Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Thread By: mathfag
I made the masher trap next to double tap in Der Eisendrache. It took me longer than I'd care to admit *cough cough 2 days cuz i fucked up and im lazy af cough*. It's a dran'n'drop folder but there are also some instructions in it for sound.
You can edit some paramaters like how many times is goes up and down, cost, cooldown and speed (how long it takes to go up or down)
If there are any problems feel free to ask.
Instructions for the newbs:
Paste the following into your zone file (usermaps/your_map/zone_source/
Paste this to the top of your your_map.gsc (usermaps/your_map_/scripts/zm/your_map.gsc):
#using scripts\_SDFM\zm_castle_gate;
and this in the same script but under function main(); under zm_usermap::main();
thread zm_castle_gate::init();
Reply By: mathfag
I just had to say how much I love this again. Thanks man +1
Reply By: cjgfrosty
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Nice job man, I really love when people release new traps. Looks good. Also It would be awesome if you could put exactly where you need to init. the script and how to call it in the zone file because a lot of people are not going to know how to do so. Just a friendly suggestion so more people will use it. I'm going to go squash some zombies with your trap now. Thanks for sharing man.
Reply By: clixdeath
Harry Bo21
FiveSeven Nice job man, I really love when people release new traps. Looks good. Also It would be awesome if you could put exactly where you need to init. the script and how to call it in the zone file because a lot of people are not going to know how to do so. Just a friendly suggestion so more people will use it. I'm going to go squash some zombies with your trap now. Thanks for sharing man. this is the kind of things you guys need to start "learning" and not just having it all done for you Init = the same EVERYTIME and something you should learn pretty quick How to add a asset, whether it be script or otherwise, to ZONE - also the same EVERYTIME not being an ass, but you NEED to know these things. Its practically like needing a door handles instrucions
Reply By: CraftDAnimations
Just tested this out on a blank map and as soon as I spawn in I die. Any idea what is causing this?
Reply By: steviewonder87
Looks good will try later
Reply By: mathfag
Just tested this out on a blank map and as soon as I spawn in I die. Any idea what is causing this?
thread zm_castle_gate::setup();