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T5/T6 SEAnim Rig for World at War! (Alpha Stage)

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: SpeedBeam

This rig was made possible to be compatible with SEanims of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (IW3) through Advanced Warfare (S1) and Modern Warfare Remastered (H1) to World at War (T4) and Black Ops 1 (T5), considering SEanims are smoother than .mel, this rig is for you. There's no need for installation, all you gotta do is drop it anywhere, drag and drop it to your T5/T6 weapon and that's it. No need to do anything else, other than joining your weapon on the rig.

The rig's compatibility works successful, but there are some stuff to prevent a gun floating up when you put an idle anim. Here, we can see the rig in action with the M1911.

1. Open up tag_view, tag_ads, tag_torso, and when you find tag_weapon, drag j_gun to there.

2. Reposition j_gun to be where you want it to not be glitching out, this means if you don't do this which is heavily required, your gun will be up when you put the idle animations.

3. That's it! Now insert an idle anim and another anim to test, and it'll be smooth as butter. Not on this gif of course, my PC is crap.

If you don't re-adjust your gun to fit perfectly, this will happen.

Trust me, don't be that one guy who is lazy to adjust j_gun to fit perfectly for the SEanim to work. Happy smooth animation modding! :D

Credits due - Rollonmath42, for his viewhands that I found in one of his videos... re-adjusted them to make the textures work now, so yeah.
