Create 3 script_models (Entity Browser) (Recommend being some type of bottle(s))
Target each trigger to a model by clicking the trigger then the model and clicking 'W' should look like a red line connecting them like below.
Next create a script_struct (Entity Browser) and place it where you want the perk to spawn and give the kvps targetname - perk_drop
Lastly, create a new trigger_use (Entity Browser) and give it kvps targetname - perk_potion
This trigger will be where you "Brew" your free random perk.
And then Compile & Link your map and it should be loaded and work like in the video below.
EDIT: If you would like to make it give a specific perk replace perk_ee_logic with this new one:
Replace INSERT_PERK_NAME with a perk name below. specialty_armorvest - Jug specialty_quickrevive - Quick Revive specialty_fastreload - Speed Cola specialty_doubletap2 - Double Tap 2 specialty_marathon - Stamin Up specialty_ads - DeadShot specialty_grenadepulldeath - Electric Cherry specialty_extraprimaryweapon - Mule Kick specialty_widows_wine - Widows Wine
Reply By: durtybrown94
Reply By: Cowman
Works great
Reply By: mathfag Nice.
Reply By: XxFluFFyGoaT Is it possible to make it drop a specific perk? (eg. only makes Jugg)
Reply By: durtybrown94
XxFluFFyGoaT Is it possible to make it drop a specific perk? (eg. only makes Jugg)
I don't think you can with this script, its for "powerup drops" you can change "free_perk" to other drops like "full_ammo" and things like that. I did try to change the code to:
player zm_perks::give_perk( PERK_ADDITIONAL_PRIMARY_WEAPON, loc.origin);
UNRECOVERABLE ERROR: ^1SCRIPT ERROR: No generated data for 'scripts/zm/zm_test.gsc' ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_test.gsc (218,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Uninitialized local variable 'perk_additional_primary_weapon'
and got this error
Linker will now terminate. ********************************************************************************