's for people to download if they'd like to use them.

- Almost every shader in this pack is ripped straight from BO2 so they are the best quality I could get, however the shaders for phd, deadshot, whos who and tombstone were only 32x32px while they're supposed to be 64x64px, so those two shaders are a bit blurry but it's not that bad. (Higher resolution images are now included as of v1.7!)

- It is recomended that you fully reinstall if you are updating to the newest version of my shader pack if your current version that you are updating from is v1.3 or below. This is because some of the file locations have changed and the GDT files have been updated so it's best to fully reinstall when updating.

- If you make a tutorial on this shader pack you MUST provide a link to this Modme post! I will flag videos that don't provide a link to the OP in the description!


- AGC (Extracting images and putting the pack together)

- Harry BO21 (His amazing perks!)

- NateSmithZombies (Permission to make shaders for his custom power ups)

- fusorf for the custom BO2 style Widow's Wine shader!

- HitmanVere for his high quality shaders for Deadshot, PhD, Tombstone and Who's Who?

- Tom_BMX (Tools to extract the images from BO2)

- Treyarch (Original assets)


<h6> </h6>


(This download is only used when you are using Treyarch's perks, not Harry's!)



<h6 style="text-align:center;"> </h6>
<h1 style="text-align:center;">-{---Download---}-</h1>
(This download is only used when you are using Harry's perks!)



-{---Video Instructions by me (AGC)---}-

<h6 class="centerize-me" style="text-align:center;"> </h6>
<h3 style="text-align:center;">(This video only shows the stand-alone version, not the version used for Harry's perks!)</h3>


- 4/7/17 - Still V1.8 - Added support for Harry's perks! This is a seperate download for people using Harry's perks. It replaces his shaders with the ones from my pack.

- 3/17/17 - v1.8 - Added high quality shaders for Deadshot, PhD, Tombstone and Who's Who? thanks to HitmanVere

- 2/16/17 - v1.7 - Added higher looking resolution images I photoshopped for all shaders that were originally 32x32px. I also removed some items that were not necessary to have.

- 1/16/17 - v1.6 - Added the BO2 zombie blood shader for NSZ's zombie blood power up!

- 1/15/17 - v1.5 - Added a custom BO2 style shader for Widow's Wine, made by fusorf!

- 1/9/17 - v1.4 - Added shaders for tombstone and whos who! This pack now includes EVERY perk from BO2!

- 1/8/17 - v1.3 - Added BO2 style shaders for NateSmithZombie's custom power ups!

- 1/8/17 - V1.2 - Added every power up from BO2 including a custom made deathmachine shader since BO2 didn't have one.


Reply By: Wild

1/8/17 - Updated to v1.2 -


- All power up shaders from BO2, including Zombie Blood and a custom made BO2 styled Deathmachine shader!

- Included all the GDT files needed, which means you do not have to do a single thing in APE. Just follow 3 simple steps and you're done!

- Added a video tutorial in this post aswell as the install.txt in the download. Now if you are confused about anything you can watch my tutorial to show you exactly how to install the shaders!

- Rewrote the install.txt and Credits.txt so they are both easier to read and understand.

- Provided a teaser on what's to come in the next update ;) (AGC's Black Ops 2 Shader Pack v1.3 Coming Soon!)



Reply By: ReKleSs


1/8/17 - Updated to v1.2 -


- All power up shaders from BO2, including Zombie Blood and a custom made BO2 styled Deathmachine shader!

- Included all the GDT files needed, which means you do not have to do a single thing in APE. Just follow 3 simple steps and you're done!

- Added a video tutorial in this post aswell as the install.txt in the download. Now if you are confused about anything you can watch my tutorial to show you exactly how to install the shaders!

- Rewrote the install.txt and Credits.txt so they are both easier to read and understand.

- Provided a teaser on what's to come in the next update ;) (AGC's Black Ops 2 Shader Pack v1.3 Coming Soon!)


I have this error in launcher


Reply By: Wild


1/8/17 - Updated to v1.2 -


- All power up shaders from BO2, including Zombie Blood and a custom made BO2 styled Deathmachine shader!

- Included all the GDT files needed, which means you do not have to do a single thing in APE. Just follow 3 simple steps and you're done!

- Added a video tutorial in this post aswell as the install.txt in the download. Now if you are confused about anything you can watch my tutorial to show you exactly how to install the shaders!

- Rewrote the install.txt and Credits.txt so they are both easier to read and understand.

- Provided a teaser on what's to come in the next update ;) (AGC's Black Ops 2 Shader Pack v1.3 Coming Soon!)


I have this error in launcher

Ok so what happened here is you installed something that also contains shaders. The error where it says found in "BO3ROOT\source_data\custom\custom_shader_icons2.gdt" this shouldn't be here. This must have been installed from something else you tried adding to your map. To fix this error you need to delete that gdt all together or in APE go yo the custom_shader_icons2.gdt and rename every shader asset in the gdt to something new. I'd recomend adding _bk to the end of them all. But yeah the error is caused from duplicate image assets in those gdt's since you have that custom shader gdt installed as well when it shouldn't be there. Try doing what I said, recompile and test again and let me know :) Also let me know if you don't understand what I was saying...I'll try and reword it :)


Reply By: Wild

1/8/17 - Updated to v1.3 -


- Custom BO2 style shaders for NateSmithZombies' custom power ups!

- Anoounced v1.4, which will contain the shaders for Tombstone and Who's Who? since people are working on those perks for release!



Reply By: Wild

1/9/17 - Updated to v1.4 -


- Shaders for tombstone and whos who.

- Updated GDT files, new image files, new text to add to your zone file...please FULLY reinstall my shader pack for v1.4 to work properly!



Reply By: RudySPG

some of the icon are really low res, i have higher res pictures


Reply By: Wild


some of the icon are really low res, i have higher res pictures

I sent you a PM.


Reply By: fusorf

Nice to provide these !

also, here's my Bo2 widow's wine shader if you want to replace the soe one :)


Reply By: Wild


Nice to provide these !

also, here's my Bo2 widow's wine shader if you want to replace the soe one :)

Thank you :) I will in the next update :)


Reply By: Wild

1/15/17 - Updated to v1.5 -


- Custom BO2 style Widow's Wine shader made by fusorf!

- Announced on the post what will be included in v1.6



Reply By: Wild

1/16/17 - Updated to v1.6 -


- Zombie Blood shader from BO2 for NSZ's new Zombie Blood power up!



Reply By: natesmithzombies

Finally added a link to your post in my Powerups that use shaders. Nice work!


Reply By: Wild


Finally added a link to your post in my Powerups that use shaders. Nice work!

Haha, Thanks man!


Reply By: Wild

2/16/17 - Updated to v1.7 -


- Higher looking resolution images for the shaders that were originally 32x32px! I used a quick photoshop technique to make low resolution images look more sharp and clean.


- Items that were not nessasary to have, such as the Zombie Blood shader being in 2 different places when one of them doesn't even get used :/ Silly me, adding duplicate files xD



Reply By: Wild
3/17/17 - Updated to v1.8 -

- High quality shaders for Deadshot, PhD, Tombstone and Who's Who? thanks to HitmanVere!



Reply By: CaptainHT
What do i do if the zombie blood icon gdt wants to replace the power up gdt?

I can't change the names of the gdt's. :(


Reply By: Wild

What do i do if the zombie blood icon gdt wants to replace the power up gdt? I can't change the names of the gdt's. :(

I am not sure what you mean? There is not a new zombie blood GDT? All I did was replace the image used for NSZ's zombie blood. If that's what you're talking about than yes, replace it. Basically what I did is went into his GDT and replaced the image and them provided both the image and new GDT in the download. When installing them yes, replace the GDT. Don't change the names.


Reply By: Wild
4/7/17 - Still v1.8 -

- A new pack for these shaders that works with Harry BO21's perks! If you are using his perks and want these shaders, please use the second download, not the first one!



Reply By: GCPeinhardt
You should put this in the directions for Harry's Perks since they will not work correctly In game without this added to the zone.



Reply By: Wild

You should put this in the directions for Harry's Perks since they will not work correctly In game without this added to the zone. image,i_t6_specialty_quickreviveimage,i_t6_specialty_doubletap2image,i_t6_specialty_armorvestimage,i_t6_specialty_fastreloadimage,i_t6_specialty_deadshotimage,i_t6_specialty_phdflopperimage,i_t6_specialty_staminupimage,i_t6_specialty_additionalprimaryweaponimage,i_t6_specialty_tombstoneimage,i_t6_specialty_whoswhoimage,i_t6_specialty_electriccherryimage,i_t6_specialty_vultureaidimage,i_t6_specialty_widowswine

Thanks for the info. I haven't been working on this post lately because I am working on a whole new post that will have a ton of custom shader packs, including this one. So once that is ready i'll update it for that post. For now people can just use your reply and add it to the zone if needed. Thanks though, I was unaware of that.